Steam Summer Sale Damage Reports

The sale is over.
What is the damage Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing because all the games were shit

Is Anno 1404 supposed to be played like a city builder with combat turned off?

nothing because the sale was shit


Less than 20 quid. I got Tropico 5, and a bunch of EU4 and CK2 DLCs.

Less money than a night out and I already enjoyed about 3 hours of Tropico, so I got my money's worth.

FUCK I am REALLY upset at Steam right now.

Why the fuck can the client not handle having more than 20 things in your cart at once? And if they're bundles, you are super fucked, have fun trying to check out with 5 bundles in your cart cause the client will fucking hang!

I couldn't even buy everything on my list because I had to individually take each thing out and then click it on my wishlist, then view store page, then add to cart a million fucking times


$224 USD. I feel sick.

why would you wait to the last second of a sale that lasted over a week you retard

Why did you want until the final 10 mins then?

Yes, with the added supply chain management.

About $7.50 total.

I think I did not too bad. This sale was better than last years imo

I have more money in my Steam wallet than I had before the sale.

I bought VtM: Bloodlines, and refunded atleast 10 game cause all of them were shit. Waiting for my refunds to go trough so I can put it towards a Denuvo protected game like Doom or some shit. This sale made me realise that buying games is for cucks.

>want to try game out
>buy it
>it's fucking shit, who woulda thunk it
>have to beg Valve for refund and wait for a day to get the money back

PC gaming is such a fucking meme holy crap.

Because I typically slowly assess what's on sale and add to cart and then buy it all on the last day, that's what the previous sales have conditioned me to do.

Plus I was waiting for my friends to get back to me with what they wanted

I started with this bullshit cart fuckery 4 hours ago, it takes fucking years

oh and I regret the Bloodlines purchase too, the game is actually pretty shit. Sup Forums meme'd me hard. I mean, the characters and setting are fucking great, but the gameplay is atrocious and worse than any HL mod made by one guy.

I still beat it in like 2 days though.

>steam sale goes up
>ohh neat, time to buy some stuff
>haven't bought anything except for the last 10 minutes
>it took steam 16 minutes to process my purchase since a large amount of people did it at the last moment
>I know that theres a weeklong deal after this for people like you


I feel a tad bit sick as well. I spent a little over $100. I'll be okay until next paycheck, though.

It's that bullshit frame bug on the purchase page, where it bundles up all the shit in little infinite frames that takes minutes to render, it's fucked if there's more than 20 things

Lakeview Cabin
Enter the Gungeon
Witcher 3+season pass
Door Kickers
Shadow Warrior
Deus Ex HR Director's cut
Slender the arrival
Impossible Creatures
Pathologic HD
The Park
Stories- it decided to switch it's resolution on it's own after my first play session to something my monitor doesn't support. There is no .ini and none or the normal ways to for resolution/windows mode work and despite there being multiple threads about the issue the devs only response has been "use the in game menu".
Surprisingly my refund went through super fast(24 hours) and I used the money to buy Underrail

>people waited half a year to buy some games at 30% off

Yeah I can afford it too. Just feels wrong spending all that money on Gaben's breakfast instead of starving children or something.

And now I have to wait 6 more fucking months to get fucked by the cart bug again, and my wishlist is still 150+, I at least got my mates their games and 100+ish for myself

I don't think people hold off buying games they really want to play. It's more along the lines of .. hey, look, this game's 50% off and I remember people saying it was quite good - might as well try it.

Stardew Valley
The Swindle
BattleBlock Theater
Devil Daggers

I had a party so I bought a lot of couch-multiplayer games to play on my steamlink
Move or Die
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Party Saboteurs

Nice pick up

I spent $10~ on Payday 2 DLC.

Am I retarded?


also, no point in buying drm shit

Axiom Verge
Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls 2
Waveform (some shitty 50 cent indie game)

all in all I'm pretty happy

Subnautica - very disappointing, just terrible performance, could be good in future.
Dust: AET - pretty fun, bit short but might play again.

hyper light drifter - 30fps.


>decided to buy everything at literally the last minute
>hangs on the processing transaction page for like 5 minutes
>finally says the purchase "may be" processed but to check my email and account status page
>assume the worst and refresh the page
>there's a pending transaction on my account now
>won't tell me what games are involved
>not even sure if the transaction involves post-sale prices or not
this is truly what I deserve, isn't it

is there really going to be a weeklong deal or is this just bait, user

I know this is all my fault, still

My issue with subnautia isn't the performance, it's that there is nothing to really do once you get a sustainable food/water/power source going.
Once you get a lantern tree or three going you never need to worry about anything.

same user

waiting anxiously for the result

>this sale
Nigga, youre fucking retarded.
You cant buy bundles as gifts anymore.
Sale prices were fucked all over the place.
No dailies
No flash sales
No community voting
Seriously. Valve are making it worse every year.

I got fez
it's good

>Alice madness Returns
>Thief 2
>Thief Deadly Shadows
>Hitman: Blood Money
>Penumbra Overture + Black Plague
>Stronghold HD
>Original War
>Max Payne 1&2
>Arx Fatalis
>Endless Legend DLC
>Abe's Exoddus
>Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
>Dungeon Siege
>Portal 2
>Serious Sam 2
>The Room
>Costume Quest 1&2
>Disciples 2
All under 43 yuro.

I'm in the same fucking boat, except I had been trying for hours, until I eventually had to remove everything from my cart and start all over and make tiny purchases at a time to avoid crashing.

Now I missed out on half of the sale because the client can't even handle buying multiple things at once.
It's bullshit and I am mad.

Gothic 2
Grim Dawn
Factorio (wasn't actually discounted)
Transformers Devastation
Crysis 2 (refunded)
Orion (refunded)
Binary Domain
Pain Killer Black Edition

Mainly went for games that would have a good amount of time spent in them, others just for fun. Kind of feel like I spent too much money but haven't bought anything in a sale for a year

i got Brigador, Europa Universalis 4 and bioshock 1, and a friend of mine got me duskers.

Beyond earth + rising tide
Hand of Fate
Last Word
Expeditions: conquistador
Fallout: Tactics

true that, performance can be fixed, but there's about 5 hours of content here at a push.

Do you think DD will go down in price within the next year? I might return it and buy it again later because it was a bit of a last-minute impuse buy

You guys should use the website to buy and not the client. It doesn't have the same issues.


Where is the list of games purchased on steam again? not the library, but the place where you can see prices like here I thought it was under account but I can't it.

post yfw you bought nothing

It is under account there is a link to view purchase history.

Are you sure?
I tried using a browser (granted, it was Chrome) at my friend's store to do shit and it still had the infinite frame box bug. It locked up the whole browser and had to end it's process

The sale lasted a week and a half, and we knew since before day 1 that there would be no flash sales or price changes. If you waited until it was too late, that isn't Gaben's fault. I purchased carts full of games multiple times, on days 1, 2, 4, and one final game yesterday. No problems on my end, outside of the slowdown day 1.


Manage to keep my expences under $50 from a $100 budget, even though my wishlist had over $300 in games.
Not sure if it's just an impression, but the discounts this summer were a bit underwhelming.

I think I spent about twenty, maybe thirty.

Honestly, without the dailies and the community voting, there was little reason to wade through the massive amount of shovel ware to find gems. I got some bundles for the pay2emulate Gensis game, Grandia II, and the HD remake for the N64 Star Wars game. I am clearly at that point in my life where I just want to replay games from my childhood, it seems.

Also I downloaded that vampire stripping Otaku game because I saw it was on sale but I didn't want my steam friends to know my shame.

I only bought Men of War Assault Squad 2 desu
Still a fun game

seems I was wrong, you can view transaction status at

should tell you whether or not your transaction went through with the actual sale prices or not at least, dunno how to actually make the purchase go through, though

It's never given me problems like the client has. How many games did you have in your cart?

Thanks lads
How did I do?


Spent about $55, broke my rule of no more than 3 games per sale (got three times that).

yeah, refunds are good now specifically because they don't have to deal with the bullshit that comes with thousands of retards refunding a game and saying "It's on a flash sale now, I want to refund it and buy it again!" every time a flash sale starts. Now refunds are for people who actually WANT refunds, which is how it should be.

>people waste 30%+ of their money

>Risk of Rain
>Shovel Knight
>Invisible Inc.
>Stardew Valley

pretty good taste/5

I have no mouth is fantastic.

I know about the sale dates, but it takes a long time to sift through 200+ items.
I like to make my purchases in a single bundle so it's easy to budget shit on statements.

About 200 items, many were bundles so like 400+ games/soundtracks/artbooks/whatever


Homeworld got a new game?

Shadowrun isn't that great outside of P&P but that adventure game is good. Underdale is nice also.

Not bad/10

Ouch. Yeah I've never approached trying that many. How much was it going to cost you for it all?

It's a good game, if you want to play it you might as well do so and treat yourself. If you want to gamble saving up to $10 by waiting half a year or a full year, you can. Most likely the sale for Winter/next summer will be another 5% or 10% off, I wouldn't expect a huge difference.

My transaction went through, just wait a bit longer, do not touch the client

Also, look at the discounts on right now. Most of them are from the summer deals. Look around, kotomine.

It was almost exactly $1,000 for the stuff for me, and like $100 for the stuff I'm giving to friends

Granted, it was my biggest Steam cart to date, but I've bought 200+games at once during other sales without issues or lag at all

>about 200 items
Every day I praise God that I'm not quite this far gone yet

only 10 bucks! And 3$ I got from selling cards. I got shadowrun Hong Kong and Speedrunners. Haven't played Hong Kong yet but Speedrunners is pretty fun, I was a bit hesitant because of all those youtubers playing it but it's actually good. Like a platformer mariokart.

D-did I do ok senpai?

Also bought fable anniversary. Only payed 9 bucks.

It may seem excessive, okay, maybe it is but I typically only buy things on sale, and I buy things for my friends too.
Plus PC is basically the platform where I spend over 90% of my time. I also make a lot of money, that's only 2 or 3 days work

If you're trying to buy 200+ things at once you need to come earlier than the final call, that applies to everything from real retail stores to digital goods.

My carts of 30 or so games at a time had no problem, if you seriously want to get massive amounts all at once you just gotta give the system plenty of time to process all that shit. You CAN buy 200+ things in one cart, but the system isn't made for that and it's certainly normal for it to take a while to process hundreds of purchases all at once.

Have you ever regretted a purchase before you even have played it?


I had been trying with that cart for about an hour and half, at one point I gave it like 40 minutes where it just hung on "Working..."

The process was stuck at 13% CPU and like 20 MB of RAM the whole time, it wasn't doing anything

steam seems to confirm the transaction is pending, but I did check that from inside the client by going to that page

I haven't logged out or anything; I think I'm just going to leave the client up for now for another couple hours, see what happens - you think I should do something else, am I screwed, etc.?

red orchestra uno

wanna get good at dustforce rn lads hit me with your best tips

That was a fun game, but it's a game that hinges on solid teamwork. Unlike other games where a shit team can be carried by one person if they're good enough, you're straight fucked if you have even one person who doesn't know what they're doing.

rate my one and only purchase, Sup Forums:

Shadow of Mordor GOTY for $2.49

>giving money to niggers

>Darkest Dungeon
>Stories: Path of Destinies
>Shadow of Mordor GOTY for -90% on an external site

I'm pretty happy, I'll be occupied with these until the next sale

i only bought dragon's dogma since it's received a great amount of praise along with one of my friends having played it extensively; hoping i'll enjoy myself

was maybe going to buy E.Y.Ǝ as well but i'm kind of sick of the source engine and it looks like a meme game

stardew valley
binding of isaac rebirth
metal slug 3
euro truck simulator 2 dlc
civ 5 dlc

Nope. Just wait it out. I had this before last year I almost payed a hundred euros but I waited like 30 minutes because there was a big ass queue surging their sales at the last possible moment. seems like valve upgraded their hardware

We weeaboo now

What's it take to be your friend?

>Shadow of Mordor GOTY for -90% on an external site

ayy what

Did you wait until the final call for those other sales? There was probably a ton of people waiting for final call this time, since there are no flash sales like the previous sales had. This was probably the largest "final call" group for any steam sale, given that we all knew there was no flash sales or price changes.

>implying having every sale up all the time during the sale is not a drastic improvement

Yeah I totally loved that when I slept/worked over a flash sale for a game that I really wanted

If you want to spend it on charity work, do so with organizations where the money will be put to good use and wont be squandered or trickeld away.

Neat, my list is identical to yours.

Why didn't you just buy the things right away? You sound like an idiot.

instantgaming, it's still up for 4.80€

This, I can't the stand the fucking anxiety of it, just pirate if 50% off isn't enough for you

>started 4 hours ago
you had days, mate.

Clannad as the daily sale is nice. Steam needs more weeaboo, maybe in the future we can get tits in games on steam.

Eh,not much. Just refunded Worms Revolution because half of the weapons are DLC-only.