Be honest Sup Forums, did you ever play this game? We're all anonymous here

Be honest Sup Forums, did you ever play this game? We're all anonymous here.
If so, when did you start and if you're not playing anymore, when did you quit and why?

Preseason 1 until about a month ago.

Iceborn Sunfire meta was the most fun I've had in this game and now that that's gone I'm not sure what to do anymore.

Played it with a friend or two. It was quite enjoyable working together. When that fizzled out, there was simply no incentive to continue playing the same thing over, and over, and over again.

I don't know season numbers, but I started playing right when Rumble was released, and I quit when Yasuo came out

I switched to Dota for a bit, and then after a couple years of playing dota I now play neither

Played it for two days under the pressure from friends.

Enjoyed it - but it was toooo simple for me - I pictured out that with enough practice and learning every single hero - I would just be a good player but waste hours on something which I find too simple for my taste, and I don't know not so much appealing.

Back then I was also playing WoW alot - mostly arenas 3v3 at high ratting bracket - and that was somewhat more decent pvp.

been playing it since beta
then bought HoN but return to LoL around Nasus release

I played about 5 bot matches with some friends and the controls and gameplay were so boring that we dropped it immediately and only once in a blue moon to remind ourselves how boring it it.

Then we picked up smite and proceeded to destroy everyone because we could actually aim.
Smite is literally a straight upgrade to this shit game unless you suck at aiming.

Started playing on season 2 and dropped it last year
It just gets shittier every update, I'll think about coming back if they make some kind of legacy servers

i mean its ok but the runes/masteries thing is confusing unnecessary bullshit.

i have made so much money eloboosting it is insane. it is comparable to s4-s9 mmr boosting on wow.

the game has been absolute dogshit since end of s3, the only thing it has going for it is how many players it has.

I tried it because I like competitive games (especially with shit that has laddering and ELO ratings) but I just can't get into ASSFAGGOTS. I've really tried. But they're like everything wrong with Warcraft III but with a bunch of children screaming instructions and rage quiting.

I stopped playing when they released that SJW champion with moai nose and monkey eyebrowns

I haven't played a single minute of any moba.

Played it for a month.
Got to lvl 30, people were still as shit as lvl 1.
Found out about dota 2, never looked back.

Since season 2 or 3.
Have been and still will only play with at least 2 people in a group of my ~5 friends

I started when Jinx was first released

I play it now, but I've been playing other games a lot more now

Yeah for a while and I actually found it really fun, it's just the terrible community that drags it down

If you don't get this non-Jap shit out of my face

>Smite is literally a straight upgrade to this shit game unless you suck at aiming.
>replace 80% of the depth, positioning, and ability variety with giant hitbox 2D projectiles that are easier to land than anything in even the most casual shooters
>lol it's a straight upgrade I swear!!

Smite is just a gimmick game, nothing else. It's got an appeal as like a "hey I wonder what LoL would be like with a behind the back camera and directional movement" thing but beyond that it's really not something anyone should be taking seriously.

Never played it since I don't have an interest in MMOs without anime art styles.

Yup, recently quit again after my deathadder died and I bought a new mouse.

Can't switch my left an right click and don't want to relearn how to play

Played it, at first i hated it, i was into DotA1 back then

Gave it another chance and i liked it because it was easier to get into than DotA at the time, especially since i'm not fond of mechanics like creepstacking, blocking or denying

Stopped after realising i was more angry at the game than having fun with it thanks to ranked. I cannot play normals because it feels like i've done nothing for 40 minutes. At least in ranked i could see the numbers go up, for me, it meant something

It spilled out some good waifu-material.
Other than that it's bullshit.

I play only once per month anymore at max, unless my friends beat me to it because they need a fifth player

I played since the first Halloween event, a bit before they announced Fizz I think. I always hated the summoner spell system (especially flash) and gradually grew to hate everything else about the game more and more but I was addicted and it was basically the only way to have a social life at my uni. I quit and returned on and off for a few years and finally kicked it once they released the Malzahar rework, I literally ran out of fucking characters that they haven't ruined via a "rework" so there's no reason to play. I've been clean for over 3 months and it feels great.

I picked up Dota about 6 months into all this and still play it here and there today, nowhere near as much as I used to though

no. I did try dota 2 though.
i played some segments of the tutorial/singleplayer, then i got bored and jumped in a match.
hitting mobs on the head for half the match and occasionally try and run/teleport at the enemy only to watch him run away under his turret got boring fast.

>hitting mobs on the head for half the match and occasionally try and run/teleport at the enemy only to watch him run away under his turret got boring fast.
Any game is boring when you don't know how to play it yet.

Esports, Koreans, and dynamic queue killed it. Just let it die.

I play it because my friends do
It's ok, I wish I could get them to play Dota instead though

Yes, I wasted nearly 3 years on this shit.

I started in season 2. Gave it a chance in season 3. In season 4 problems weren't improved, balance was still shit, matchmaking was still shit, community was still shit, and Riot did jack shit about it as they care only about the skins. So I dropped it.