Is Doom 4 any good?
Is Doom 4 any good?
It has the best campaign I've played in over 10 years. Multiplayer is being worked on, as is snapmap. It's 35 bucks on Steam right now.
Eh I already played it on Xbone but is it worth it to buy it again so I can play with mouse and keyboard
It's a tedious and repetitious Glory Killing fest in endless lock-down combat arena rooms, that are there to hide the very limited max enemy count on screen.
D4 is full of modern crap, the most annyoing being not only one, but THREE upgrade trees & level-up systems.
Plot and exposition isn't crammed down your throat, except when the game literally sit you down to watch a legit fucking cutscenes.
Enemies are totally not a threat thanks to the GKs, and Chainsaw being a 1-hit insta-kill tool that fully refills your ammo and HP.
It's a schizophrenic mess with severe identity crisises, which people now only THINK means "oldschool". Especially the MP is a prime example of this shit, and you're just delusional, low-standard moron to think that the SP would be either perfect, or ANYTHING like Doom.
>It has the best campaign I've played in over 10 years.
You should play more games, son.
Xbone is apparently getting mouse and keyboard support in the coming months. I would hold off on that.
Pretty much this. Although I'm basing it in a 15 minute demo, for me that got repetitive and it was endless melee mashing.
Alright, in terms of FPS campaigns, what has come out in the past 10 years that is better?
Its ok.
The gameplay is pretty good, but it could be faster and many enemies take far too long to kill.
And you get locked into an arena to fight some eneimies that spawn.
And there is way too much modern bullshit.
But its an ok game.
Pick it up once it drops to 20$.
This guy is being a tremendous faggot, Doom 4 is good, but Wolfenstein was better.
I wish I had it on PC though.
Can't beat it on Ultra Nightmare with dual analogs feels bad.
I'm still waiting for the crack
Love the entire series. Still own my hard copy of Doom 3.
Its a damn shame that D44M has denuvo.
The gameplay is damn fun, with some modding it could be great.
Shorten the glory kills animations, get no ammo from them, but let them trigger earlier, so it becomes a tool to kill big enemies, instead of just a glorified health regeneration.
Buff health and ammo pickups and increase the maximum ammo.
And remove all that upgrading.
And reduce the glory kill teleporting range a bit.
The movement speed could also use a small boost.
And you got a pretty good game.
The single player is good
Multiplayer is crap but who cares about it? Really
It's great. Multi is shit, and the reasons why it's shit won't be fixed by id, but the singleplayer is ten-twelve hours of greatness. More if you like finding secrets or higher difficulties.
Apparently, glory kills are discouraged once you get to higher difficulties.
In ultra violence and nightmare most enemies can kill you in one or two hits, and since glory killing doesn't automatically pick up the health , it slows you down and makes you extremely open to getting hit
>Doom 3
Wolfenstein TNO, STALKER.
Hope they get rid of the glory kill system and that cringeworthy fanfiction garbage of the ''Doomslsyer''
>Doom purists keep spouting that DOOM 64 is better
>Download it
>Good game but nothing on new DOOM
Fuckin nostalgiafags
>casual thinks his '''''opinion''''' matters
No story, no glory kill garbage, it's automatically superior.
It's a wannabe horror game like DOOM 3
>doom 64
>horror game
It's as much as nudoom.
I honestly don't understand people's beef over Doom 3. Am I the only one that had fun going through the campaign?
The weapons were so satisfying, the shotguns specifically.
Doom 4 weapons feel like airsoft toys in comparison.
well tbf it's a 7/10 game
It lacks thrash metal, and is full of dark lighting. It's trying to be a horror game as opposed to how DOOM 1 and 2 were.
Well, doom 4 gave us electronic low garbage instead of metal.
Also, it felt like the entire game had literally one track composed of a 10 second loop.
This feels like a copy pasta of autism.
Yes, the game isn't perfect.
I found the biggest flaw is definitely the level design, the lock down arenas and lack of enemies outside of them is kind of tiresome, but the combat itself is fun enough to overcome this rather noticeable issue.
People whining about the chainsaw and glory kills probably haven't even played the game.
You don't get so much chainsaw fuel that you can just laugh off every enemy and glory kills only happen when you do enough damage to an enemy.
It's perfectly okay to not like the game and I can understand why DOOM fanboys are upset with it but you sound like a retarded baby when you come up with such bullshit reasons to hate it.
It's obvious no new DOOM is ever going to satisfy your autism.
I'll be that guy.
It's a good "spaceman shoots demons with big guns" game; but it's not Doom. When I saw "Low Health" on my HUD; my heart sank.
I'm glad I got it as a gift.
I'm just glad I bought a key instead of giving my money to devs.
This isn't Doom.
>When I saw "Low Health" on my HUD
you can turn that off, and loads of other things on your hud as well, including the flashing brutal melee indicator
It's okay, but heavily flawed.
"Glory kills" are shit and disorientate you by moving the camera so much all over the place. It's not very good.
It's usually just a bunch of dudes in a room that you're locked in (sometimes) and then you proceed onto the next area.
The chainsaw is odd and turns enemies into pinatas.
Oh and like all modern "retro" shooters it has a weird skill tree upgrade system thing that's all over the place and messier than the guac bowl salesman.
Also some enemies seem to just be bullet sponges and there's also the shield guys where you're meant to use a grenade or something and that makes them lose the shield but it's really inconsistent and the game doesn't explain things properly.
Oh! The cutscenes! Every since half life 1, every game does these, but Doom 4 does it in a really terrible way. The game takes you and basically forces you to stand there doing nothing while the game throws what's basically a shitty unskippable cutscene at you, apparently someone at id thought that people would care about the story. But the story is shit and uninteresting and nobody cares.
It's a schizophrenic bipolar mess.
>instead of metal
>literally one track
>10 second loop
How are they fixing multiplayer?
That's the impression it left on me.
>Rip and Tear
Why is everything about this thing all cringeworthy fan ducksucking?
Feels like a game made by Doom fanboys rather than an actual Doom.
Are you retarded?
the soundtrack in this game sucks
it's loud, unfitting and just adds more white noise to what's already a lot of messy white noise.
it's like it's trying to be "epic" but it just ends up being like an edgelord from the 90s who never grew up properly so they're still in their metal phase.
>edgelord from the 90s who never grew up properly so they're still in their metal phase.
Thats what Doom is.
>baaaw we got no metal
>baaw we got metal
You faggots literally just want to complain. I doubt any of you played the original Doom games.
yes, but games are meant to move forwards, their sequels should jump off from where the original game was, not just do the exact same thing.
doom 3 jumped off from 1 and 2 nicely
4's just 10 steps back
It's gotten a lot of hype around here but i'd put it at 7/10. Too many areas are just walking from point a to b without any demons in them.
Doom 3 jumped off just like you wanted and all of Sup Forums hated it.
I liked it.
Sup Forums just hates everything because people like to be contrarian
If you bothered to actually play the game, you'd know that the chainsaw is really only worth as either a last ditch kill button or to get a quick ammo refill from a grunt given that using it on a Hell Knight and similar medium enemies takes 3 fuel, and a Baron or Mancubus takes a whopping 5, and fuel is hardly common at all.
Plus Glory Kills at times actually are dangerous since the instant you exit out of one, you're still and can easily be ganked by a stray imp fireball that easily takes more than you would have gained.
>Sup Forums cant pirate it so they trash the game
Every time
Gotta love how instead of accepting people have different opinions you have to make up excuses to justify people thinking differently.
Its literally impossible to dislike NuDoom so must be a troll.
Didn't dislike it, it was just meh, and it's not a game i'm going to replay.
Really forgettable.
just because you liked a game doesn't mean that everyone else has to like it too.
are you autistic?
yeah this sadly. I refunded it after 3 hours of play. Shit you not they still refunded it.
worse than Sup Forums says. got bored mid game and dropped it.
You know, if you don't like glory kills, you can just disable the highlighted staggering and shoot them to kill. The only enemies you'll have to go up to are the bosses, which there are only 3 and all are satisfying to do especially the last one.
It's pretty darn fun but it gets stressful after an hour or so and I have to put it down. The sound effects are unsettling (lots of screams, howls, and death rattles) and it never gives you a break from the action.
It feels a lot more like the original series than Doom 3 did. Reminiscent of the Flood levels from the first 2 Halo games with low level enemies pouring out from every corner while you're trying to run and gun around the harder enemies.
>plays the game for 17 hours
>"f-f-fuck this game it's shit"
>opens game and plays more
>just ignore the only decent way to regenerate health
Just fuck off
Healthpacks are pretty useless in D44M and you know it.
The only thing I can gather from this shotposting thread is that the guys who are calling this gane trash, haven't actually played it.
Every cutscene but ONE is 15 to 30 seconds at the most, and they're just to introduce new enemies or the bosses. The longest cutscene is when you're in Hayden's office for exposition, and that is only like 2 minutes.
>Glory kills
What the fuck is everyone complaining about with these? Sure, they are a bit too long, but you can get a rune stone to decrease the glory kill time, or you can just not do them
That is literally the entirety of the first Dooms, and you're a goddamn idiot if you think otherwise
>Enemy Count
I'll have to give you this one, the game could definitely use more enemies at a time
>Upgrade Tree
There's three types
All are well organized and add to the game
>Chain saw
Literally an ammo box that you don't get much fuel for
You have literally no solid arguement besides enemy count
>Complain healing is too easy
>You can disable it
>Complain is too hard now
You have the grenade that saps health, they still drop health even if you shoot them, and you can pick up packs and armor easily.
I can't fathom why you would think punching demon's shit in isn't fun.
>getting hit in the first place
>Cant evade attacks
But I thought you were a super hardcore original Doom player user :^)
vee in a nutshell
"Doom Purists" claiming that DOom 64 is better are faggots that aren't old enough to have played the originals. Doom 64 is not a bad game but it's also fairly mediocre for a Doom game.
I can't really tell if you're triggered by the game and like it, or if you have a medical problem about the stimulation happening
>same autistic copypasta every doom thread
some people are dedicated
game is fine
I played the campaign once and played the multiplayer for about 5 hours.
You want me to judge a game without finishing it?
It was a boring game, but people were praising it, so I kept going, hey, maybe it got gud sometime, but I was expecting that moment until the credits came.
I tried the multiplayer and I was baffled when I found fucking loadouts and the customization and ''taunt'' shit from goddamn Cowadooty.
Don't know what I bought, but i'm glad the $25 I paid for the key didn't go to Bethesda.
>play the demo
>shit on it
>finish the game
>shit on it
Why is the nuDoom fanbase so insecure and incapable of accepting different opinions?
You obviously liked the multiplayer if you played it for 5 hours. I loved new Doom and only touched the multiplayer for 15 minutes because of how awful it is.
oh wow, so truth is you're really bad at the game huh ?
also play on nightmare and try to spam glory kills faggot
>one level representative of an entire mode
We all thought the game was gonna be shit before it came out because of the multiplayer; the reason people praise it is for the great campaign mode. And who subjects themselves to something they hate for hours without refunding it? If a game is shit in the first 3 hours, it'll probably remain that way until you finish it. That's what the refunds are for.
No, a multiplayer I love I play it for maybe 50 hours at least, I don't do two sittings of little more than 2 hours and then drop it.
It's not a game that makes me want to go back.
Those 17 hours are throughout 3 days, never played it again, felt the same as playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, played it for 11 hours until I finished the campaign, and I forgot about it.
>And who subjects themselves to something they hate for hours without refunding it?
As I said, I bought a CD key, I couldn't refund it.
It's a shame, but it was only $25 and that way I ensure that I don't support devs who make games I do not like.
It's bad and Sup Forums has been praising it as a return to form, showing this huge desire to have been part of the FPS era, wrapped in an unfortunate lie (these people were not part of the FPS era)
It doesn't play like any Doom, it doesn't even play slightly lik ean id software game. This is totally confusing to me because Rage still had the id software feel, but I guess the Wolf games didn't and that's where we are going.
It's basically Painkiller 3. It's just not good. Multiplayer was far better than single player but everyone shit it on both rightfully and ignorantly
I was reasonably excited about it and gave up after 3 levels. It just isn't fun.
What if a single cent of that $25 went to id? What would you do then?
Not likely considering most CD keys are just keys that some slav stole from a store or something.
At least I hope so.
> Multiplayer was far better than single player
Nice bait
Yes. The Campaign is fantastic.
And as casual and not doom as it is I actually like the multiplayer.
It's just a clearly uninspired game by devs who obviously had no idea what they were doing.
It's obvious they rebooted the original Doom 4 which was just Call of Doom and had absolutely no idea what to do, so they just saw what was popular at the time, which was Brutal Doom, and based it on it.
Not to mention the sound design is quite awful, specifically weapon shots, making them feel like airsoft guns, instead of actual weapons.
This is an aspect that Doom 3 excelled at, except the assault rifle, all weapons felt powerful, specially the shotguns.
how can you call the multiplayer casual and not doom but the single player fantastic?
i think doom is pretty much the most casual feeling game i've ever played
lockdown arenas and executions ruined this game. yet another in the string of id software games ruined by consoles
you know, i actually bought this for $'ll be the last time.
You realize that the keys are just retail copies bought in bulk and where they are cheap?
The devs still get some cash.
I refunded it.
If they make a sequel:
>absolutely no story, forget about all those runes of some demon talking about Doomslayer or whatever
>get rid of glory kills
>change weapon animations and sounds to make weapons feel meaty and powerful
>use a more varied color palette, the overuse of white and grey, orange and yellow and brown made all levels easily forgettable
I'm not 'triggered' but the constant blood and gore and screams just get to me after a while and I need a break. I don't play video games often anymore so I guess I'm not as desensitized to it as y'all are.
>not liking BFG division.
You gay, dude.
You do realize most CD keys are bought with stolen credit cards, right?
The places where those keys are so cheap are not even from the same region of the USA and EU stores.
Why are you implying there's any difference between soundtracks?
They all sound the same.
Plus i'm not that much of a virgin to listen to soundtracks outside of those games.
>post an opinion
>get told its shit its shit its shit and get a blog about how you refuse to pay money for products
>You do realize most CD keys are bought with stolen credit cards, right?
a fraction of a percent.
please stop needlessly hyperbolating things you don't understand or have a very narrow understanding of. do you think any industry would exist in which a majority of transactions are fraudulent? *really*?
The classic Doom fanboy pandering was cringeworthy all the way throughout the game.
It's fucking laughable how they were basically begging to be liked by classic Doom fans.
Really sad, and it really lacks personality.
It's just a cringeworthy, Just Cause 3-tier at making a ''''''''''''badass''''''''''' game.
Yes because most people don't trust CD key sites, I mean, there are retards who still buy from Steam sales even though they've been garbage ever since they got rid of flash sales.
Kill yourself.
it just felt not doom not id instantly because i couldnt at any point go "ill go get that health box i left back here"
i really didnt think the new game design of enemies spurting items was gonna be bad, but i also didnt think the game took place in lockdown arenas
the arenas completely ruin the game, if they could patch them out it'd be fun
Ughh, like, could you NOT?
I mean, it's 2016.
why do you think i care if you police how i type? ive been on the internet longer than you have been alive, literally
Take a shot how many times the word "cringeworthy" comes up in this thread
It's probably the same fucking people spewing shit about how bad the plot is to scare people away from a really fun game they can't pirate.
Kinda fucking pathetic really.
Bought it along with Just Cause 3.
What a fucking waste of 50 dollars.
I had fun with it.
I expect to have a bit more fun with the mod that puts the weapons and mechanics into classic doom, as well.
See my post in
Why is the nuDoom fanbase so unique?
Why do you have to make up excuses in your head instead of just accepting that people can have different opinions?
Why is it so hard to understand?
i dont use shit like that and i think this game was trash and shouldn't be bought
a lot of you just have no idea what an actually fun fps feels like or what actual good level designs feel like
the chainsaw only refills ammo on big enemies.
Yeah, I mean, people with different opinions, it's so fucking pathetic, I'm sure there's some ulterior motive or some kind of conspiracy against this game tbqh my phams.
>it's a reference to the battle of wounded knee, because that was hell too
bretty gud