If you kill him, you will become just like him
If you kill him, you will become just like him
Killing him will make me a faggot?
If you kill your enemies, they win.
he or he? also... sauce?
Lin cemented herself as a top tier waifu when she killed the guy who dropped that retarded line.
>you kill him
>you literally become him
Sure I'll become him, but better.
I guess I'd better fuck him instead!
>no new AW games
>if by some miracle one is made, it'll become FE-tier waifu trash.
>if you kill him, you'll become just like him!
>actually that doesn't make sense, hesitating from killing him only impedes justice, I don't believe you
>spends the entire game literally murdering his cronies
>"No stop, if you kill him you'll be just like him!"
Actually fuck off.
name LITERALYY two games that do this
Mega Man?
i liked shulks way of handling it.
>i wont kill you. but i can still stop your blade. i will do it until, we can understand eachother .
Remind me to never kill you and become a pussy-ass nigga, lmao.
Litteral fucking faggot
Persona 5
This is why don't fight Lucius the Eternal personally.
> Villain kills hero.
> Becomes a good guy.
name LITURGICALLY two psalms that do this
i liked Tabitha more
top tier genocidefu
>If you kill him, you'll be come just like him!
>That's right, we won't have the MC kill the antagonist. However, since the antagonist would just go kill more people and that line of thought makes no sense other than making the hero seem more heroic, we'll have a random pillar conveniently fall on the antagonist and kill him.
>if you let the pillar fall on him, you'll become just like it!
I wish they made a new Advance Wars.
>that level of shitposting
Please kill yourself.
>the pillar becomes the new villain
Calling out shitty writing isn't shitposting
its a social media game integrated with facebook and has an energy system
I wish the monkeys paw would be made available to everyone on earth for unlimited wishes
Go away, OnlyAfro.
I think it's a blessing Wars is resting in peace.
>It's a "Shulk warns them about their own death but they don't listen and die 5 seconds later" episode
also the waifu resurrection halfway through the game was awful. here I was thinking I would be playing a JRPG that had some balls in the storytelling department for once when they kill off Fiora at the very start.
But then no, muh Fiora the whole way and then you kill God (sort of). yawn
If only Batman would rape the Joker.
One of these days, I want to see the person who says that get shot in the face immediately afterward.
By the hero.