Is this shit some kind of deep web thing or a mod?
Fucking sick reminds me of
This is not real, right?
reminds me of Sad Satan
No, that's in the base game.
it's a deep web game?
Lol what is that?
What the fuck ? no.
>deep web game
fuck off kid
stay there and tell your other underage friends to stay there also
Its in the upcoming outlast II if anyone wanted to know
It's from the first one famo
It's Outlast. Pretty well known, to be honest...
the secnd one isn't even out yet, baka senpai
whats the second voice saying?
>deep web game
I fucking hate you stupid newfag children. You killed /x/ material.
>le "upside down cross is the devil" meme
Fundies are fucking retarded.
I didn't kill /x/ I don't even know what it is! JESUS
Fuck off
please fucking leave now
Someone send him a how to Sup Forums tutorial
HAHAHAHAHAHA oh God, I have never seen someone being so blatantly underage.
>deep web
What do you think he meant by this?
I wanted to know if it was like that Sad Satan game which came from a Onion Website
People said it had illegal amounts of gore among other things. Which I didn't know gore was illegal but this game seems like it might be similar
Fuck off already and lurk more
i kind of liked the demo of this. reminds me of wrong turn
You're retarded go away
Dude I love Wrong Turn
Anyone know some similar games? Already played Layers of Fear and Whistleblower
Are you like 16
He probably came after jerking off to FNAF and Creepypastas then saw this video and died
Horror games thread?
can we post spooky videos and music, mostly game related?
Yes please
I love Outlast for not giving a fuck about norms.
hyped for Outlast 2.
this is some advanced bait
>deep web game?
Why is everyone so hostile? You will be banned for this god!