NOW: Mighty Mega Man No. 9
NEXT: Mighty Gunvolt
LATER: Ape Escape

Other urls found in this thread:


for america

America is done


i missed the beginning, is this a rom hack? why does this game look so much worse than megaman 8 did?



What's his name again?

John Cena fucks 16 year olds. He's 100% fabricated, there's nothing real about him, he might as well be a walking action-figure.

i have never once seen the subscriber emotes used and they've been the same for like 3 years

why doesn't Sup Forums start its own AGDQ only for people who were banned from the original AGDQ

it would be more entertaining

What anime's are for me if I want to indulge in some lewd shit

>dat mass

Really if you see a video saying "we are" theres gonna be a pansexual tranny in there, it would be shocking if there wasn't tbqh


who wants a slice


But there are other events. They are just small as fuck


>Any epic meme donations after Ed, Edd n Eddy?
What was that user talking about? What did that donation say?

>John Cena fucks 16 year olds. He's 100% fabricated, there's nothing real about him, he might as well be a walking action-figure.

what the fuck?

Fucking nu-males man

where are the memes
where is the cringe

>literally twice the ooga booga


Where's YSG?

Big Poppa

I'll take two.


why have they been spreedrunning the same game for like 6 hours

Yet I bet you like hulk hogan

>Fresh coffee
>Raining like hell outside
Is there anything better

that's my goal body

I prefer hulk hogan


being erect

Right here in this thread.

Don't you see all the animefags?

What the fuck about what part? The 16 year old fucking? Him being a walking action figure?

He admitted in an interview he has sex with his fans and he doesn't ask age, even if they look 16.

He does the bidding of WWE and anyone else who pays him, he is a character. John Cena isn't real, it's as though someone made him.

All WWE personalities are pure shit except Dwayne Johnson and even then he's still kind of shit.

i'm banned from there

He coudnt make it this year

it'd probably be better if it weren't raining hellfire outside, I don't know

>Boss is literally the third stage of R-Type
Why is this allowed?

watching from home this year

>Spyro run coming up
>Tfw you still can't play PS1 Spyro/Crash games on Vita because of Activision

Stop posting anime


Sorry cunt, meat and cheese only or fuck right off

>not liking Hulk Hogan
>not being a real american
It's the 4th of July, user, where is your American pride?

I wish they'd ditch the hamster form

She's so hot and sexy in her outside form, the real one.

Would love to see her like that all the time

How'd you get banned?

>MIGHT be doing it blindfolded
That sounds like some Trihex shit

guys did i miss any cringe stuff so far? ive only watched a few games. barbie, harry potter, and megaman and so far its just been comfy. no cringe at all.

look carefully, they're there


play them on pc



Ape escape? Wat

>not just emulating your games


GTA: San Andreas

>people hating on big jon
Sup Forums sure is getting shittier and shittier and time goes on.

can someone please upvote my post?

i'm getting downvoted to hell on reddit:

who /brat/ here?

If we don't mock degeneracy it'll run rampant.

Is PS1 emulation any good nowadays?

Brat best brat
Tits get out

posted some links across far too many subreddits

>go on Sup Forums
>they tell me to fuck off to Sup Forums and to kill myself for being a normie
>go back to Sup Forums with tear in my eyes
>they are here to bullying us



There is nothing wrong with 16 year olds
Many countries in the world agree

Where did all of these Sup Forumsnime shitters come from?


Many countries in the world think it's okay to chop people up for having different opinions than you.
I guess we should just accept what the majority accepts as okay.

Gonna bull you here too, riajuu!

It's great. Significantly better than playing on an actual PS1 for most games.

No they don't.

sent ;)

The animeshitters here aren't Sup Forums faggot, they're crossboard scum at best


>impyling Sup Forums is not fujoshi/gay central
just look jojo generals

Based Iceplug

bro do not care what the fuck an anime shitter thinks they are pathetic as fuck

seriously though, why does he do this? does he think there is a single person alive who isn't disgusted by that form?

why are the first two F's in the 2nd row and the first F in the 3d row a darker shade?

Hamster appeals to female audience.

Why do you think it's so popular?

happy july 4rd to any americans here, greetings from poland :3

oh fuck me


>calls you normie

just be happy they you are better than them, don't be bothered by their low self-esteem you, i are about you and i don't want you to suffer

No..... not REDDIT!!!!

Like you?


There are, shockingly enough, plenty of people who share his gut/bloated/feeding/whatever the fuck it's called fetish

There's even a site for it called grommr


Where is our boy?

>this is the actual strat for this game

Post more brat

I assume you're referring to countries under Islamic rule. Even in that case that statement isn't accurate, but such countries are a small minority in the world.

Also, if you're American, you should be aware that there in fact is not a federal age of consent at all. It goes by state, and in many states it actually is 16, or 16 with conditions.