so what do you guys think of Overwatch?
Worth the $60?
so what do you guys think of Overwatch?
Worth the $60?
I've been enjoying it. It's a lot more fun to play with friends than with pubbies, but even that has it's moments.
Watch a couple streams and see if its something you would be into.
It's pretty fun, especially with friends. It's the closest thing to early TF2 in recent years.
Um, the game is $60.
No it isn't. The basic edition of the game is $40 on
>I play FPS on console
>basic edition
Why would you gimp yourself like that though?
>why would you want choice?
>why would you refuse to pay $20 more for skins?
The only difference is a bonus skins.
Which was enough to get me to buy the $60 version of the game. Doesn't help I've spend another $100 on loot boxes since. I've basically paid for the game 4 times over.
No I'm playing all day long since release and I'm constantly angry at the poor balance and absolutely braindead teammates.
I'll continue to play the game and be angry until I get a heartattack.
How many legendary skins did you get out of the boxes?
I'm not going to bother and count them up but including the ones I bought with the coins from that maybe 10-12 legendaries.
I actually got recolors of legendaries I already owned by the end of opening them all up.
It's fun, but no. It lacks a lot of content.
now that they've implemented ranked and completely fucked it up it's worse than f2p
spend your money elsewhere
not 60 but definatly worth 40
Came here to post this.
only because you're spending your parents money
There are a million reason's overwatch is fucking retarded
people ONLY play the actual objective on ranked now, so unless you have six friends who payed $60 for 3 game modes and 12 maps then you're going to be paired with uncoordinated retards
here's why ranked is complete shit
>every loss means you lose an entire rank
>unless you have six friends who play overwatch you're going to now get paired with less and less competent people
>when someone rage quits or gets DC'd you lose a rank
basically the game only gets worse and more tedious, just don't waste your money
I personally am enjoying it.
Its like league of legends but in a first person shooter format, its hard to explain.
I can only speak for PC gameplay though since thats the platform I have it on.
>the ubiquitous FPS on a console meme
you couldn't pay me to play games sitting upright in an office chair like its a fucking job
oh wait yeah you could, but no ones going to
>its like league of legends but in a first person shooter format
the primary reason the game is pure fecal matter
Does anyone know if I will be able to buy the other exclusive skins later when I already have the Basic edition?
what if I paid you to stop posting
The first 2 days were hella fun for me. I'm on my 3rd day of playing this game and I'm starting to see the cracks - mostly the shit team-mates and that everyone picks Tracer or that ninja dude Genji (I only played Quick Play so far).
ranked isn't any better
literally nobody is happy with the way ranked works, even people on full teams
>$60 game
>$80 in loot boxes
>$4 on eBay for Noire Widowmaker code (didn't pre-order)
>still thinking of getting more loot boxes
I was hoping for a crazy game where shit goes down constantly. I kinda got that, but it's not as crazy as I hoped it would be.
>"pre order" 5 minutes before the game releases on b-net
I'm happy with it.
Have you tried giting gud?
>it's an "overwatch can be won by one person" shitposter
no you always lose in ranked just like you'll always lose in quick play
yeah you can always upgrade your account into an Origins Edition through the account settings.
yeah, I don't take it seriously on a competitive level but the whole game is brought down by the fact that ranks are lost with a single match but only gained by winning a lot
not to mention how bad supports like mercy and lucio get fucked over because their damage is low and the team can't just sit around waiting to be healed and revived if they want to win
It's worth $40, and only if you have friends to play with, in which you likely already own the game.
Does Overwatch have decent waifus?
>5 hours into the game
>"This is fucking fun."
>10 hours into the game
>"This is still really fucking fun holy shit thank you based Blizzard I never should have doubted you!"
>20 hours into the game
>"Still kind of fun, I guess."
>30 hours into the game
>"It's fun but the honeymoon period is fading."
>40 hours into the game
>"Getting kind of boring."
>50 hours into the game
>"Yeah no fuck this."
>60 hours into the game
>"I regret buying Overwatch."
Then don't binge it. Overwatch is best played in short burst rather than longer play sessions. This is true of all multiplayer games.
Pretty much this, I think I'm around 80 hours total now, playing solo in this game is pretty shit because the elo will make sure your win/lose ratio is 50/50 no matter how skilled you are.
>getting kind of boring at 40 hours
>you continue to play for another 20 hours
is it any wonder why you're sick of the game then?
It was worth the $40. I've put something like 60 hours into it already and I still have fun, in large part because I still have pals to play it with and none of us take it seriously enough to be above throwing a match just to annoy tryhards who squeal in chat.
>I'm good at videogames, Blizzard is keeping me down!
I don't think you're even capable of realizing how pathetic you are. You'd just keep performing mental gymnastics until you could be sure there's nothing wrong with you.
For all the insulting pandering in design and charging for a full game despite having plenty of cosmetic microtransactions that games like DOTA2 and TF2 do with f2p model, Overwatch is a very fun team-based multiplayer shooter and that's really all that matters in the end. But do make sure you're a person who grasps what playing as a team means, otherwise you'll just be one of those sad tossers that lose matches left and right and then blame it on their team, or overpowered enemy heroes, or Blizzard forcing some elusive win-rate ration, or elo hell, or whatever else these people come up with. Characters are unique, they have special abilities that make them even more so, there are good maps(with exceptions of course) and it always keeps a high pace going.
dumping some random pharah
because pharah
It's already dying senpai.
Reminder that overwatch killed league of legends and is now the most popular game in korea by a landslide
An fps whose design was tainted by console
let's put it this way: yeah, it 's super fun in limited amounts of time. it's not a total letdown like SFV
>You will never eat a woman's crotch donuts
This is too unbelievable, even for Blizzard. I don't think they're naive enough to think that players won't notice damage drop-off.
>go in game as mercy
>niggas wouldn't push out of spawn
>switch to lucio to speed boost them out of spawn
>relatively works
>get a few points in
>suddenly no one on our team can deal with the roadhog switch
>go zenyatta to weaken the roadhog
>team keeps on going in the same choke points and always separate from everyone else
>can never heal because fucked line of sight
>we lose because fuck team work
>guy on my team goes "that soldier's aim was oddly suspicious"
>alt F4 the fuck out
I don't regret buying the game, i regret that pacifist shitters buy the game.
Nah, still lacks of content.
I will pay $60 for Splatoon wich feels like a full game compared to this.
If you think 40 dollars is a lot of money you should probably get off welfare and actually learn any sort of basic skill
It's £50 on console and £30 on PC same with America
why won't anyone let me have fun even in quick play? What's the point of a casual mode if I'm still getting yelled at?
How was SFV a let down
i don't use the headset. i just play. also because of matchmaking all i do is play brazilians. so yeah. i'm level 20 and i play mostly on the weekends.
I would have insta bought if it was 30/35, but I definitely did consider it multiple times for 40 with how low amount of maps there are
>You can't turn off chat
Fuck you Blizzard, I don't need people yelling at me. I know I suck at the game but let me turn off the chat.
>online sucks
>barely any content
>the story DLC is boring as hell
>very little number of characters
I posted this yesterday, but I got yelled at and reported for using the characters I wanted to use. I'm sure Blizzard won't punish me off of a couple unwarranted reports, but if I get some sort of suspension for making some fags cry, fuck this game.
i'm contemplating getting this
here's the catch
due to jew fuckery, i could get
>online only, ~42 american moneys
>boxed, origins edition with an extra "preorder" widowmaker skin, for 48 usa dollars
what to do
but you can put the volume at zero. in ps4 at least
>I think Overmeme is a FPS.
>>very little number of characters
This is how I know your first game in the series is SFV.
you can mute team members (or even mute the whole chat)
there is a bunch of characters that enjoy. is someone is only using one character i feel sorry for them, because they're limiting the experience.
they mostly have lower levels
Daily reminder that if you bought loot boxes you are literally an idiot.
This is what happened to me, except I stopped playing at about 50. All matches boil down to overtime in the end for me. It was always so fucking boring.
please don't patronize me.
i've been playing SF since the arcades.
but in 2016 you have no excuse to deliver a game so barebones.
Capcom only thought about the "pro crowd" and forgot to make a finished and enjoyable product.
the game could've been released this month, and avoid all the bad press
>online sucks
Not necessarily, but I'll let you have that.
>barely any content
What kind of content did you expect and/or want out of a street fighter game? It has trials, survival, brief story, and cinematic story modes. This is in addition to ranked, casual, and battle lounge online modes.
>the story DLC is boring as hell
Dude, it's a fighting game. It was a corny story that was fine for a laugh if you enjoy SF lore. Who actually buys fighting games for story modes anyway?
>very little number of characters
It's one character short of having the same number as Overwatch and there's still two more planned before the year is over.
The only problem i have is when i game loads it takes 5 minutes to load the models in, before that everyone is invisible.
dude Mortal Kombat X, for all his faults, delivered more content in 2014.
The game is mediocre at best. If you played the open beta you barely saw an improvement
>10-game winning streak
>This is fine, Blizzard is the best!
>10-game losing streak
>Fucking Blizzard! It's their fault that we're bad!
These people cannot comprehend that there might be other people in the world who are better than them at video games.
Will I find a woman like Pharah in Egypt?
No idea user
one can dream
it's all luck.
as i said before most of the people i got paired didn't give a fuck about the objective and just try to rack kills
>Could have been released the same month as evo
Yeah user, I'm sure that would've worked out great :^)
It's an unbalanced shitfest. Typical of Blizzard products.
Sick of this buzzword. Not every game needs to have whizz, bang, and more useless bullshit. The meat of the game is within its competitive play, whether that be fighting your friends on the couch or playing people online. Thousands of people buy these games for that, and that alone.
It's just like Rocket League, it's just like Overwatch. These are multiplayer centric games. Nobody is going to play against the CPU forever.
you see? that's the mentality that's killing Street Fighter, having the "evo crowd" calling the shots.
No because people real women from egypt are ugly as hell. Mixed with whites or second or third generation women look better.
jannies are overfags
maybe you're ok with paying such a price for a barebones experience