How do people still unironically believe that 30 fps is acceptable? You realize when devs say "artistic choice" or "cinematic experience" they're lying to you and they just cant optimize the game to run at 60 right? You are the reason graphics are so prevalent over gameplay, as you dumbasses fall for the meme and buy whatever is fed to you. You see pretty pictures and get your credit cards out, then complain about bad games ahahaha.
How do people still unironically believe that 30 fps is acceptable...
Other urls found in this thread:
Always thought hating 30 fps was a meme but it's a pretty jarring sight after getting accustomed to 60 fps.
I played at 15 fps for 8 years until my brain stopped liking it
Because I dont care about fucking ANYTHING.
How many fps is Myst?
Imagine playing 30 fps after getting used to 120
Caring about such things is why you'll never get laid.
I have no issue with 30fps. Its absolutely fine. I played exclusively on PC from around 2004-2015.
You're on a fucking chinese anime video game image forum, same as everyone else here
because objects moving at 100px/s look exactly the same and devs don't allow people to spin their camera at the speed of light
>Its absolutely fine.
I mean, I understand how it's fine for many people, but I definitely think no game should be arbitrarily locked at 30fps. That'd be like arbitrarily locking a game at low settings when high settings are availilble.
Also, webm related is one of the best examples of how massive an improvement 60fps is over 30. There's a good reason almost every competitive fighting game ever made has ran at 60fps.
Any framerate is fine as long as its playable
Which depends on the pacing of the game
>le optimization meme
The kind of optimization you need to get from 30 FPS to 60 in the majority of cases means sacrificing picture quality which in the case of some games is more important than higher frame rate. 30 vs 60 is fucking arbitrary anyway, why settle for 60 when you could have 120?
A much bigger problem is uneven framerates/frame times. Even if your framerate never goes below 30 having it fluctuate between 60 and 30 is much more annoying than a locked 30.
Lately I just come here to shitpost, such a shit board filled with manchildren.
OP here, just to add to this webm, 30fps always looks better when recorded on video due to the addition of motion blur (and not the kind you enable on a game). So this actually looks less jarring than it should if you were playing it live
Because locked at 30 is miles better than 40-50 fluctuating.
I'm not bothered if something is on low either to be fair. If it looks bad on low it's more than likely going to look bad on high.
I couldn't care less about "competitive fighting".
>why you'll never get laid
Who the fuck cares about a soppy hole, seriously entering a vagina was the biggest letdown of my life. Maybe the doctor botched my circumcision or some shit but vaginas barely even feel good, they're not even that warm or textured or anything. Whenever normies say "oh, this is why you'll never have sex" or whatever other shaming tactic flavor of the month they use, I'm always like "how the fuck can you value a vag that highly?"
No its not. Go load up Last of Us or Ryse on PC and set the framerate lock on and tell me honestly it feels better. 40-50 fluctiating is fine, its when it fluctuates like 20-30+ frames its a problem
What game is that
the 30 vs 60 argument is literally only noticeable if you compare them side by side, you get used to 30 within a couple seconds
Same here. I can't even tell the difference during gameplay. Test videos designed to show it off, like with a rolling ball or something? Yeah, of course. But when I'm playing a game, I'm too busy to notice. Even when I watch comparison videos I barely notice most of the time. Though I don't care about graphics even a little bit, I care about every other aspect of a game more than graphics, so maybe that's why, I'm not terribly concerned with the visuals unless they're hindering me.
daily reminder
>not playing competitive fighting games with just hitboxes
Nope, 30 fps is immediately noticable and very annoying if you play any game which requires precision or has a lot of camera movement.
>because objects moving at 100px/s look exactly the same
The 60FPS object is quite clearly ahead and much more defined than the 30FPS one in your own link
stop fapping
framerate =/= graphics
framerate is how well the game runs not how good it looks. low frames is what hinders you lol
pcmasterrace doesn't play games too busy buying nvidias and adjusting sliders
No, stop being a moron. Fluctuation is definitely worse and I don't want to play that garbage.
I didn't say it's better you absolute fucking spastic. I said it's fine.
What's your excuse for not playing on 144+? Stop being stupid.
Circumcision is a fuck up in itself
If it just had an impact on visuals it wouldn't be as much of a problem. But it makes the game half as responsive as it would be at 60 fps, which is unforgivable.
Some games are locked at 30 because animations or physics are tied to framerate. An example of the latter is any of the 3D era GTA games; if you remove their framerate lock and go above 50fps, glitches start happening like handbrakes in vehicles always being applied and other random shit. I hate when games do it, but I wouldn't really call it arbitrary. Unless you're talking specifically about games that are locked at 30fps for no reason at all and function perfectly fine at 60fps, in which case yeah fuck that bullshit there is no excuse.
As far as my feelings on this topic in general, it depends on the kind of game but again, assuming it won't break anything, 60fps is definitely always preferable. I can play driving games and third person action games with framerates below 60fps, but for anything that requires precision (FPS or TPS that require accuracy ie Max Payne) 60fps is an absolute must have and a dealbreaker if the game can't manage it.
Agreed, I'm almost positive I'd enjoy sex more if some jew didn't sell my foreskin for a few hundred shekels to be made into roastie face cream. Women say "my body, my choice" and that should really apply to men too.
bb-but why animation-physics-gameplay cant run at fluctuating 30-60!?
This is a reasonable, intelligent response and I agree wholeheartedly.
30 fps is okay as long as the game isn't particularly fast-paced and has no drops whatsoever
problem is consoles don't even get that a lot of the time
Shitty programming, basically. 30fps locks with physics tied to framerate are mostly implemented by Jap devs who suck at programming.
Eh. I can deal with 30fps. Obviously, 60 is better in every way and that should be the aim, but if I spend enough time playing a game at 30 I can get used to it. After a while I just sort of don't notice it. It's only really jarring at the start.
Sub 30 I can't get past though. That's the limit for me. It's the reason I've never been able to emulate Ocarina of Time.
>mfw converted a friend to 120hz+ goodness we he can around for a LAN
60hz scrubs don't know what they're missing
the same reason films are still 24fps
Someone did it in quake 3 and cs1.5
Thinking fluctuation is bad is LITERALLY a meme created by 30-fps-is-fine retards that actually have never played a high fps game. It doesn't matter if it's fluctuating from 40-50 or even from 30-50, because that means even at it's worst parts it's performing at-worst equal to a locked 30fps game, and at all other times it's performing better. You're a fucking living meme and should just off yourself.
Yes I know. But
> I'm not terribly concerned with the visuals unless they're hindering me.
Framerate is a visual thing. My point was, if it's visual, I don't give a fuck unless it's hindering me somehow.
It's about having smoother controls and better feedback. There are some visual improvements with higher FPS, but it's much more noticeable if you're watching someone play or a video of someone playing. Anything higher than 24 FPS in film looks like shit.
Also just adding on to what I said in the second part, I think a lot of console players don't understand that people value 60fps for games that require precision because of input latency rather than looks. Games register inputs on a frame by frame basis, ergo, less frames equals less registered inputs. At 30fps the game is registering literally half of the input it would be registering at 60fps.
This is why people that think framerate = graphics are ignorant.
The new Ratchet and Clank was 30fps and I never noticed a difference from the other games. Except there nearly wasn't as much slowdown in the new one.
>Tfw had an heated argument with a friend not so long ago
>Arguing that the human eyes just cant see past 60 fps
>Also arguing that monitor have "no fps limit" and the only limit is the human eyes
>He was certain he had 200 fps in warframe and though it was the actual number of image displayed in the monitor
I made fun of him for months, doesnt help that he actually work in a cable company
But he's getting a 144hz this very week, so atleast he's not completely stubborn
I have purposefully avoided ever using a 120hz monitor because I already have trouble just reaching a constant 60fps in some modern games and I don't know if I'll be able to go back to 60 after trying 120.
Your own example of why it was bad was fluctuation you absolute idiot. The jarring difference between 60 and 30. How many kinds of stupid are you?
I honestly cannot tell the difference. I feel like everyone is playing some elaborate prank on me.
>Implying you can tell the difference
The Human Eye can only register up to 24 frames a second (hence why Movies target this frame rate.)
Video games use 30 as it is an exact half of the 60hz of the TV but there is no tangible difference to 60fps. There is a difference but no-one can notice it.
That's why devs focus on 30 - 60 isn't important.
Left is much crisper and the colors are better.
Not much by the looks of it.
Using a 120hz monitor for the first time was such a huge disappointment to me.
fell for 24 fps eye meme...
summer Sup Forums
I understand not feeling much of a difference if you are playing a 30 fps game. But side by side, that's when it's really noticeable.
I'm not just saying this to be that guy, but your eyes legit seems to be a bit on the shitter.
Shootmania: Storm.
Probably the most fun FPS in recent history that got fucked over by Ubisoft jewery.
>he fell for the bait
Summer Reddit.
Or was that post bait and I am the summer Sup Forums?
Movies only do it because its cheap and the movie industry is the last to innovate. Meanwhile NFL is at 60fps and is the best looking thing on tv
>the jarring difference between 60 and 30
Not him, but he was pointing out that when playing a game that jumps from 30 to 60, you go "sweet, game's running a lot smoother now" which is superior to locked 30fps. It's "jarring" in a sense that the player gets impressed by the improved smoothness and responsiveness of a higher framerate.
Also, as someone with a mediocre graphics card who experiences 30-to-60 fps fluctuations in certain newer games, I'd much rather have the fluctuations then locked 30fps. Honestly, even locked 45fps is a very noticeable step up from 30fps.
30FPS is perfectly fine until the first time you meet 60FPS
And then it's fine again when you get used to 30fps after playing for 15 minutes.
You're just saying that to justify your purchase of 60fps NHL. It's okay.
Now, if moves are the last to innovate how come the special effects are miles ahead of video games?
Video games need to do cheap things like "60FPS" to keep up, movies have already hit the sweet spot.
If your eye could see above 24 they'd go above - they tried with the Hobbit and it was seen as stupid as no-one could tell the difference. Explain that.
>The Human Eye can only register up to 24 frames a second
This will go down in history with other misconceptions of immense retardation like "humans only use ten percent of their brains" or "cops have to tell you they're undercover if you ask them, they can't lie to you."
i don't know who said this crap first....
but it is the brain that limits the eye to "FPS" not the other way can ppl belive that crap...
I mean, that's patently false.
New research indicates the human eye can see 150 fps.
I know I can tell a world of difference between 30 and 60 fps, and your eyes or brain have/has problems if you can't.
Actually everyone could, they felt it unnerving, because it made the CGI look more real, hitting the uncanny valley harder.
Second one looks more realistic
Is this your first day on Sup Forums?
As long as it's a fucking STABLE 30 or 60 I don't give a shit
The problem is that a lot of games can't even manage that
If you can't see the difference in fluidity here, your eyes are trash.
why does everyone hate 45fps movies then
>6 glasses in the bottom
>11 glasses in the top
If the human eye can only see 24fps then how are people able to tell a difference between 24fps movies and 45fps movies?
Is this your first five minutes on Sup Forums? You really think no one here is stupid enough to believe "human eye can only see 24fps?" There are normies that genuinely believe that shit.
>he's circumsided
enjoying your mutilated penis user?
I don't get it, I've played CS:GO at 144, and several Zelda games at ~20.
It doesn't bother me at all.
Of course you can tell the difference but I'm more interested in gameplay mechanics and overall immersion than I am about visuals.
God, people are autistic about frame rate.
30fps is perfectly ok for games that do not require quick movement.
turn based RPG, puzzle, and VNs(to a degree) can be 30fps
Shooters, platformers, and racing games must be 60+
They can't
it's just some people can't accept it so their brain actually plays tricks on them and makes it look smoother - it's a bit like seeing a mirage on a desert.
Realistically I will not play through the second option just out of sheer frustration of how sluggish it would be.
Not in the least, that's the problem.
>people are autistic about the money they spend, wanting their purchases to be valid
>people need to just give me their money! and they shouldn't expect quality
How about no.
Not the way that post was framed. It's clearly bait/a joke.
Its on basic cable bro. Movie special effects aren't rendered in real time you dumb fuck. They take weeks for a few minutes. They realized with the hobbit the amount of money they'd have to spend for better makeup and sets that were normally disguised by slow frame rates and blur weren't cost effective. Second of all to prove your retardation, a game cycling at 60fps means your game loop is cycling faster so your controls are much more responsive
Lower framerates cause input latency. It's an issue of control, not visuals.
honestly, I'm so sorry user, i'm uncut so I don't know how it actually feels to be cut
>some people can't accept it so their brain actually plays tricks????
WTF? now we 2 subspecies
Sup Forums is medical board now?
It's because of frame drops. You want the game to feel fluid or it looks and feels jarring. If the game is capped at 30, and it's cemented at 30, things are fine. But if any frames are dropped, the effect is felt more heavily than if you were at 60 fps to begin with. Moreover, 60 always looks more fluid, just look at
It's pretty undeniable, but people who actually defend shitty framerates in video games are the same people who willingly pay to use their own internet, so what can you expect?
it's called denial - the person has convinced themselves that 60 fps is real so the brain hallucinates and makes it seem like it is.
Realism is not a cinematic experience.
>how come the special effects are miles ahead of video games?
Other way around, the uncontested king of CGI was and is still Blizzard
60 fps looks too much like a video games, 30 looks closer to what real life is like
Okay let me set this straight
For 2d games that aren't fighters it doesn't fucking matter.
However on 3d games it's generally noticeable that low FPS is low quality.
Also devs who can't run their game at 60 FPS have other issues, like spending too much resources on [Probably not very] high def things instead of focusing resources on making a functional fun game.
>a game cycling at 60fps means your game loop is cycling faster so your controls are much more responsive
Not that user, but wouldn't that mean stable 30 is better than 45-60 fps? I don't want the response time to constantly change by 30%.
>tfw I want to enjoy games like Armored Core: Verdict Day
>have to constantly deal with sub-30 FPS
And let me tell you, it does hurt when you get a major drop. It screws up your aiming and makes online pretty hard to play. I still think it's a good game, but developers need to put a little less money into graphics and CGI, and more into optimization.
kinda understand...but not some's like saying some man can change xy to xx if they convinced themselves....i mean come on...fking biology....
or i am baited...nice work man. baited/10
By not being autistic. I played several games in 30 fps and you just adapt to it after playing for a certain amount of time. If you don't then you have some serious issues or you don't play games long enough, seeing how games usually sell more on PS4/Xbone than they do on steam. And before you accuse me of being a "console+insult of your choice", here's my PC. Games like arma 3 or other shit struggles to keep 30 fps even with this rig.