WTF is this guys ?

WTF is this guys ?
Also Subnautica thread

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a skull.


Lost River best biome. Too bad you can't have a base there.


Don't ask when you already know, devfaggot. I can't wait till summer sale is over and all these shill threads are gone

Do they have more deep sea shit planned ?
I would love to see more deep see fauna

>user says the scanner room/sealife sounds is fixed in experimental
>make scanner room
>its not fixed
>find out when I leave seamoth next to this reaper because I couldn't hear the screams

thanks user

there's a roadmap somewhere

Never probably, with the Summer Sale, the devs made their money back and a tidy profit I bet.
Time to do what all EA games do, fade away as the Devs laugh.

will this game ever get multiplayer?

Tons. There's
>Sea Emperor Leviathan
>Sea Dragon Leviathan
>Ghost Leviathan
>Lava Lizards
>Sized up Crab Squids

yeah they're going to have dark souls invasions where your power in your base will randomly go out and you'll have to go outside to fix it

It's not a multiplayer invasion, though, and it'll only happen once you start the end game by getting the transfuser.

>tfw you're in your base fabricating some shit and your base says "Welcome Home Master"

How good are Bioreactors?
Are they worth it?

I have a bunch of water purifiers so I use bioreactors to offset the power loss when the sun goes down and my solar panels stop pulling in energy.

They do a pretty good job of it. I've got two and it keeps the base going through the night. Plus it gives me something to do with all my excess fish.

they're for when you're 2deep4 solar panels

Great if you have proper fuel (fish eggs). Putting a Reefback in is the biggest source of power in the entire game. It's the equivalent of full reactor rods in a nuclear reactor, and you don't have to dispose of the reactor rods and attract Reapers in the process.

it's easy to build and you don't need to put much fuel in it if you are making it just for air

>No co-op

You faggots had one job.

The game goes to like 15 FPS on a regular basis. I know they want to put in multiplayer but I'm sure they'd rather iron that shit out first.

Who have you put in your bedroom to give you the courage you need to punch the deep in the fucking balls?

I have a fully pimped out Cyclops and I still don't have beds

How deep can you go?
And by that I mean how deep can you go and still find stuff?

~3000 meters Maximum depth of beta build. Biomes all end around this point.

They could have a bottom biome at 10km like the mariana trench where there'd be no life and you could build a comfy home there.

How do I into beds
Are they in that jelly cave habitat?

One type is in the abandoned base down there

they could 2bh, but i think they're wanting to add some mechanics to depth and have you really struggle even going from 500m to 200 too fast

Hopefully not.

Next update fucking when

the summer sale's already over you dumb faggot

I want to enjoy this game, but I keep forgetting to save so I'm fucked when it crashes.

It's also bad for my heart

I bought this game to get over my fear of the ocean and it's making it so much worse

I find it quite relaxing personally

Sunless Sea is way spookier despite being top down

Now that I've got the seamoth and a pretty self-sustaining base it's not too scary but jesus christ I seaglided all the way to the Aurora and I wanted to kill myself

And now I have to go all the way back to get the pressure compensator

It's just water

>people like sjw devs
>that pulled 4k keys from ns2 people because "they were purchased illegally" (IE g2a) and told those people to buy the game again
>who refuse to implement guns into subnautica because "muh school shootings"
>using most funds from subnautica to restart development on ns2
>the shitshow that has 12 players

okay guys

i swam there with just a scanner and a medkit trying to look for survivors


Are there any Deep Sea bioluminesce?

A simple
>early access
would have sufficed.

If by that you mean "will I find glowing things underwater," yes

Lots of terrifying, terrifying glowing things

That too. damn

Most fishes and some plants do, in fact.

>mah guts

>dispose of the reactor rods and attract Reapers in the process

Does this actually happen? I have a nuclear powered base and I don't know what to do with the depleted rods. I'm sure as hell not going to dump them if its going to bring Reapers around.

Is this for real? Or just a player's wish?

this is hands down one of the most terrifying games ever made

daily reminder that devs aren't adding anymore creatures then the planned ones

creature mod when?

So I killed a stalker with a knife. What now?

whose skull?
what thing can have such a skull

y not?

>Sized up Crab Squids

Are you guys ready for transgender and other non-binary playable characters too?

Don't be such a pussy. Do you cry in fear every time you take a shower? There are no sea monsters in your bathroom.

How do we know this?

it was a while ago

I asked about it in the dev discord

What the fuck is that jellyfish thing? That's legit creepy I would love (or should I say hate) to see that thing in game.

I did the same and the vibration and shaking wouldn't stop
Full of fear is clinging on to the tiny cliff behind the Aurora waiting for day to come as the dark ocean beneath me gives me irl crappies

>tfw someone actually made my post from /vg/ into this edit
I feel proud

How do I un-fuck the mobile vehicle bay? When I used it nothing comes up, I've tried saving and loading but to no avail.

me too user
i understand u
its an endlessnightmare

More importantly.

What was big enough to kill it?

Check the surface, I'm pretty sure its above you because it has airballoons or what and ascends to the top

A bigger rock

You don't have the blueprints for any vehicles. Pack up the vegicle bay and go searching around for Seamoth fragments.
You can typically find some in the sandshark waters on the way to the Aurora, or personally I found a shitload of fragments circled around the base of the mountain island.

Once you've got a Seamoth you can go hardcore southwest from the pod and go searching for moonpool fragments which will let you dock.

they are slower than nuclear but can run for a very long time depending on what fuel you use. the fuel is also way more abundant (just about any organic item). you will need several later on if you plan to use them as your main power other than solar

that was my next question
if there is such a titanic beast why is is dismembered? is it like sharks where their bones rot and only their teeth stay? or did sth killed it?

I read it wrong, my bad
You need the blueprints or you won't see anything


So Subnautica takes place on Zebes?

Got it.

>Built a little base outside of a cave entrance for Heat Signature
>Found all the PDAs in the abandoned base by the big mushrooms
What do I do now

Daily reminder:

1. Game is almost 3 years in EA
2. 80% of all the concept-production art still does not exist in the game and won't exist because you are being milke like an anime fan on a prom night


im not shilling im just terrified and want answers

Zubmarine update fucking when.



that one crabship webm is all we'll get out of it


any way to get the game to run well? im on a 980ti and it ran like shit. Had to uninstall because of it.

>almost 3 years in EA
>started early access in December of 2014

I guess if by "almost three years" you mean "a year and two thirds"

Crocomire was a gud boy he dindu nuffin

Nope. It's an early access survival sandbox. No way around the shit framerate.
I set everything to low and I still get framedrops, it's just something you gotta get used to.

One of the many reasons I don't play this game

>average subnautica fan

>bullying kids for playing something other than league of legends

Fuck off autist. Let's see what your internet posts looked like when you were 11

how are people getting milked if they only paid the box price? Subnautica doesn't have hats or a marketplace like KF2. Now that is an example of milking.

>tfw pirated last week after seeing a thread
>played for hours
>steam sale started
>bought it cheap
>playing for more hours

I'm afraid of going into the deep water tho

if i cared I'd have waited or not played at all

I got my money's worth

Cut him some slack, he's Australian.

I can't play this shit, fuck my thalassophobia.

Multiplayer literally when.

Just gotta get a seamoth baby, or hell even build up a cyclops if you really feel the need

Fuck if I'm ever going into those super deep underwater caves though


>start up game

>going around with my cyclops

>go near reapers

>pilot it near them, they roar but then stop chasing after a few seconds

is it just me, or do predators just fuck off way too quickly?

A lot of water. A lot of moving water. A lot of moving, hard to manuever and see in water.

Yeah the stop following pretty quickly and them return back to where they usually hang out like an MMO mob

>mfw this game is called Pool Man 2016 in Australia

and crushingly heavy water with alot of thing that r much much better equipped to lived hunt and kill in said water and want to kill u
oh also impossible to breath in water


The game doesn't simulate any of that. It might as well be a kiddie pool with fun things to look at.