I have business cards

I have business cards

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I'd fuck her and you would too.



Only to say I did a retarded girl.

This looks like a deaf girl I kissed for a dare back in school, except she had scabby lips

well yeah, she has a pussy. but I'd be careful not to nut in that. no NBA talented baby is coming from that. only a future 4channer that draws sonic and undertale fan art.

retarded people make me deeply uncomfortable

She's... absolutely hideous. And she's like 15. And she apparently has some kind of disorder. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Someone post the videos she made about her black boyfriend


>not wanting to nut in her retard pussy and leaving her to raise the kid alone

Fucking don't. I'm trying to eat.

I'd fuck but I wouldn't call

I have fetishes for literal retards AND somewhat ugly girls


That was my favorite Kids in the Hall sketch

that's a handsome cat

>kids in the hall
Canadian detected.

I wonder if these people are the reason they stopped doing Minecon.
I mean most convention goers are pretty autistic(when i worked security in some high class mall right next to a convention center I had to constantly ask anime cosplayers to stop sword fighting in the middle of our atrium) but fuck me Minecon goers are the absolute worst, and its not just because they're kids. Not even I was that awkward and embarrassing as a child.

reruns got a lot of airtime in the US in the late 90s early 2000s

i forgot which channel but I remember it going back to back with in Living Color

well she's legal now

not him but I'm from texas and watched that shit growing up.


Only to lose my virginity.

>giving your virginity to a literal swamp creature

You don't "give your virginity" if you are male.
You get rid of it.
Virginity is only valuable for females.

Comedy central aired it all the time in the 90s.

I've learned to see it as valuable.

Because you're a faggot virgin.

Never give up user. Wizardry can be yours. Do not fall for the temptations of the flesh.

I'd rather be a faggot virgin than a humorless faggot virgin, like yourself.

Is it legal to fuck her? You probably have to sign a form.


if she's competent enough to work a job then she can have sex too. i'm sure she does something simple like stock groceries

The reason I am single is exactly because I am too insecure to be with an imperfect woman.
I wouldn't even want to be in the same room with her, out of fear some strangers I will never meet again see it and mock me.

>hands out her business cards at work
>people ask what's a minecraft and why she wants them to join her server
