There are people here right now who buy MEGA DRIVE games on STEAM

There are people here right now who buy MEGA DRIVE games on STEAM.

Why? There's no cheevos or anything.

why do pc games have achievements again?
who cares about that shit?

it shows you have gotten ged

>He cares about achievements

I recently bought Shinobi because I love this man's music.

>my point
>your head

just emulate them if you don't care about cheevos

possibly a reason, i wonder how much of a cut he gets, if any

>media shouldn't be updated for modern software

Meanwhile i'm having headache trying to play Darkseed. OP, you a dumb nigga.

>people paying for emulators running roms on Steam, while you can get BETTER emulators for free

Just replace xbox with whatever

>headache playing darkseed

If you actually cared about them you wouldn't be calling them cheevos you shitmunching fuckwad

you mean sega genesis games?

I don't, (and I doubt many who do are actually here) but I appreciate them for it since it demonstrates an interest in quality games and not just modern shit. No matter how worthless a demonstration it may be.

>Mega Drive
if you don't gtfo of my face with that shit


You have more options with a free emulator.

everything ok dude?


and i'm not looking for a debate. It's fact. I'm just asking why. I guess the answer is "so my friends can see me playing streets of rage 2". If there were cheevos i could possibly understand.

Maybe the people who pay for ROMs are just too dumb to set up an emulator. You know, like those who do it on the Wii.

>its another "lets all laugh at the idiots that buy roms" episode

I swear you people don't play games you just waste your life shitposting about them and try to look better than other people just for the sake of it. I've been saying it for years but nothing ever changes.

Buying these games(and don't even try to say these games aren't worth the asking price, they are) isn't necessarily a bad thing and pirating them all "fo free" isn't really a good thing either. Alien Solider is worth the few bucks they ask easy and while you could emulate it, again that couple bucks sends a good message.

>its another "le epic you dont even play games meme" episode

I don't care about achievements, but I would love to have some online multiplayer.

To play gunstar heroes online would be nice.


Who cares, it's not like money has real value since Roosevelt.

>single player games
Look at this noob...

>Mega Drive
does it matter. they're piratically over at London town

its true and you know it, fool

To own them legally.

There are plenty of single player games that you will never be good enough to beat.

as long as it's not bloodlines rite xD

Sure man
>there are plenty of books you will never be good enough to read.
I've never reached a game I couldn't beat. On the hardest difficulty much like a book, it can take a long god damn time. But it's singleplayer, youll beat it, anyone can. trophies are meaningless. 7bil people can, in theory plat a single game.
Not possible for this to work with ELO.

I buy the Genesis roms on Steam because I can't seem to find an emulation site that isn't full of malware these days.

and it didn't take getting good first?

stop being paranoid, we don't have anything they want

No... How can you be good at something not competitive?
Are you good at reading? What about watching movies?
You can argue you can get better comprehension, or a better attention span, but it is frivolous.

so glad i'm not autistic like you, it must actually suck

>woah dude you beat that hard game! you must have gotten good at it!
>pfft... can you read a book?