How do we fix Zenyatta

How do we fix Zenyatta

Make him white



Can't fix perfection.

Friend suggested this to me the other day; his orbs are permanent the again, but can be shot down. The person afflicted by discord orb can't shoot it down though and must rely on teammates to get it off.

I thought it was pretty good.


I have had a lot of time with Zenyatta, and I have come up with three ideas on how to make him more viable in an out in the open situation, which he usually must be in now.

Change 1: Attacks made by Zenyatta against a target with Orb of Discord on them heal him for 10. (E: I changed the way this was worded to make more sense in how I originally meant it.)

Change 2: Replace his alternate fire with a mobility ability. Like a quick dash on a 5 second cooldown, or perhaps converting his remaining ammo in the clip into a frontal shield for himself. (E: As many have said, yes. Perhaps something like a teleport, not a literal 'dash', per say. Just a rapid movement in a direction.)

Change 3: When Zenyatta has both an Orb of Discord, and an Orb of Harmony out on targets, he enters a balanced state. This state reduces all damage Zenyatta takes by 20%. (E: Someone mentioned that this would pretty much be active all the time. And you would be correct, in teamfights it would be. But that is what I wanted with it, to keep him active. Flankers could still catch him out on his own without this active easily, by moving in before a fight to kill him before anyone is discorded.)

All of this would help him stay alive in a front line fight, and promote him being more active in the role of attacking targets while healing his allies with a DoT. (So many Zenyattas throw out a heal and call it a day).

He's too vulnerable to a flanker or well organised team. Either give him more movement or more survivability/health, his alt fire is shit too and hardly used.

His Ultimate is counter intuitive for his design. He's based around sitting at the back, throwing orbs out and damaging from safety, yet his ultimate requires you to get into the middle of the fight to use properly. Make his ultimate "thrown", so he can throw the AoE heal into the point and stay back

I know that's you, Force. I just happened to see that zen vid in my recommended last night.

Healing orb heals slightly faster and doesn't rely on LoS, but has a healing cap of like ~150 before it needs to be re-applied. Maybe slightly increase his speed too

>Give him a way to heal himself

>Replace his alt fire with something that's actually useful for him, maybe like a dash/teleport kinda thing, something to help his shit tier mobility

There, he's playable now

When a harmony orb is deployed, give Zenyatta +25 armor health, and when a discord orb is deployed, give him some sort of speed bonus.

Remake him as a fat robotic Buddha, tank support

You play him more so you don't suck as hard, OP.


What if you could attach the ult to a player like an ultra-harmony orb, so it could follow them into a big team fight.

Pretty rude desu

make him able to throw orbs even if he is reloading/using his alt fire.
now you can heal without needing to stop attacking/reload and can put an OoD on someone while charging up balls to throw.
this makes him able to heal faster and able to set up devastating attacks if not dealt with quickly.
his alt fire is mostly useless, takes too long to set up so by the time you got all balls in there your OoD is already off the target. unless you are fighting your target out in the open and they someone didn't melt your face right away but that isn't going to happen

>playing Zenyatta
>get 29 eliminations
>9000+ healing
>used Transcendence multiple times to save teammates from other ults
>POTG is Genji getting two kills with his ult

Yeah, fuck off.
I'm glad I'm finally working out how best to use Zenyatta though. He still needs a huge buff in either mobility or healing

Change his 50 HP to armor instead. It certainly makes sense, being a tincan and all.
That's literally all you need to change.

If not that, maybe make his ulti give him 1.5x movement speed.

I was thinking about this earlier and its practicality as an addition. It would definitely suit Zen's playstyle more. The whole idea is that you're able to multitask as a battle medic, yet cannot heal and attack at the same time without breaking for the other

>get four gold medals as Zen
>the play of the game is just me melting four people with discord and headshots as they walk out of spawn
>get eight votes on my card

And then the next round I played like total shit.

orbs last a second longer after LoS
increase movement speed by a tad.

>Orbs last for 5 seconds after breaking LOS, up from 3
>Reduce amount of body you need to see to be able to throw orb of harmony, in order to better work for people who stand on rooftops and don't adjust themselves for you
>Orb of Discord's red magatama icon appears for everyone on your team, not just Zenyatta
>Transcendence heal radius doubled to 20m
>Using right click while in mid air will launch Zenyatta in the opposite direction of his balls, proportionate to the level of charge (so just tapping it won't give you as much as doing a full charge) can aim at the ground to gain vertical movement as a sort of rocket jump, as well as travel horrizontally.

How does this sound?

- Higher movement speed
- Longer duration on orbs when out of line of sight
- replace his useless mouse 2 with something like an emergency shield that blocks damage like Zarya's but he cant attack during it and it has a sizeable cooldown
- replace his ult with a throwable orb that has the same rate of healing as transcendence, but isn't so counter-intuitive as to have the squishiest member of the team place themselves smack-dab in the middle of their team and be the centre of attention

>it's a heal slut thinking he should get PoTG for pressing Q episode

>Getting votes as Zenyatta ever

Whenever I play Zenyatta my team goes completely quiet and would rather not vote on any card then vote on mine. I think they hate me playing as Zenyatta but they never speak up and say anything, they just stay silent.

I would think maybe they're buttmad about me being the only medic as Zenyatta (which again they never say anything so I assume they don't give a fuck) but they never vote for me when I'm Lucio either, even if I'm healing 40% of damage.

People have a thing against Zenyatta, on both sides.

I've done really, really well as him sometimes, like more healing done than the Mercy on the team, keeping the discord on priority targets, dishing out the DPS, and I either won't get a card, or I'll lose out in votes to some nobody who got like a kill and a half.

Remove him from the game.

EDIT: Wow, this is my highest (you)'d post since I posted Quentin pasta
EDIT 2: Thanks for the gold . It means a lot

He's perfectly fine, stop trying to buff/nerf him

I think Zen's main issue is how squishy and vulnerable he is, not so much his orbs. Genji or tracer can just immediately shut you down and harass your teammates afterwards, effectively 2-1 you and your team, they lose their support and their flanks are now open

Personally I think they should make it so that when you hold space he floats upwards for a period of time, allowing him to reach platforms and rooftops.


I think it's pretty simple, just give him a bit more mobility.

Mercy's got a good compromise with mobility but Zen is like a fucking turtle without a shell. I think they could literally just copy Reaper's teleport/wraith mode to Zen and he'd be fixed.

Other than that, give his harmony/discord orbs more than 3 seconds to return. A solid 10 seconds would be perfect as it'd give Zenyatta a decent advantage to keep an eye on dangerous targets and get himself the fuck out if they start coming after him.

objectively best changes desu

bassss.... into de iris :DDDDDD

1) Give him 25 more health or shield.
2) Make it so that more than one Harmony Orbs can be cast at once

That's it. Now he's good.

>healing orbs heal AOE. target gets good heal, people in area get small heal
>remove right click
>when you have a Harmony Orb out you regen faster and recover health.
>when you have a Discord Orb out you move faster
>replace Right Click with something that gets better when you have orbs out

nice leddit copy paste

Hakuna Zenyatta, why'd you pick him to play
Hakuna Zenyatta, please get off of the game

It means no carry for the rest of the game.
It's feeding for free mentality, Hakuna Zenyatta.

This. When someone flanks you as Zen, most of the time it is just game over right then and there unless they suck and you are on point

More mobility would help a ton in being harder to hit at least

>Change 3: When Zenyatta has both an Orb of Discord, and an Orb of Harmony out on targets, he enters a balanced state. This state reduces all damage Zenyatta takes by 20%. (E: Someone mentioned that this would pretty much be active all the time. And you would be correct, in teamfights it would be. But that is what I wanted with it, to keep him active. Flankers could still catch him out on his own without this active easily, by moving in before a fight to kill him before anyone is discorded.)
I like that

>Symmetra that low

Really? Useful as fuck defending A objectives

I always get tons of votes as Zen, even when I play shit

Why does everyone shit on Zenyatta?
His damage is crazy good, he has thre second best normal heal, and his ult is great for capturing points.

Because he's way too easy to take out for any competent flanker, pharah or widow

Fixed him.

His ult massively conflicts with his playstyle. If you want to stay safe you hang back and dispense balls from a distance, but then you can't ult to save people. If you're in a good position to ult, you get shit on by crossfire and splash damage. I just want to see his ult be centered on the harmony target, and maybe do something to his discord target if they stand in it

Squishiest hero in the game by far, without the mobility or safety to back it up in any way.

His snipe potential is good, orb of discord makes him somewhat playable but he's in dire need of a rework.

Maybe change his secondary fire into something like Reaper's ghosting ability, but instead of being dependent on a cool down, it is dependent on how much remaining ammo? Like even with no ammo left Zenyatta has 2 seconds of invulnerability, but with max ammo, he has about 5 or 10 seconds of invulnerability?

I'd rather change his secondary into converting his offensive potential into something like a point based defense system.

Like, he surrounds himself with balls that shoot down pharah rockets and soldier helix rockets and junkrat bombs and whatever. Make him a defensive support that sits back and mitigates dmg by negating it entirely.

you are not done yet. Make a new group with Torbjörn, Bastion and Symmetra.

I always thought a karma system would be interesting for him. Maybe if he holds right click some of the damage he takes is dealt to the discord target instead, burning ammo per second

200 hp and make discord effect rein shields.


If you think he's good you're playing shitters.

His ult isn't for saving people, it's for grouping up and pushing (aka walk comfortably without concern) through chokepoints or take capture points.
This never happens in pubs though.

Make orbs stick around outside of LoS for a little while
Let him keep his alt fire charged instead of auto-firing at the end, and let him use orbs while it's charging.
Buff heal rate slightly
That's about all he needs imo, doesn't have to be anything too special

give it an "oh shit" skill

Damn son. This is great. What would you do for Symmetra?

I don't play OW but I have a question.

Zenyatt's orbs only stay on folks if he has line of sight right?

Does that mean he has to see them on his screen? Like can you throw a heal orb on a teammate and turn around to check something and the orb will stay on them as long as they dont go around a corner?

user failed to mention it's copy pasted from the Overwatch subleddit

Yeah, these ideas sound great, but when my brother plays Zenyatta he always dies from the lone Genji/Winston/Roadhog ambushing him, never from a direct attack, plus nobody has but hatred for their team mates in this game. Additionally, it reenforces Zenyatta's playstyle of a defensive healer, plus provides a really good lead-up for his Ultimate

Make his orbs last for 6 seconds when out of LoS instead of 3. That alone would be a huge buff. I'd test this one before doing anything more drastic like changing his alt fire.

Symmetra should be defense and the others are obviously defense heroes.


>Symmetra should be defense and the others are obviously defense heroes.

>not playing symmetra on attack on hanabarbara and cyka blyat industries and sneaking a teleporter behind the objective

think of it as the orb has to be able to see you.

Basically it means if you could draw a straight line from Zen to the orb target, the timer refreshes. He doesn't have to be looking at them or anything

Then he's even more worthless than I thought originally.

Funny, in my experience, whenever I'm Zen I always die to random Pharah rockets or Reapers that just plow through anything.

Compounded by the fact that Pharah and Reaper completely dominate the meta atm but still. You can shitblast a Genji or Tracer or whatever but good fucking luck dodging rockets.


That doesn't really mean anything, as Junkrat and other defense heroes can be used properly on attack, while most of the attackers are also useful on defense.

No. They are Builders.

>Group Snipers: Hanzo, Widow, Pharah.
>Group Builders: Torb, Symmetra, Bastion
>Group Defenders: Mei, Dva, Junkrat

Prove me wrong.


Her charge up is great at fucking up Rein and anyone standing behind his shield especially if its a Bastion or a turret.

Fix? He's fine. Git gud.

>git gud
>not used in the meta by the most skilled players

All those people suck at the game.

He's the worst healer while also being slow as fuck, fragile as fuck, and weak as fuck.

>Most skilled players
>Can't play certain heroes

Wew lad.


could be worse

>implying every character is equally usable
Nigga u dumb

I think his alt fire should be able to go through reinhardts sheild so there just one more counter to sheilds and give him a reason to be played
also blizzard should put the heal up to 40 if they arent going to keep the perma orb mechanic

So go and beat them with him and get money.

>bastion doesnt build anything


All you need to do is just post some more to discredit your retarded theory,

Butthurt faggots. I enjoy OW but it's not like it requires an awful lot of skill as in pure hand eye coordination skill nor strategy. It doesn't even deserve to be an Esport.

To get back to Zen, he's a nice sniper/healer combi. Stay in the back, spam your orbs spam attack on opponent (they go down fast as fuck if you aim properly), use ur Ult for skirmishes, move towards safe spot just before it runs out.

I bet your "skilled players" don't pick him nor heroes like Hanzo because they actually require aim to get someone down. Plebians.

They don't pick him because he has 0 survivability and any half decent flanker can take him out

>stay in the back

You mean where the genji and tracer will kill you as soon as they see you

>i'm a casual with zero skill and so should you
Full retard.

>require aim

It's been proven hitboxes are larger than the actual target. With Hanzo, you can still headshot without actually hitting the model. Nice try.

Lock 1 hero per team and that fixes that

WHY isn't this a thing already

This is stupid and imba as fuck.

Change 1: Orb of discord can easily be placed on anyone, zenyatta's attack speed isnt slow, therefore he can fucking self heal like crazy. If you want zenyatta to work play him as an off healer shit niggas.

Change 2: GOD NO. With a tele/dash thing, zenyatta would be able to effectively kite like an offense hero. Zenyatta is not an offense hero the nigga is a fucking off support. His mobility is low as fuck, but he has a fuck ton of damage for a support its a trade off. You cant have fucking everything you greedy bastard. No hero in the game has everything fuck off.

Change 3: Having a balance state makes sense, ill give you that. BUT DAMAGE REDUCTION ARE YOU FKIN SERIOUS?! Is zenyatta a tank, spoilers, he isn't. The other two healers have mobility and self heal to live in team fights, because THEY ARE FUCKING MAIN HEALERS UNLIKE ZENYATTA.

All of these changes comes from the type of zenyatta player that makes people think he is shit. I bet you pick zenyatta even if your team doesn't have a lucio or mercy. Zenyatta is a little weak, but he is an off healer OFF HEALER. He is not for going into front line team fights fuck. He is suppose to stay back and support the ones fighting in the front. Also, if you cry about flanks, it is to balance the game. Giving zenyatta any abilities to help flankers fucking makes them useless now does it. Hero's like tracer and reaper excell at this and will win against any one. Don't fucking tell me you think widow needs a mini spider turret to stop flanks fuck off. Before you start preaching like you know shit, play zenyatta on attack when you already have a mercy. He has gaps but to fix them it is as simple as making his orb heal 10 more per tick, and upping his hp by 25 and his shields by 25. You must be bad at overwatch if you think completely changing a playstyle makes a hero better. Come on dude, zenyatta is not that bad, its just scrubs can't team comp.

Remove Lucio from the game because he does Zenyatta's job of healing multiple targets 100x better and more effectively,.

>Zenyatta should only be an off healer

See this is a big problem I think. The team always needs a healer, and if Zenyatta isn't a good solo healer, then you always have to have Lucio or Mercy. So no matter what happens, each team HAS to have one of those two characters or they fucking lose, and I think that's just bad design. Having to have a support to win is fine, if there's 6 options out of 24 total characters and all work equally well.

Shit man you sound pretty mad. Consider that a 20% damage reduction brings his effective hp up to 180

Orb of discord does not go through shields and can be purged by Zarya's shield, tracer's recall and reaper's wraith form if i recall corectly.

Really I think that one thing that would make him indesputably overpowered is that instead of mobility buffs, resistances or damage increase, you should simply make his orbs last longer again, probably last about 10 seconds.

>get four gold medals as Zen
>card is 849 Transcendence Healing

t-thanks blizzard

Pretty much all of this. And this: Play Zen when you have a Lucio or Mercy on your team. Spam your OoH on the Off/Def characters Mercy isn't attending, Tanks if you're with Lucio. Put OoD on Tanks first and deal with them. Transcendence when you hit choke points.
Yes, you will get flanked, but your team needs to deal with it like they're supposed to.

Not that hard and makes Zen a huge benefit on teams when you stick with it.