umm edition
NOW: Ape Escape (51 minutes)
NEXT: Spyro: Year of the Dragon (35 minutes)
LATER: Ratchet & Clank (51 minutes)
umm edition
NOW: Ape Escape (51 minutes)
NEXT: Spyro: Year of the Dragon (35 minutes)
LATER: Ratchet & Clank (51 minutes)
dumb niggers
remember, no anime
TriHard escape
>another 20 minutes of this
Racism isn't funny
Remember, no anime.
twitch chat pls go
>all those trihex emotes
reminder that twitch chat is more our guys than us ourselves
umm triggered TriHard nigger are so cringey
remember that OOT runner that did that tongue click every minute?
>donation tries to start a USA chant
Sup Forums and Sup Forums have a lot to answer for
Mah boy
nigger mods
Black people have feelings too
I fucking adore Ape Escape
why don't they just make a new ape escape for Vita?
co-op run when?
xth for niggers are worthless and racism belongs on Sup Forums
Leftist communist cucks feel free to fuck off to reddit
Anime is all fanservicey perverted shit
If you like anime you are a normalfags.
But who cares?
rate wabbit
Just wait for Ratchet and Clank where there's fucking donation incentive for them to sing the national anthem.
>wrote "have they catched bill cosby yet?"
>got perma banned
Fucking autistic anti-fun shit show.
people talk a lot about how hulk killed gawker and all that
but more importantly, how is the sex tape itself? has anyone watched it?
You called?
pick one famalam
Yeah, wait til /r/Sup Forums hears about this one!
this is quite the couch we have at the moment
I'm not using twitch chat, what's happening?
Me too. The level design and items are cool. Too bad its dead.
I think there was one for PSP that sold like shit. And
>getting games
>Sup Forums already here
nice job with that Trump sabotage
You did it well
Can you beat his record?
who /watching sgdq to ease the loneliness/ here?
>Army vet saves bald eagle by shooting it out of a tree
>just in time for Independence Day, the veteran shot 150 bullets into a tree to break a rope the eagle had gotten tangled in 75 feet into the air.
Twitch chat= old Sup Forums
current Sup Forums = reddit butthurt landwhale SJWs
You know its true
So I missed the beginning of the run, is this a brand new save? I don't remember you getting some of these weapons this early granted its been years since i touched the game but still
When is the fat kid going to eat the skinny kid for sustenance?
So what's going on with this shit? What did the autists do now?
His friend let him fuck his wife to set him up.
you have 10 seconds to post the cutest anime girl you can possible find
who /comfy/ here?
Do you really want to watch a fossilized gunther herman fuck the wife of a man who literally calls himself bubba the love sponge
I'll fite you
Reminder that Sup Forums hate Sup Forums with a passion.
Sup Forums found an opportunity
I want to impregnate Megumin
Upboated my fellow gentleman
Twitch chat has literally killed Sup Forums. This website is normie central now.
I just want to fuck a Megumin
is that too much to ask
>Always wanted to talk about Ape Escape
>threads always detrail posting of her
who's the gender fluid druid in the middle?
this is true
people unironically shit at SJWs while Sup Forums is fucking offended by everything
this'ing this so hard
Where are from most of the speedruners? Is it USA?
both current Sup Forums and twitch chat are edgy 14 year old that think NIGGERS LOL is funny
It was the third day of AGDQ 2015 -- the day that CavemanDCJ would finally prove to everyone that Floating Runner was speedrunnable. Blueglass once again failed to complete Ecco without the debug menu, the video cables were fucked up, and Mayushii was the donation reader at the time; it was already beginning to seem like a terrible day for speedrunning.
As Caveman walked to the couch, carrying his PSX and his memegame, he noticed Chibi sitting there. Surely this had to be a mistake. Any retard could've seen after the last GDQ that this was a horrible match. Chibi smiled up at him, his teeth covered in Cheeto residue, dark energy emanating from the collar around his neck.
"I promise I'll be quiet today," he said before Caveman could complain. The latter simply responding with a sigh and a shake of his head before setting up his game.
The run itself was going somewhat well -- he had only fallen once or twice, hadn't died, and was nearing Zaurer. He was so focused on the game that he didn't hear Mayushii read the donation comment, 'Why is the guy on the couch so quiet? Let him talk!'
A smile crept upon Chibinekodemyx's face. He stood up and proclaimed out loud, "You know, for a game called Floating Runner, I don't see a lot of floating in here!" The room was completely silent, barring the sound of Blueglass's clapping. Chibi knew it was his time. All his new, hip memes would surely make him seem cool in front of the master memer himself.
Caveman let a small groan escape his throat as he heard Chibi meme over and over. As he heard Chibi ask how Bowser got into the game, the DCJ decided he couldn't take it anymore. The frustration -- the tension -- was too much to handle. Throwing the greasy controller across the room, he turned to Chibi, snarling. Caveman kicked the chubby memer off the couch and lunged at him.
Screams erupted from the people in the room. The AGDQ staff tried to cut the stream, but they were too incomptent to handle OBS.
Has the fat guy said anything on this run?
>using twitch chat
Nigger detected,
Why would I donate money to people so that they can donate the money themselves and write it off?
Why wouldn't I just donate the money to whatever charity myself?
>Twitch chat= old Sup Forums
Twitch chat is the modern Sup Forums, sadly.
The audiences intersect so much. Just look at how many people agree with your post.
Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums with anime now.
It's nothing like how it used to be.
Twitch chat is Sup Forums circa the Boxxy era.
yes and they keep posting that garbage anime
All (you)
Doesnt SammyClassicSonicFan also do that?
Must be an autism thing.
what does the VAC emote look like? why are they saying it? I refuse to use Twitch chat cancer bullshit, especially any Twitch chat extensions