Is this game good? Or good for a final fantasy game

Is this game good? Or good for a final fantasy game

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It's one of the two games that are commonly considered the best in the final fantasy series.

>Is this game good?

>Or good for a final fantasy game
One of the top 3 for FF games.

>Is this game good?
Yeah it's alright I guess. Might feel dated if you've gone balls deep into JRPGs though.

>Or good for a final fantasy game
Yeah definitely one of the best.

Definitely one of the better FF games. Good RPG overall.

It's a great game, but like FF7, you won't get the full experience of the game as if you played it back in its hayday. Key scenes like the opera house don't have the same impact as they did 20 years ago. However, it's still one of the better retro JRPGs with awesome characters, great art direction, soundtrack, and cool setting.


It didn't really grip me the way it does most people and I ended up dropping it about 15 hours in. That being said I'd be stupid to call it a bad game. Personally prefer 7 and 9.

yeah im one of those guys who played ff7 religiously as a kid, never really delved into RPGS on snes.


I tried it because I wanted to sample old FF. It aged like milk desu. If you don't find ATB just fucking riveting then the story is not going to somehow make the experience worthwhile. The story is actually kind of unique but it's too sparse to make up for how dull the combat is to modern audience.

Holy shit, end yourselves. I've only played VII and VI and guess what? VI holds up a million times better, especially in the graphics department. It's not as comfy as VII, but come the fuck on. Also if you can play Pokemon you can play ATB Final Fantasy. Jesus Christ, neo-Sup Forums is real.

No and no, it's responsible for the downward slide in quality FF has been on ever since. It has some of the worst gameplay in the series with it being almost as broken as FF2 and FF8 and nothing it does makes up for that.

I found 6 roughly on par with a weak SMT game. Really not special at all.

>final fantasy

It's just another JRPG.

I guess if you're the kind of retarded slug creature who thinks Pokemon gameplay is interesting, then VI is right up your alley.


Only nostalgiafags like it.

It is my favorite game of all time.

I'm thinking of buying the Steam version this weekend and finally playing through it. I've started on several occasions but always gave up. I think my recent venture through Undertale has prepared me for the shitty graphics.

Why the fuck would you play the Steam version instead of emulating? Stop being a retard.

Why the fuck would I emulate instead of the steam version? $$$$?

Was great for its time. Really long though.

Because the Steam version is the worst version of the game?
It's really not. RS2 was a much better game.

The biggest problem isn't the graphics, it's the ATB battle system. With the amount that FF fans go on and on about how great FF VI is you'd think the combat was innovative for the time or a perfect refinement of the formula but no it is the same clunky menu driven Final Fantasy combat that was present in IV and V but without the level of customisation V offered through the job system.

tl;dr it's a pretty boring game to play.

and hhwhyy is it the worst sir?

Final Fantasy VI is amazing

I mean I'd probably be doing 9 instead but I downloaded it during the summer sale and god damn that thing needs a patch or two.

Support > request refund

Because it's visually the worst of every single version of the game, has the boring as fuck GBA translation, and has a shitty iOS interface because it's a mobile port?

Well, I'll take this new visual style over the old one, I've seen the comparison shots. The old one is just too damn pixelated for today.

What's this about the translation? All I heard was they changed son of a submariner line, but was much else changed?

I played it on emulator way after it was released, forgot exactly when, and it was bretty gud.

Is OP a whore?

That's not a question, that's final fantasy 6 for the snes.

Fuck off with your questions, peasant.

Patch because it crashes a lot or for other reason? I don't have IX on steam.

Out of curiosity was it the first SNES era Final Fantasy you played?


Also I started playing FFIV recently and I'm not enjoying it much

Unless you're talking about the ones that came BEFORE IT, please blow your brains out.

Just went on the FF wiki for this:

- This version has an entirely new translation more faithful to the original Japanese script, but retains several lines from Ted Woolsey's English translation that were popular among fans.

- Some of the English translation changes made by Tom Slattery in the game script include, Locke saying "Dammit" instead of "Nuts", the "Epee" sword being changed to "Bastard Sword", Kefka calling Edgar "son of a sandworm" instead of "son of a submariner", the "Doom" spell being changed to "Death", "Doom Gaze" to "Deathgaze" and "Pearl" spell to "Holy".

Try playing FFIV after you play FFI and FFIII.

It can feel pretty dated, but the music in VI is top-notch stuff and the setting was pretty cool.

So instead of explaining the leap of simple magic names to retarded "fire-AGA" sounding ones, they've decided to simply overwrite "their" old work. square's dead isn't it?

This game has undergone a shitload of changed god damn.

Er I played FF7 for the first time 4-6 years ago and I had a blast. I don't see where this 20 year rule comes from.

That'd be why you think it's pretty good, the 8 through 16 bit era gameplay was new to you. After seeing it in multiple games it gets really boring very quickly.

Pretty fucking great but not as fun as V.

>This thread

I'm starting to think FF games age horribly.

I'm like 1/3rd of my FFX playthrough and it feels like the game keeps getting more and more dragged out.

X was ALWAYS shit.

X is terrible until you get to the post-game.


>is this game good?
absolutely garbage

>good for a final fantasy game?
the best

>too sparse to make up for how dull the combat is to modern audience
This. I went in with the attitude of really wanting to like it and really just getting comfy with the music and the characters and the story, and all that was pretty great. But jesus christ the random encounters and the actual combat is soooooo boring and braindead.

There's no thought to the battles at all. Just use the same spells/area attacks over and over and over again. And there are lots of random encounters too. It really becomes a chore to play.
But if you can stomach that, then you're in for something cool.

For something that fulfills pretty much the same need but doesn't have as much of the same bullshit, play Chrono Trigger.

Ah now I remember why I failed to get through it all those many attempts. The god damned fucking non-stop encounters. Luckily the steam version can turn them off though.

Random encounters are fine when you actually have to try to get through them. Random encounters in FFVI are more like "oh look there's another one I'll have Edgar kill them with autocrossbow or Gau use Marshal rage or have Sabin use Fire Dance and then it's over", which never stops because none of those things use resources. It's fucking shitty and is the complete opposite of how FFIV and V treated their random encounters.

Interesting, I've never played a number lower than VI in the FF series since I assumed they roughly improved with each installment, but this is not the case?

In what way does the random encounters play differently in IV and V? Because with VI it essentially fails as a videogame but succeeds as a story.

Random encounters, especially in IV, are a lot more dangerous across the board - they have higher numbers and are mostly programmed to do something, as opposed to VI, where 1/3 of the encounters in the game have "do nothing" in their AI script. In both IV and V, reliably clearing a random encounter out is dependent on expending a resource, which makes it a question of whether it's worth spending it as opposed to fighting it out - in IV it's MP and in V it can be MP or Gil thanks to !Giltoss, and in both cases blindly spamming without a care will run you out of everything before you get to a boss. It's not like VI, where you have reliable high-power AoE abilities that cost nothing.

I don't need to replay this game, i already play FFRK

I loved growing up and is probably one of my all time favs but I think Chrono Trigger probably beats it as best SNES RPG to recommend to someone who never played a SNES RPG.

You might want to try VI's Brave New World mod: I've heard a good number of complaints about the latest version (1.7 or so) but 1.6 is pretty damn good at giving random encounters a purpose. Most enemies have a gimmick of some kind or counter to play around, and the player is required to think more critically in most situations. You also have more defined character builds and stats have been reworked in how they function. It's probably one of the best mods I've seen in recent years, but it does require some prior knowledge of FFIV, so give it a shot for a replay.

BNW is infinitely better than the base game but it has a habit of triggering retards.

I dont get this "this game aged bad" meme

Either you like the games or you dont. If you dont like it or think the game is bad because "its just nostalgia" or "it aged bad", then is you. You simply dont like older games, thats all. Which is not bad, but there's a difference between "i dont like older games" and "this game is bad because its old"

all FF's (except maybe 1 and 2) can be played today

Did they ever fix the evasion bug?

1.7 is an improvement over 1.6 solely for lowering the HP of the bosses in Kefka's tower and removing Kefka's safe/shell.

Just got to the world of ruin. This game's pretty boring desu. Am I almost done?

FF6's story really can't carry its gameplay and its story isn't anything special nowadays. Those are pretty good grounds for saying it aged poorly.

whats the other one

Educate me, which final fantasy is this? I cant tell by looking at it...

the meme one

Dancing Mad is GOAT final boss theme.

Crystal bearers on Wii?


>I'm thinking of buying the Steam version
Oh god no.

This is not okay