What games have good hugging mechanics?
What games have good hugging mechanics?
Zachary Powell
Isaiah Mitchell
Real life
Noah Roberts
Ass creed 2
Adam Lee
A Boy and His Blob has a dedicated hug button.
Lucas Brooks
Thomas Bennett
Source is Mai-chan's Daily Life if anyone is interested.
Matthew King
Jose Evans
But is it porn though?
Brandon Diaz
Streets of Rage
Elijah Morris
Shadow of Mordor
Carson Lee
It takes 10 pages to find out.
Christopher Long
You're wrong, source is actually boku no pico.
The fuck is this, 2006?
Parker Moore
I wish it was 2006 again
Wyatt Cooper
That's...a very good question OP...
David Peterson
Sauce is [Makinosaka Shinichi] dokidoki! Body Wall
Luke White
You are a very nice user.
Daniel Ross
Does she have a dick? Don't care otherwise desu
Lucas Bailey
Samuel Carter
Came here to post it.
John Torres
>sheever is going out with ODmemesel
Nolan Turner
>tfw games can't do good hugging and kissing scenes
And yet they think they can tackle animating a sex scene