Popped up on facebook. Who would you like to kill most?
Popped up on facebook. Who would you like to kill most?
We've had this plenty before, still irrelevant because Bioware is not listed.
>shit animation
>shit textures
>shit combat
then bethesda
then rockstar
naughty dog gets the blessing of the gods
I really don't give a shit. If people enjoy the crap they make, who am I to deny them of their enjoyment.
Plus it keeps retards away from my games.
Bethesda as long as a good company gets the rights of all of the IPs
GG Rockstar, take your normie-tier fans with you.
Naughty Dog is dead, I'd kill them. Rockstar is fine, Blizzard is fine, Bethesda still has potential.
I'd kill Bethesda, they skirt by on bare minimum and expect the modding community to fix their shit for them
Even if 90% of hardcore fans are normies, at least they put out good games still.
Naughty Dog. They're not what they once were and are changing the industry for the worse with all the cinematic bullshit. It's embarrassing.
The other 3 at least make games.
no dude you dont GET IT
ONE developer HAS to DIE
you have to kill one, you not reading fuckwall
only one?
wouldn't mind if Bethesda and Blizzard were killed
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me
Iv'e seen this thread like 3 times n the last day or so
How is this even a contest? Naughty Dog by far
Bethesda and Blizzard are the most cancerous, so a coinflip between them even though their games are more entertaining than the gruel that is Uncharted.
In order of killing I would say Blizzard, Rockstar, Bethesda, Naughty Dog. Although I would rather not kill any of them.
Blizzard - absolute garbage shit games
Bethesda games are just OK
Rockstar and Naughty Dog still make great games, not as good as they used to be, but still very enjoyable
Just kill it.
Skyrim was mediocre. There are literally no other games worth mention.
blizzard fans are the normie faggots here
Christ I hate Bethesda, but despite not making bad games, ND has never made anything exceptional and negatively affected the sorts of games that are seen as important to the industry. That being said, if they weren't around, someone else would be to do exactly what they do and take all that praise. Bethesda also fucked us up for a while with this open world craze, and they make worse games. So they get the boot.
>Naughty Dog
Bethesda/Rockstar confirmed for normie-level faggotry.
Jesus christ just let the cancer take you over and die.
naughty dog easily
they convinced a generation on normies that movie games are acceptable forms of video games.
>Popped up on facebook.
Please stop
They didn't develop Doom or Wolfenstein so those are safe, and they haven't made a good game since Morrowind and/or Oblivion.
Agree. And whats funny. 2 of the 4 games series listed on Naughtydog's part are abosutely dead now. Unless you wanna forcefully count The Crash remasters they recently announced as a proper return.
Naughty Dog, no question
If I choose Blizzard will all of its fans die with it?
Blizzard is the only one I don't give a shit about, although I totally acknowledge they're great developers.
Whereas I see that Bethesda is a bit shit but I enjoyed Skyrim and want to see future elder scrolls so i'd keep them around
>He doesn't like the least normalfag rockstar game: Red dead redemption
>Bethesda still has potential.
>All the consolefags voting for Blizzard
I need an answer for this too
Blizzard fans are absolute cancer
I would kill Blizzard first then Naughty Dog then Bethesda and then Rockstar
All of them are various degrees of shit and I'd rather reset the industry
Dumb Blizztard. Shouldn't you be posting in one of the 40 Overmeme threads right now? Careful you don't pass out from high blood pressure after reading this post, lardass.
I would miss gta and fallout, everything else can get fucked for all I care, they already killed crash and jak.
Bethesda is the only one making truly bad games that somehow sell out of these. Everyone else is salvageable or with interesting enough quirks. Bethesda's just complete trash.
Naughty dog. They're already dead inside
Naughty Dogg. This is probably the easiest choice, it's the only one that hasn't made a good game in a decade.
the last of us is considered by many to be one of the greatest games of all time so that's not really true
Naughty Dog, because I don't have a PS4.
They're great and all, but it won't affect me. Other devs probably would
What's naughty dog doing there with a bunch of game developers?
Yeah as I said, they haven't made a good game in a decade.
Tell naughty dog that that they will die unless they port all their past present and future games to pc.
Kill blizzard either way.
Just Blizzard.
Blizzard are jews
but Naughty Dog dying means dozens of NeoGAF users committing suicide so I'll go with them
So is Skyrim and GTAV, while they may be equally garbage they have a big difference, gameplay.
i literally give no fucks about this bethesda or blizzard
blizzard, didnt even have to think twice.
Why is this even a question? Naughty Doggs last good game was Uncharted 2, every "game" after that is abysmal.
>absolute desolation of wow
>managed to strike gold with a shitty rng card
>tried to cash in on a retardedly bloated genre and failed
>made a fun game but put in dismal amount of content into it and decided to to attach micro transactions on top of a 60$ price tag
I still choose Naughty Dog.
naughty cuck so i dont ever have to hear from the cucks how good "movie game #7" is from them
Those games are garbage to a minority of jaded fucks on Sup Forums who don't even enjoy games
Yes, I know there are much better games in existence than the mainstream stuff, but those games are far from garbage. The last of us does have enjoyable gameplay but Sup Forums seems to dismiss it for the way it tells its story
Blizzard, no contest
What gameplay? Moving ladders isn't gameplay user.
The """puzzles"""" are dogshit, but that doesn't remove the stealth, crafting, survival and shooting from the game. Nor the great story, voice acting, graphics etc. etc.
No instead lets just focus on 2 shit aspects and pretend the entire game is it
Blizzard just so Overmeme faggots would fuck off and be cancerous somewhere else.
Bethesda. I grew up playing Naughty Dog games so I'm biased. I still love all the games Blizzard makes, even StarCraft 2 and HOTS. Don't have an opinion on Rockstar.
Riot Game(s). Probably Bethesda if I have to choose from your list.
Blizzard is killing itself, Naughty Dog and Bethseda are making garbage and only getting more popular with dumb ass mouth breathing normies and its forcing casulaization on other developers so they can compete.
Naughty Dog, because what developer seriously develops for those kiddy boxes
The new Blizzard is garbage tier
Blizzard until WoW was god tier and then dropped into oblivion
Rockstar, GTA5 was mediocre at best.
Is "all if them" an acceptable answer?
Bye Blizzard
Nice never playing any of your neckbeard inducing games
>ive never played (insert dev here) but I want them gone
These are the children that post on cuckchan
Naughty Dog because they've gone up their own assholes with CINEMATIC EXPERIENCES, and cultivated a new fanbase that is Holier Than Thou and smug as fuck, who shit all over Naughty Dog's past game for being to childish and not as mature as their new schlock.
Bethesda shits out a sandpit for more capable people to build things in, Rockstar still makes pretty good games, even if they're not as good as they used to be, Blizzard is... well I don't give a shit about Blizzard.
Even then I'd rather see Bioware tank than Naughty Dog.
Naughtydog since they make movies not games
Easily Bethesda and their games for manchildren.
Why is Blizzard on this list? They've been dead creatively for years.
Naughty Dog.
OP have a choice of 1 out of 4 to go
I like Bethesda, R* and Naughty Dog(older ones) games, I dont like and never felt the urge to play Blizzard games.
I associate them with LoL, WoW and Diablo which are all neckbeard tier games.
Also your post doesnt make sense, you enjoy reading things that you dont like being said because theyre on Sup Forums? Fuck off then
Naughty Dog and their cinematic shit
Blizzard easily.
The only game I'll miss is Blackthorne and how many people remember that?
Fully agreed but all of those companies are running off of stale IPs though not just blizzard
>Ive never tried (insert anything here)
>but I hate it
Its ok to hate blizzard but hate them for the right reasons not because youre a memeing fucking idiot
Blizzard, nothing of value will be lost and immense jewry will come to an end.
Rockstar then bethesda then nigger dog
Beth is still keeping ES6 hostage, and Doom was okay enough, so they live.
Rockstar probably has some talent left.
Blizzard is at least trying, even if it's mostly shit.
Naughty Dog gets the axe for their cinematic bullshit and no longer being relevant since like 2010.
Naughty Dog.
Beth, but only if someone who actually cares about RPGs getts the rights to TES and FO so they can stop shitting all over the lore and actual roleplaying.
How are we supposed to kill them when they're already dead?
Naughty dog, I don't see why people hail them as the savior of video games when they have not made a good game in years.
I don't like cinematic movie games with little gameplay like uncharted and the last of us.
If you are not going to make crash bandicoot then I don't care.
Next is Blizzard.
I use to love Blizzard games but the only ones I cared about was wow, starcraft warcraft, none of these are good anymore or alive and the rest are shit cash crabs, though overwatch looks good.
Bethsenda has a chance.
The next TES could be fun but they killed fallout for me, I want a public apology for fallout 4.
They seem to be going down the path of making their RPGs not RPGS.
Rockstar is last, I cannot fault the company except no GTA V story expansions and Online is no fun but they could still add to their other series that I like such as Red Dead and Bully.
I will always welcome a new GTA.
Beth didn't develop Doom. id did.
Rockstar and Naughty Dog can still make decent games so I have no reason to kill them.
Bethesda is shit in the last decade but Activation-Blizzard takes the cake as the most evil and scummy on that list. They're right behind EA and Bioware on the scum list.
naughty dog because i dont have a ps4
Naughty Dog. They'll never do Crash right again and I didn't play the rest of those games ever.
Nothing Naughty Dog has ever made could be described as good or fun.
Naughty Dog. At least the other 3 make games.
Their games are shit! the only people playing their shit games are stupid fucks that have never played a well polished game before.
i think destroying rockstar would do the most objective good, but i'm personally too offended that blizzard is allowed to exist
Bethesda and Rockstar aren't publishers as they're presented in this image