Sup Forums says game is terrible

>Sup Forums says game is terrible
>it's actually really good
What's her name, Sup Forums?

I don't understand why Sup Forums felt the need to shitpost TOR for literally 18 months nonstop

Die retarded derpibooru poster

Sup Forums loves hating on popular things. Star Wars is popular.

The quests were generic as fuck and deserved to be called out on that, but it had that shiny Star Wars skin and quality voice acting so it kind of lessened the blow.

The game is great if you love RPing though.

So yeah, it's another retarded derpibooru poster thread


It managed to be good at one point, but F2P, or rather, the way they handled F2P, killed it.


I really want him dead

Don't engage with the severely autistic, they can get violent

Skyrim (modded)

And I think he should be executed.

I still don't understand how Sup Forums went from Skyrim hype to hate so fast.

Although the no spears complaint was right on point

Borderlands 2

stay away from [s4s], sir!

is this another /falseflag/ thread

>unbelievably shallow
coupled with
>beloved by casuals

He should die.

Halo series
Call of Duty series
Really, anything that becomes popular so Sup Forums just hates it out of spite (Skyrim, Undertale, etc). If it's popular and reviled on Sup Forums, it is almost certainly a good game.

Morrowind was even shallower but Sup Forums loves it

metroid other m. Best metroid game that's come out since super metroid

fallout 4

Do people still watch this cringe worthy fuck.

Favorite review? Mine would have to be Scooby Doo.

no they don't. Oblivion is their favorite now despite being the most despised game in the series before skyrim came out

Maybe once fags stop posting Sunset Shimmer so much there, I will.

do people actually find this guy funny

he's extremely annoying and cringewothy



Actually, OP is shilling derpibooru shit again
If you look at OP's filename (108564) and put that at the end of a derpibooru link ( you'll see where it came from.

And how would you know that? Unless you're OP

Fuck his shit up

Because I've seen his shitty threads for several months now, generic shitty thread with a 5,6 or 7 digit filename that just so happens to match up with its corresponding file on derpibooru.