SGDQ 2016 - Kill the Nazis

Now: Wolfenstein - The New Order
Next: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Later: Star Wars Dark Forces

Other urls found in this thread:

twitch gamesdonequick/v/76157943?t=17h14m35s



Thanks yetee!

First for based Blood_Thunder.



Why would two people wear a shirt at once?

jesus christ. is that a fucking shower curtain at that point?

it's illegal for people in germany to watch or play this game

nth for this guy isn't a great runner

>another 2 hour game

I see Big Jon wanted one

>allowed to play M18 games that swear/show gore
>can't swear on stream

What else do I have to do besides put a . between twitch and gamesdonequick?

at least something worthwhile happened in the marathon today.

am I reading this correct? There are no Small, or Medium sizes?

Nice walking simulator faggots

we nazi now?

Just listen to the webm linked in /wsg/ if you're lazy.

Wait until the end of this run. It's gonna be a blast.

The New Order.

kill yourself

.tv/ dude


you damn well know they scrolled down in the screenshot and S, M are higher up.

you either make one XXXXXL shirt or 100 small shirts. you can't have both.

>total pwnage

wow didn't realize it was 1998

My nuts are quaking.

>total pwnage



>runner can't swear
>playing 18+ with lots of swearing in it

somebody please explain me this bullshit




this runner is bretty cool, wish he had a better couch tho

as a german son of a ww2 vet, this runner is extremely offensive and has caused me to almost have a panic attack. how dare he!


hey guys

g u y s





memes lol


VAC lmao

Do speed runners play the games they run normally first, or do a lot of them only try to speedrun?


What about your real father?

Damn, Caddicarus really let himself go.


I watch it anyway because I'm such a rebell


>Pipe somehow kills a guy wearing mech suit

reported to frau merkel

I say we go to twitter and try to get M rated games banned

ugh, is anyone else tired of game stories being told in standing-still, watching a character monologue style? Bioshock and Far Cry are pretty guilty of it along with this game apparently.

he basically pulled off his mask.
he died.

fps speedruns are the most boring runs. why do they even bother.

weak spot m8
video games

look it up

>in a coma for 14 years
>up and stabbing and shooting guys immediately afterwards

Explain this

are they gonna show the fugging scene :DDDD


Jews are superheroes

>the WWE pay-per-view Elimination Chamber is renamed No Escape in Germany because of the connotations

it's basically like watching a stage play, and the player is just a camera watching things happen

>the game didn't get any love
probably because its like 50% cutscenes

cant hold down freedom

If you did a speedrun of TNO with the cutscenes cut out on Uber difficulty, that'd probably be genuinely entertaining to watch. Enemies still drop fast, but you go down in seconds.

I never knew this, holy shit.

doesn't bioshock only do that in one scene really


>people in last thread says this game gets better
>25 minutes in
>still not better

did nazi it coming


>Nazis are the bad guys

well Bioshock Infinite seemed to do it a lot, with standing/watching Elizabeth, Fitzgerald, that black lady, Comstock, etc. all acting/monologing speeches.

the only thing bad is the cutscenes. the gameplay is flawless

I'm watching sensual ASMR videos instead while shitposting feverishly. It's much more enjoyable.

Germany, Germany above all,
above all else in the world,
When it steadfastly holds together,
offensively and defensively,
with brotherhood.
From the Maas to the Memel,
from the Etsch to the [Little] Belt,
Germany, Germany above all,
above all else in the world.

based old guy

oh yeah fuck infinite

I thought you meant bioshock 1

so is there a run worth staying up for... tell me
i have no reason to sleep regardless

>kill 6 million jews
>good guys

>you share a board with literal edgy teenager Hitler sympathizers

That cat looks redpilled

>this game
Looks boring as fucking shit


Any recommendations?

post some good asmr

>kill jews
>bad guys


im horny and drunk

who wants some fuck

>blue eyes

better than nothing

I'm watching this instead

That's the definition of good

go back to your fucking hugbox. i don't wanna see any more of this shit on Sup Forums.

Old Poland man is the best character in this game, prove me wrong

speedrunning can make any game seem boring.
just look at the ff1 for nes speedrun

This run is so boring it's basically ASMR

pure speed speedruns make a lot of games look fucking boring and this is no exception

when a game is 90% about killing nazis and your main strat is "turn the difficulty to ez and run past them when you can" it's going to be fucking BORING

t. jew jewenstein

>His mother was Jewish and tried to hide this fact, but with no success