Would you play her if she was white instead?
Would you play her if she was white instead?
She looks like an mvc3 character in that pic
>he doesn't play Symmetra on Defense
it's like you want your team to lose
She looks 100x better
looks like a white girl trying too hard to be chinese
I play her anyways and she'd still be autistic
You can make her dark as night, just make her kit more interesting than leftovers they cut from torb.
i enjoy her more if i pretend she's from aperture science
Would she be OP if she could constantly reapply her shields? Why can't she?
You have no idea what you're talking about
They nerfed her shield. Kinda wish she was able to give 50 and maybe some sort of health dispenser
What an improvement
I hate her but I play her because my team is lazy.
Make her hair black again and I'll think about it.
If you could refresh the shields you put on allies, so you can do some kind of pseudo healing.
her costume is still retarded looking
from light into being
I'd be more inclined to, yes.
yeah i'd def play her if she was white
I would play her if she wasn't a useless cunt.
The only hero more useless than her is robo-dhalsim.
I don't play characters that have autism.
Wow she's actually hot now.
No, because I don't play shitty Blizzard retread games.
Not really, but she looks way hotter that way
Better but face still ruins it.
You can only post ITT if you've won a KOTH map using Symettra the whole time.
Is it just a skin change? Looks like her nose changed too.
Requires a coordinated team to keep pressure off while you set up but once you get going, it's very hard for the enemy to recapture
The brown girls are my most played.
I already play her.
Yes, if she was white, I would definitely play her.
they already refresh
they act like any other shield (e.g. Zarya or Zenyatta) and regenerate after a few seconds of not taking damage
Actually prefer her brown.
>after a few seconds of not taking damage
I mean instantly refresh them.
I already play her, dumbshit.
She's essential on the first defense point on any map.
I'd much rather bury my face in this.
Come on, mods. It's an ass. There's not even a hole visible. Cartoon fucking Network shows asses.
the shield already fucking replenishes itself, why would she need to reapply it?
Are you implying that's hard to do?
I can see light reflecting off that vagina
Honestly, i'd watch SFM of her if she was aryan.
Nothing against brown but indian brown just isn't appealing.
No. We have enough whites.
Zoom in. It's flat. Nothing there. She's a barbie.
I'd play the shit out of her
you can see her vuh jay jay
Nose and jaw seem changed, yeah.
So if shields are down atm then you can fill back up instantly?
What if instead of useless piece of shit shields she could construct a small healing beacon, like a bad version of 76's biotic field but permanent.
I totally see the silhouette of it
There is a fully modeled vagina in that picture
I don't really like her playstyle in general. She's some weird defense hero and picking her makes other teammates less inclined to pick actual supports. That and she's only good on first point defense of control points
id play her if she didnt suck shit.
I would like a link to that cartoon network ass please.
It's a start, they should rework her enough to where there's at least some point to taking her on offense.
I'd rather have deployable, direction shields. A mix of Winston and Reinhart.
you know shes indian right? they dont wipe their ass properly and shit on the streets so sometimes they dip their own asses in their shit
inb4 that turns you on
>memeing so hard
>am i fitting in?
>Make her even more of a defense hero
The only distinction in this game between support and defense is that supports can heal.
Except symmetra.
It'd be a cool thing to have though.
Pajeet pls go
That would be great. Also up her shield to 50 instead of 25.
lmfao xD
With the deployable shields you could put them on points to give your team a chance to move in. Like on Hanamura, put a shield or two down at the front door. Or on push the cart missions just put shields on the cart.
No. I like brown girls, she's just not fun to play and you're useless if your teleporter gets destroyed.
No because she's fucking boring
>primary fire is an autoaim lockon thing that practically melee
>right click is a projectile that's so slow it's only good for spamming, throwing at stationary targets, or memeing through shields
>sheild "skill" is so braindead it might as well be automated
>placing turrets is the only fun thing she has
At least winston's autoaim gun is fun because hes able to jump around and pick your battles
Also, this
And this.
Asses aren't NSFW, apparently.
I play her a lot, but she's very situational, also don't dump all the turrets in one place, layer them so if a target gets through the first ones they get melted by the second.
Yeah that does suck about her being support and other teammates not seeing the 'no support' tip. She's more of a builder imo but I can see why they chose to categorize her as support. Still love playing her tho and have gotten many potg's. You just have to utilize everything she offers. If your ults ready, stop what you're doing and deploy that shit. Safety over convenience with teleport placement. Her orbs are excellent against Reinhardt's sheild, anyone behind it, and choke points as long as you keep spamming and shut down a flank with all 6 turrets.
why wont you poo in loo?
>10% competitive usage
>60%+ win percentage globally
>70% for me
My wins say no.
60% of 10% is extremely shitty.
>how do I math?
meant for this
go to bed user
This is the absolute worst meme on Sup Forums and it has a lot.
Same desu.
I play her only because I have the blue skin, so white would be alright
Op I want a white Symmetra now.
What would her attitude and background be? California beach slut? Mmmmm
What's that thing below Phara's nose?
I like Symmetra the way she is
White people just jelly she isnt one of them
Much more desu
So long as she's from India and has that crooked jew nose it's a no
Half of the population, aka 500,000,000 people shit outdoors
It isn't a meme
I would play her if she was a good character who wasn't inferior to tracer or lucio
it ain't no meme
Yes, but mostly because I hate Indians.
you know if you had asked me this without a picture i probably wouldn't have cared, but now, yes, i would play that symmetra more than the original symmetra
>t. Pajeet
>dat one white rich stupid woman who into hinduism after watching some shitty movie about indian opression
>light blue and blonde
I prefer the redhead version.
Probably to represent white people faces
Her iPod speakers are her only use
I would play her more if they would fix her stupid jew nose