Is he one of the deepest protagonists GTA's ever had?

Is he one of the deepest protagonists GTA's ever had?

This is bait right ?

No. I genuinely think he's a very interesting character to dissect. To be honest, it's not like it's saying much since everyone in the franchise, aside from GTA IV, aren't very good
Considering the circumstances, he's definitely one of the best

Explain yourself. Trevor's pretty much a one-tone character as far as I can see.

>psychopath, entrepreneur, intelligent, romantic, family man, mamma's boy, loyal, proto hipster, and so much more
They didn't go enough into his past to show why he acts the way he does. He is the most complex protagonist, but deep isn't the right adjective in this situation.

He was a psychopath with a heart of gold. Anyone who thinks he was lolrandom the character has never played a borderlands game before.

He's a much more interesting portrayed as a homosexual in love with Michael, who uses drug abuse and violent promiscuity to cope with the fact Michael isn't gay and can never love him like that back.

In terms of behavior he is pretty much a woman scorned, only a man.

Didn't he murder his friend's cousin and his girlfriend just because she was a bitch? I'm not really buying the heart of gold, he murders people for the smallest shit the entire game.

She and wade pulled a gun/knife on him during that scene if you dont remember. Totally justified.

>portrayed as a homosexual
>only character to show a desire for female companionship
>only one to get heartbroken when a woman leaves him
If you want to say something a little less idiotic, at least say he is portrayed as bisexual.

>not "lolsorandom xD"

>Loves his mother to the poitn of crying
>Respects women
>Dog-like loyalty to his friends
>Hates Racism
>Unhinged but intelligent
>Openly seeks affection

As far as GTA goes, he is unique when the series is comprised of uncharismatic socio paths, Nike being somewhat of an exception.

>one of the best


>the best
Hell no.

Putting on female clothing during a drug bender is completely normal. Its like youve never huffed paint before or something.

They pulled a knife or gun on the guy that was shitting all over their lives? What assholes. You're right, they deserved what they had coming to them.

Fucking hell, man.



He's extremely conflicted.

He is very clearly in love with Michael. He falls in love with Patricia because she is the mother he never had, and he also has immense Oedipal issues.

Michael is the father he never really had.

He shows equal desire for male and female "companionship".

The fact that you think thats normal behavior shows youre mentally unhinged. Yes I wholeheartedly think its justifiable to protect yourself in a situation like that.

When had Trevor threatened Wade or his GF at any point before hand? Never son.

CJ isn't a sociopath though.

So who would you say are the 5 best GTA protags, then?

He is a busta though

I agree. It's obvious his mother had a lot to do with it, but you only got to see her at the end of the game.

If anybody nailed his character down it was Michael. He was a psychotic piece of shit who reached hipster-tier levels of tryhard edginess. Everything he did was for the sake of being shocking or edgy, and the scene where Michael called him on that was, I felt, pretty fucking good. Showed that Rockstar didn't create the character unironically.

you are the proto-hipster

he's bisexual

Niko had more deep

Be careful. If you load that question too much it might burst.

Tommy, Nico, Vic, Michael, Toni

I honestly don't blame Michael for selling out to the feds and trying to have him killed, there is literally no reason for him to be allowed in public.

>You're mentally unhinged because you disagree with me.

Okay dude, got it. Trevor's a psychopath that did nothing wrong, they deserved to be chopped into tiny pieces because they had the audacity to push back on the guy ruining their lives.

I just find it kind of nice that he has at least some morality
The part where he talks about swearing he will kill anyone that tries to fuck Tracey over was sweet in a way

>He is very clearly in love with Michael.
No, he just shows signs of extreme loyalty. Loyalty is not the same thing as sexual desire.

>he also has immense Oedipal issues
The first half of the Oedipus complex is the love for the opposite gender parent, but the second part is the hatred for the same sex parent. Trevor shows no inherent problems with "father figures". Hell, you even confirm that you know this by saying he sees Michael as a father figure.

Yeah, Michael nailed his attitude, but nothing truly delved into the why. The end with his mother is the closest we will probably ever get. Still want a DLC, but I've lost all hope of that ever happening thanks to gay fuckers buying shark cards.

you faggots need to be 18 or older to post here.

You mean Mr "Woe is me everyone feel sorry for me because I saw bad things in a war and I keep claiming I'm broke when my bank account is really in the six figures" what a shitter.

I never said he wanted to fuck Michael.

I said he loved him, and knew that Michael would never love him back. He is literally playing the role of the jilted lover, like Fatal Attraction on steroids, for a large chunk of the game.

>Yeah, Michael nailed his attitude, but nothing truly delved into the why. The end with his mother is the closest we will probably ever get. Still want a DLC, but I've lost all hope of that ever happening thanks to gay fuckers buying shark cards.

Couldn't agree more. Even if the reason was something as simple a childish cry for attention, it should've been established in the narrative.
Shark card sales do explain why there's no news on any expansions. Fucking shame.

>seeing children being executed during a war isn't traumatizing
I want reddit to leave

Treavor comes off as redpilled and Republican, and a probably a Trump voter, so, I doubt anybody that likes him would be underaged

Turn 29 on the 11th. I would understand your hate for Trevor if it was an actual lolsorandum character, but his characteristics actually follow a realistic pattern. He is a genuinely interesting character.

Don't you think your random age insult, without actually explaining why Trevor is a bad character to you, is a bit more childish than liking the guy?

>I never said he wanted to fuck Michael.
Okay, fair enough. That still kinda rules out Oedipus complex though, so you might want to take that out of your evaluation.

Thats the whole point user

Trevor is basically a "story" version of the average GTA playthrough.

Half the time he's coherent and lucid (the story sections of previous games) and the other half of the time he's the guy going on a rampage.

So he's the exact opposite of deep.

Watching kids getting lined up in front of a church to be shot and having no power to stop it is a horrible fucking thing user. Doesn't matter how much money you have.

He saw their dead bodies, and besides he was an amoral monster even before that so I don't really feel sorry for him since he did things that were just as bad.

Yeah, I suppose. The fact that Michael is both an equal and a father to him makes him "safe" in terms of the complex - he's a best friend, a brother, a father, and a lover all rolled into one.

The fact he is extremely dedicated to Michael's kids just reinforces it to me - they're *his* children, in his mind.

I am not about to feel sorry for the crocodile tears for a guy who admits to stabbing all of his former friends in the back and took part in human trafficking.

Maybe you're not supposed to. IV was about watching a man's life crumble due to the bad decisions he made over his lifetime. Of course he was gonna feel bad about it.

Honestly he ends up doing pretty well for himself all things considered.

Financially, sure, but you just know he's incredibly miserable by the end of the game nonetheless.

Not necessarily I mean he does get a shitload of friends at the end and he still has some family after everything is all said and done, I think there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

Psychopath that cares only for his friends?
It's been done before bruh

Is he one of the deepest antagonists GTA's ever had?

I didn't like how he went from being an even-tempered and rational business partner to being a menacing, vindictive villain at the drop of a hat. They give a reason for why he betrayed you but it was weird how much of a 180 he did.

I would go as far as to say no video game character before has ever entertained me more than Trevor.
Anons will only shit on Trevor because redditfags and normies like him, they will give no good reason otherwise.
He's fucking hilarious, the only protagonist in gta v who's actually interesting. I could give less of a shit about Mike's family problems and "oh im rich and so depressed" bullshit, and Frank was a fucking snore in general, no missions on building up Forum Street Families or whatever or hitting the other gangs, its just about him wanting to get out of the hood so he can be a boring hitman douche living in the hills.
When I get to switch over to Trevor though, I know I'm about to have some fun, no woe is me crap.

That's not Catalina

it was wade's cousin. wade never finds out they died.

I don't think it was weird, you just didn't get to see the real Dimitri up until that point. He's a sociopath, a manipulator.