There are people on Sup Forums right now who fell for the cs go gambling meme

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who fell for the cs go gambling meme

kek how it feels to be so retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:,

>shitting on something before you even tried it

Typical Sup Forums

honestly amazing the govt hasnt stepped in on this shit yet

>eating shit before considering it may be shit
typical redditor

Oh hey, look. It's the modern age ray william johnson.

modern shooters are garbage, shame on you to anyone that actually plays them. and for the colossal morons that actually gambled using loot crates i am laughing at your stupidity, if you are dumb enough to do it you deserve to get scammed.

Ethan's self rietious bullshit and his cring inducing fans trigger me

I don't really give a shit either way, but how could they? It'd be tough for Valve to go the "the virtual items hold no value" route considering they have a damn market to sell said items but considering it's essentially like the Japanese Pachinko loophole, it seems like it'd be tough to go after.

I never played CS:GO but what's so special about RNG boxes in it? Isn't that just the same shit as in every other game that does similar shit?

Thank god for Valve, got like 300US on betting csgolounge

5th day in a row this asshole blatantly advertises his channel here

You can stop shilling your videos here Ethan, reddit already gives you enough money.
Also there is no reason why gambling online shouldn't be legal.

I agree with you user if that person is an adult.
The people these youtubers and streamers are aiming are children with no more than 15 years.
Taking kids into gambling is immoral.

>it's essentially like the Japanese Pachinko loophole
Pachinko is also very clear about only being for adults.

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who fell for the h3h3 is funny meme
kek how it feels to be so retarded?

hahaha cool video xDD VAPE NATIONN lolz XD

It's not real money its steam bux. Unless you go through paypal which valve doesnt support

Well, CS:GO is rated M for mature, so they could go that route as well.

I'm not going to lie though, it'd be fucking hilarious to see all these sites have to shut down.

What do you guys honestly think about him?

I started watching his stuff about a month before all the Leafy shit went down. I liked it a lot, but it's weird that he alternates between being a complete manchild and crusading against other Youtubers. These days only 20% of the stuff he puts out is legitimately funny to me.

It shouldn't be legal for kids.

>le poor man's tim and eric

winking at the camera doesn't make your shit suddenly ironically good.

He's shit just like all the "talk about things" Youtubers.

Ok before he became le epic internet white knight

It's the parents responsibility to supervise their own children, not valve's.

Hes not good but every once in a while has a video worth watching.

Kids shouldn't be playing CS:GO.

Except you know, gambling laws exist.

youtube cancer needs its own fucking board HIROSHIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Better get rid of smoking and alcohol laws, then

Its not just about that, but the fact that these guys endorsed their own website without disclosing their affiliation.

you can't be this retarded valvedrone

I liked him more before he started taking himself way too seriously, I don't care about him being some kind of moral high ground faggot, if you made your channel about making fun of shit for so long you don't get to turn around and call people out for doing the same shit

Some shithole youtuber who's whole schtick is bitching people out, does better journalism than the entire games industry press. Holy shit this is golden.

>considering they have a damn market to sell said items

For an imaginary currency, that cannot be officially cashed out to real money, that can only be used to buy other things from Valve.

There also exists law for viewing pornography, but nothing is stopping kids from inputting a fake age when going into websites.
The services have placed restrictions and rules, is it their fault when their users break the law?

>caring about ethics in gaming

I thought we got rid of you idiots.

>posting le funny reddit reaction man

You can leave now, Ethan.

I don't see that guys appeal at all.

He didn't even discover this. It was a guy who had probably 1,000 subs at the time

Fell for it?

Dude I made like 1200 bucks off it.

>The services have placed restrictions and rules, is it their fault when their users break the law?

Yes it is actually.

What does Valve have to do with csgolounge?

It's literally-reddit the youtube channel

I liked the videos where he did that video editing to make everything creepy.
When I found out his channel is actually just him talking about stupid shit I stopped caring. Why anyone regularly listens to random peoples opinions on youtube is beyond my understanding.

yea and i made like.. 69 bucks it wasn a big pot but it just made me feel so idk, speshul

>image made by a woman

He's hit or miss when he isn't being a crusader and he's always a miss when he's crusading. Which is unfortunate because the enema video gets me almost every time. He should stick to making shit like that instead of hopping on the gradeaundera dough train and stop acting like he's some youtube holy knight.

I miss his .exe vids

You stupid fucking idiots. You're probably the same fuckers that cry no one talks about video games on Sup Forums. Just talk about the points being made and the evidence found about a topic that has a big impact on online games.

When the first fucking thing you do is talk about the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, you're being a fucking retard. You are the problem.

>misspelling an easy word in current year with spell check browsers

you are dumb as a box of rocks.

He was shit when you stupid plebbit fucks started migrating here, and he's still shit.


Are they gonna give you sponsorships and skins that you can bet?

>continues to shitpost

I kinda liked him when he just made innocent videos where he reacts to funny shit but now he's a drama bitch, when youtubers enter drama, I just fucking unsub, I came to watch something entertaining, not to groan and roll my eyes over petty issues.
"waaaah, this youtuber is bad!" kill yourself.


Get this reddit shit out from here!

This is Sup Forums not some lame fag site

This faggot is on the same level as pewdiepie on the "critically unfunny tryhard" scale.

I will never understand how anyone can like his shit.

who would have guessed women would hate a rogue group of misogynists manchildren?

>"f-fucking shitposter"
what's next, ?

It is funny money for the person selling it, but you could easily flip it around and show that you have to add in steam funds using actual money to be the buyer of said item, that can easily be seen as real value in that regard.

>says Loss in the filename


yea man i guess the sites called, cslotto? idk i been thinkin about doin it, mite be cool
i dont own it or anything

>it's in the filename

At least you already know your place.

>literally who

So is the issue the cs skin gambling sites or is it valve selling keys to open boxes?

I don't really want to give any of these faggots a view.

Ethan you jew fuck , stop shilling your video on youtube , this like the 5th time in 2 days you´ve been posting this same shit.
Dont you have your own subreddit already?
fuck off back to the gas chamber.

CSGO discussion shouldnt be allowed here, who plays that other than fucking 17 year olds? Allowing this only brings more unwanted faggots here.

At least come up with your own argument you troglodyte.

>but you could easily flip it around and show that you have to add in steam funds using actual money to be the buyer of said item

This is absolutely no different than going to an arcade, buying tokens, winning tickets with those tokens then trading the tickets in for some prizes at the prize area.

Just because some unrelated shady fag is sitting outside behind the arcade willing to give me real money for my tickets does not suddenly make the arcade's practice illegal.

What's with "scandals" and YouTuber beef being so popular right now? I feel like the big personalities on YouTube of yesteryear were not nearly as intertwined as today's are.

Except Ethan has basically nothing in common with RWJ. Ethan makes fun of RWJ-type youtubers

itt: fags that got scammed and lost a lot money trying to justify their stupidity


>So is the issue the cs skin gambling sites or is it valve selling keys to open boxes?
Main issue is 2 gigantic streamers\youtubers shilled for a skin gambling site being all like "i just found this site, its now my fav i win on it all the time" and not telling the people that they actually own and started the site themselves.

kek you cannot stop me. I have a really large fanbase who actually likes my shit. what are you going to do about it?

Youtube's current way of handling things in general supports shitheads. So the ones that believe that they aren't shitheads are on a crusade to either change youtube so the shitheads can no longer get away with it, or nuke specific channels that are the biggest offenders.

The golden days were from 2014-2015 with consistently good videos. Now half of the videos are drama related.

Ethan is rwj.
Take content/viral video
Make commentary about it
That's what rwj does, rhsts what Ethan does

And that's why Pachinko is able to be played by kids in Japan right?

Steam wallet at this point is essentially like the Pachinko prizes, you can either cash it out using "prizes" via separate means like G2A or some random skin sites, but the main issue being that kids are getting in on it, and I can already see something like

Case in point. If you want to talk about csgo than piss off

>but you could easily flip it around and show that you have to add in steam funds using actual money to be the buyer of said item, that can easily be seen as real value in that regard.

Ever go to one of these places? pic related.

You see you pay real money and get these funny money tokens in trade. You can then use them on many games of chance to earn back funny money tickets. Those tickets can then be taken to the counter like in the pic and traded for prizes.

That is exactly what's happening in your example you just gave. You are turning real money into steambux, trading steambux for skins then cashing out your skins through valves store.

>turns on camera
>"hey guys! check out this video i found on youtube!"
>shoe horns in unfunny commentary throughout the video to get away with reposting it.
>alright, thanks for watching

I fail to see the difference.

An argument can be made it's money when its value is depicted like legal tender i.e. $ or your regional equivalent.

I guess all Valve has to do to eliminate that angle is change the labels to something else, like steam points.

t. not a lawyer

Thank you.

The only thing better than seeing something so high up is seeing that thing fall.

not an argument

>And that's why Pachinko is able to be played by kids in Japan right?

Pachinko is a physical storefront where personal ID works, and the gambling is run by the same people within the same building providing the tokens and the prizes.

Online websites are not storefronts with viable IDing, gambling sites aren't run by valve.

what happened to this dude?
two years ago he was making funny reaction type videos now he just does dumbass vlogs and rant about gay shit

Well then valve has nothing to do with it. I guess it's a good life lesson for kids not to blindly trust people even if you like them or they're popular.

Id never consider any 3rd party skin gambling site to be legitimate.

More like I fell for the CS:GO meme.

It's fun messing around with friends, but eSport shit and updates only make it worse and worse. Community is shit and the game is all about eye candy now.

Getting better at the game removes all the fun aspects, being good at competitive only made me feel worse than low level dickery, but getting better means playing with the 'oh so serious' bunch.

Then there's cheating, scamming, smurfing, stacking, throwing and all other kinds of shit that just piss you off even more.

Summer and under age are here we can't do anything about their blatant advertising and shilling

Shut up, Ethan. I'm sure reddit would love to discuss your shitty video, go there

>Pachinko comparison again

You'd have a point if CSGOLounge was a place I could go to down on mainstreet with a doorman who checks ID, and if valve was the owners and operators of CSGOlounge.

You're positing that an age old system, still used in childrens arcades today, is illegal for valve because people unaffiliated with them do side business.

>Well then valve has nothing to do with it
Thats the issue, they should interfere before this fucks them over, they are allowing people to tap into an unregulated gambling market.

Yes we can. Keep reporting, mods will delete/ban. Teenagers now need constant stimulation, they'll get bored eventually and leave.

RWJ is like funniest home videos, absolutely braindead uncritical presentation of other videos. Ethan finds the worst of youtube (vape culture, idiotic prank channels, EDM festival culture) and lampoons it in a satirical and ironic manner. It's a completely different audience. He does plenty of real-life skit videos too, when RWJ never left the studio

But they're at least partially affiliated with it because of API with Steam Logins and inventory and supposedly giving specific support to gambling sites themselves, that last part being a part of the bigger issue.

Nah, Sony never interfered when selling drops on PayPal during EQ days. Valve doesn't need to do shit