Can you enjoy the same thing over and over again?

Can you enjoy the same thing over and over again?

>huge variety of weapons, armour sets, shields, spells and subsequently, playstyles
>huge variety of environments, characters and plotlines
not sure what you mean OP

i can't beat the 4 kangz
plz help

>bosses are the same each time

Well I can't play DS 2+3 since they're too much the same thing but Demon's Souls, DaS1 and Bloodborne are all pretty cool and unique.

Not sure what kind of retard you'd have to be to just eat up these blatant rehashes tho.

in what way?
>a bull demon with an axe on top of a bridge
>a demon in a small area flanked by two dogs
>a giant dragon
>a magic butterfly
>an iron golem
>a half-dragon half-waifu that turns invisible
>a dual fight with a fatty with a hammer and a skinny with a spear
>a naked magic dragon
>just a dude with a sword

ebin simply ebin

I've played DeS and DaS around 20 times and Bloodborne about 10.

So yes.

>playing bloodborne more than 2 times
Literally autism, seek help

you can with Alzheimers

Played DaS2 the most, I hate it, but I love the variety of weapons and just sheer amount of stuff, content and locales.

I want a Bloodborne quality game but with DaS2's amount of shit.

DaS3 was promised to be that. It is not.

DaS3 DLC better bring the fucking heat. I want at least 100 new weapons and 20 new armours.

I think what the user meant is that the bosses are going to be the same as they were when you first beat the game.

I guess its cool on Sup Forums to mock people who like to see new innovative stuff, or at least try new stuff? This series is one of the best examples of adapting and chaining though while retaining the core experience.

you are retarded, the post I was replying to was talking about all the different ways to play the game, I was obviously pointing out that the bosses are the same each time

You beat them before they beat you

>I was obviously pointing out that the bosses are the same each time
Not if you use spellcasting builds. They'll start resisting against some types and be weak against others. Same thing with weapon damage types.


it boils down to the same, dodge the attack and wait for your opening, varying slightly depending on your build

Underrated post

You have estus, they dont. Use that to your advantage.

Try beating to a pulp

Isn't that the foundation of ALL combat though? And to be honest, the game had way more variety than that, just because you only took advantage of one play style, doesn't mean it's the only one. You can play through the whole game using sorcery for example, which will completely modify how you play.

mein neiger

no, in player versus player combat, you can make unorthodox moves, predicting your opponent to do something, and catch them with it. you can't do that to AI. for your information i've played nearly every souls game with a multitude of builds and playstyles. it still boils down to two things. dodge/block and attack when there is an opening. you might have to wait for certain openings depending on the speed or range of your preferred way of doing damage, but that's the extent of it.