Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!
Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't have time to play with myself!
>3D models
That 3d
>not playing with eduke
Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my parents
So what's the deal with with the cancelled Duke3D remaster?
Its cancelled and all we have to look forward to is Gearbox's re-release of Duke 3D.
Blood is superior in every way imaginable and yet it still doesn't have a source port. There is no justice.
You can play eDuke without enabling disgusting 3D models, you dingus.
Did he jump out of the aircraft or something.
Enjoy your hitscan enemies CRUDUX CRUO
Why not just play the original?
No. It's only superior one a few departments and one of them is the enemy art. Level design is not nearly up to snuff like in Duke 3D. The first Episode is pretty good, but level design plummeted for the worse beyond that.
On average Blood is the better game, but the first episode of Duke3D is probably the highest point of classic FPS level design.
>you never get to drive whatever the fuck he was riding
You can drive those in Duke 2
>Gearbox's re-release of Duke 3D.
>bought it when it was on steam
>now I have to fucking buy it again because I want a sequel so bad
>gearbox is so feminist that we all know they'd shit all over it
Trust me, no one in their right mind will play the re-release. Megaton Edition might have been taken down but there's still eduke32 and gog's installer.
But in 3d maaan
Don't buy it. I hope Gearbox goes under and sells the ip to Rockstar.
Is Duke Nukem the king of illegal, ghetto releases? For fucks sake, so many lawsuits over him
Just finished playing Duke Nukem Forever for the first time. It obviously isn't Duke3D, but it ain't that bad either, so why were you bitching about it in the past?
Like rockstar would buy it. I don't know. Did they confirm what it was gonna be yet? New features or something?
There is someone working on it.
But really it's just the fault of the dolts working at monolith for never releasing the sourcecode when they had the chance.
Because it was just about the most anticipated game of all time and gearbox shat it out in RIDICULOUSLY MEDIOCRE form for free money.
Fuck Gearbox.
Yes. Because it got shot up by the second alien race to attack Earth in as many days. Pay attention, m8.
Apparently the new Duke talk is horrible, he is confirmed for saying "Bazinga." I also heard about some cosmetic changes. It sounded to me like they were making it more politically correct.
Looks like a shitty Deus Ex clone now
Why is the Duke talk in Manhattan Project so bad?
Gearbox is literally satan.
Megaton Edition wasn't actually Gearbox's re-release.
It belonged to a guy named Gobeille, a crippled programmer who re-built the entire Build engine out of his basement. He's the last person who really understands how the Build engine works.
The reason it's not on steam anymore is because Pitchford threw a big baby pissing contest and threatened steam with lawyers if they didn't remove it. Despite the fact that this guy has a signed contract stating that it's perfectly fine for him to make Duke Games from the people who own and sell Duke 3D.
Just look at this fucking baby.
>buuhhhh you assaulted me iwth your twitter words, imma sue u :^(
I literally hope Pitchford has to sell his first-born daughter to pay for his Battleborn fuckup.
It's time to kick
>tfw deus ex alone is better than the whole Duke Nukem series
I thought that gearbox didn't do much aside from bugfix and release tho
Honestly I'd shit on any game that takes 15 years to develop.
This was better than Duke Nukem 3D. Prove me wrong.
Controlled WAY worse, though.
Those old shareware games always had the best level design in the free portion of the game.
>I've got time to play with you! Oh, shake it baby!
this game had such an edgy FMV intro. GLorious 90s edge
>10 years old watching that opening.
>Dem strippers.
Duke was my childhood rolemodel no joke.
Gotta thank my Pops for letting me have fun with such a bad-ass protagonist.
oh shit, I never heard of eduke32, is it like GZDoom?
>The first Episode is pretty good
That's an understatement.
But man they just fucking give up after that.
The constant memes in Blood are almost Borderlands 2 tier.
It's as egregious as any 2.5D shooter.
It's time to kick dicks and my ass is full of gum
No. Almost every line in Blood is a cultural reference.
>people will never appreciate Duke Nukem's humour unironically ever again
GZDoom is one of the many options to play Doom, Eduke32 is THE option to play Douk.
there is hope
getting it right now
>better than the whole Duke Nukem series
There's like one passable game in the entire series, user
Everyone loves his humour
Duke has the most hitscan enemies out of all the Build engine games, which really annoys me.