Go to hell

go to hell

Other urls found in this thread:


Snowbound really wasn't that bad. Getting hold of a shotgun and waiting around in the little underground area waiting for unsuspecting idiots to wander in and then just blasting them was fun enough.

Was a good map for teams. Terrible for slayer though.

this armor is cool
do you think this armor is cool
i think this armor is cool

i was good at this map even with uneven teams

What mid 90s adventure game is this?

on the pit map crazy king i got invincible medal 30 kill spree with 1 death


>Invasion was the best part about Reach
>They never brought it back

>shotgun camper calling other players idiots

>halo threads on Sup Forums

It has finally happened. Too old for this place.

i liked halo 2 better because you could bxr and rrxyyrrx to kill niggers faster

thank you for contributing

snowbound was great if you were competent with a ghost.

that was easily countered with plasma grenades, either by spamming them to the tunnels or as last resort going allahu ackbar and sticking the camper up close. even though he'd shoot you, you'd get rid of him

go to hell, stupid fucking snowbound, veto this shit u assholes, god damnit every1 press x this mapi s fucking gay if u dun press x it means ur gay u fucking press x u faggots press it muther fuckers FUCK fuck fuck

battle rifle and grenades is all you need to kill most people on any map

people are cucks and you just angle your grenades right and 1 shot them

actually you're too new considering there has literally always been positive Halo threads. probably more positive threads than any other franchise even




The pit best map

That isn't Avalanche, gayboy.

That's not how you spell Valhalla.

I am fucking SICK of Valhalla and avalanche. That's all anyone ever votes for in BTB on MCC. I would kill to get something interesting like Zanzibar or sandtrap or coagulation or death island

rocket lawnchairs

pretty sure guardian was the best map family

low skill detected

1v1 me on guardian, shitter
BRs only

I actually think that Halo 5's forced rotation was a good fix for that problem, although it strips a bit of map freedom it also removes the never ending flip-flop between two maps.

Eat shit, Valhalla is top tier, your favorite map a shit.

I love the fact that the map was somewhat similar to lockout.

Then they brought it back as blackout. They have a mini documentary about the design of lockout when they released blackout.

lockout was a great map

i liked midship alot also

Literally the worst fucking map.

Halo came out 15 years ago gramps. People who played 3 when they were 9 can post here now

it was vetoed almost every time

I'm willing to bet this was a serious comment.

>Only ever saw this map in customs

>that one fucker in the banshee

You have 10 (TEN) seconds to post em.

veto veto veto

>that one fucker with the flamethrower

>that one fucker camping the teleporters

You played mostly big team battle?

here you go

not security

It's been so long.



>unironically playing elite

I miss those custom games days ;_;

i know that feel

Why did it have to die. There will never be another game community like there was for halo 3. Complete strangers would talk for hours and invite eachother to customs lobbies.

Now on XBL everyone is silent, and if someone is talking they're likely to be muted by the others.

Halo 3 was a truly amazing experience. I met friends in custom games that I still talk to and play with daily 9 years later.

Just fucking let me die in my sleep. Also spartans vs. spartans is fucking garbage, I want my ayyliums back.

>Snowbound really wasn't that bad.

I'm wondering if the haters keep imagining pre patch Snowbound or something. After they removed most of the shield doors snowbound became one of my favorite maps. Hell I even liked it with the shield doors.

I liked the underground and the bases. The ttop was terrible and too open and bright, but the bottom was a super fun clusterfuck of grenades and melee and explosions.

my fellow patrish

The whole map got to see action which I think is good. Top was great for BR battles and you usually wanted to stay on one of the two bases. The bottom was great for close quarters battles.

Halo 3 has no bad maps imo.

>tfw swat game mode

I loved Halo 3 man
Nice armour senpai

Can we at least agree Guardian is pretty fucking top tier?


The fuck I wrote f a m not senpai

Thanks, family.


Look at Mr. Big Dick over here.
Wonder if we have any Generals in our midst.

How nu r u?

I only grinded 45 in Lone Wolves then stopped because I thought it had the best emblem. I had a 45 in MLG as well and I think a 44 in team slayer.

>actually you're too new considering there has literally always been positive Halo/WoW/CoD/Skyrim/Fallout 3/ threads. probably more positive threads than any other franchise even

Everyone shit on those "late night" Halo threads because the participants were grade A cancer and then they left because Sup Forums became garbage in 2010 and even more left because Sup Forums became even more garbage in 2012.
Kill yourself.

Amazing how the game still has players at any given hour

>bungie.net still has your screenshots saved

Let's see them Sup Forums

This and Pit were the best maps.

simpler times

>not having a 50 in lone wolves and mlg
>not doing it as an elite the whole time
>not playing almost ten thousand games of halo 3

That's not even including the 8k matches of Halo 2.

What a fucking golden age of video games.

Halo:CE:CE on PC ran for a long long time.
Is it still up?


pls carry me in doubles

Better times.

Genuinely curious,but where do these people who left Sup Forums go ? I miss those days when neo Sup Forums still wasn't in full fledge and eternal summer was just a bad joke.

That map was fucking amazing for Forge mode.

More like tunnelsbound