Internet Speed

How important is a good internet for online gaming?

Also post yours

Other urls found in this thread:

its important, dont play online.. unless its onlywatch

That speed is perfect for online, your team will thank you for it

Not very. 2-3 mbit download and 0,5 mbit upload is enough, as long as your ping is good.

Depends on the game.
The modern games are way more greedy when it comes to bandwidth requirements than the old ones, because they just assume everyone has a broadband connection these days.

>tfw this is running me $80

FiOS was supposed to be implemented about 5 years ago.
I've given up on Verizon.

lmao, someone didn't get the memo

Verizon hasn't cared about expanding wire line in any facet since 2009. Including FiOS

>that's mb/s and not mbps
Thanks for reminding me how trash my ISP is

>that's mb/s and not mbps
its the same thing. there's a difference between Mb/s and MB/s though

>that's mb/s and not mbps
It's nauseating knowing I share this board with people like this.

Don't worry, almost all of my friends are still on DSL that won't ever get upgraded.

[They all live in the US btw]

Amazing isn't it?

It depends on what you're doing.
If it's a turn-based game, not really important as long as you don't have some ooga booga 0.1B/s upload speed.
If it's a FPS/TPS or something similar, the importance varies depending on the speed of the game. A low ping is much more important in something like Quake than it is for something like Mechwarrior.
If it's something like a fighting game or rhythm game, then it's absolutely important.

I'm in the UK and I get about 36Mb/s down and 8Mb/s up, unlimited. So I'm set as far as online gaming goes.

>tfw want to play with japs in EXVS and other things, but live in about the worst place possible geographically to do so
>tfw unless scientists develop some kind of faster-than-speed-of-light magical fiber cabling there's literally nothing I can do short of moving country

Ending this thread.

sick dude

You can be on dial-up and be good. But if it's fucking broken, having 800 ping on your home server, then of course not.

This is what third world net is like

Are you even trying?
>inb4 not

He's fast!!


jesus fuck, you could download the entire internet in a matter of seconds

Not at all. All you need is for the connection to be stable and the latency to be low

>I'm Australian

Also this post isn't video games

Verizon does not own the wireline plant in California any more. It is all Frontier now. Have you been under a rock for the past couple of months?

$60 so far but going to go up all the time.

How's it feel to get cucked by New Zealand?

>tfw upload speed recently shit the bed for no reason
>can't even post .png or .gif anymore

I have no clue what's wrong

Thats so badly edited it hurts

>tfw I shitpost to hide my incompetence and ability to make rational, well thought out posts as well as my slow internet speeds

Pretty happy for an Ausfag


Having consistent ping is more important than a fast connection, but it is pretty important

how do i have this kind of internet in a students dorm?

pretty ok

Good for downloading games from Steam for mere minutes.

I guess we're the lucky ones, user.

It's embarrassing that this is the best this country has to offer.

You better resign the contract and start using an old MODEM if that's the cade. Maybe you'll spend even less.

line quality and buffer bloat are far more important than speed, most games don't even use 1% of the average internet connection's capacity

>being retarded

ATX has giga services you moron. I swear we go through this every fucking thread.

I don't get it, why do we always get shafted for upload in the UK

Not the guy you're responding to, but pretty fucking bad

We just had an election and the Liberals could get back in and give us another 3 years of 25mbits or less speed (90% of the country get less than 10)

alright for a small city

>eastern euro scum
>shit wage
>PC is semi-trash
>could afford better but I've been saving money for future business

At least our internet is nice.

>40€ per year for this


Like asking how important a good a car is for racing.



nice ip nigga

>Play against an American with 4 bars or near 0 ping
>Laggy as fuck
>Play against someone from a third world country with one bar or over 300 ping
>Silky smooth like he's right here with me
Why on the fuck does this happen?

I thought New Zealand internet was terrible
I don't even have fiber

>people still have flash installed in 2016

150 Mb/s down, 12 Mb/s up

Does 2degrees offer 100/50 plans? I could get 200/200 through my boss but I don't really want to.

VDSL a shit

>le flash is le evil! am I k00l yet guy's!?

>3mb/s down
>.7mb/s up

wew lad.

Sure is USA tier internet here.

>800 ping
>.02kb/s download
>.016kb/s upload

I'm having a hard time believing this is even real

>that one faggot that quotes all the posts in the thread

>le flash is bad

fuck off faggot shill baby's flash literally downloads viruses every time its used

Swedistan good feels

epic bait

This is faster than 56% of Aus? Thanks Liberals

It's not evil, it's just deprecated shit that leaves you open to untold vulnerabilities.


Hur mycket betalar du för det?

You think I care?

12mbps down and 1mbps up with 30ms to the nearest hop

I asked many times to my ISP to downgrade the synchronisation because the noise is already too high and I need sub 10ms to be able to play properly ( servers i'm playing on are 1000km away so you have to add +40ms )
Fuck ISPs, once they become too big too fall they will literally ignore you. You used to be able to call a tech at any time and explain your problem in 5 minutes tops and it would be fixed in less than a day. Now it's all call centers from North Africa and shit and all they care about is your download speed being the highest to look good compared to the competitors even though you're at like 40db with bazillion of FEC/CRC errors in transmition.

I want the early 2000 to come back when everyone had 1/1 with 10 ping in quake.

lägenhet i vasastan, 250/månad. Hela huset har nåt paket

Maybe you should be updating it, then, fucking moron.

please post only first world internet speeds.

It's inherently flawed and there's no reason to have it installed in the first place.

Get with the times, boi. I've been 100% Flash-free for over a year.

>It's inherently flawed and there's no reason to have it installed in the first place.

Why do you use an operating system, then? They're all inherently flawed and there's no reason to have them installed in the first place.

Saunalahdelta saa mobiililaajakaistan + reitittimen halvimmillaan 19,90€/kk 24kk.

Nopeudet keskiarvolta 30 megaa. Kannattaa kokeilla

Asun kuule sen verran böndellä että mielummin otan vakaan netin kuin 4G netin joka vaihtelee nopeuksissa kokoajan

getting google fiber soon

>Faster than 99% of Au

did not mean to quote

It's not as important as people think.

The greatest meme ever is this "YOU GOT TI HAVE AT LEAST 50 MB DOWNLOAD AND 15MB UPLOAD TO PLAY"

No you don't. You really fucking don't. We gamed fine 10 years ago when dsl was the standard.

Here's a secret. Verizon almost went bankrupt when they first went with FiOS. They went to too many markets to fast. Comcast said fuck you to using their fiber backbone so Verizon has to install all that shit in every new market.

english only fuckface

>not learning Finngolian, the ultimate meme language
Kys yourself you ironic memer.

>tfw the best internet available to you is at&t uverse and it sucks hot dick

>current year
>not speaking Finnish


There's literally an HTML5 version of Speedtest if you're really that sperged out.

tappaa itsesi

Do you even know how seriously correct you are?

Pic related so hard

It's fine as long as I don't use any international servers

Fine for gaming and remote work but not much else. Bandwidth in the USA is so fucking slow. I had speeds 5x this in 2010 at my old house.

I wish I had at least mirror'd upload so I could host.

Im Australian and have 30mbps up 10mbps down.

Invest in WDSL mate, unless you can get proper fiber, it's the best solution right now.

I'm not happy with it. Not because of the U/D but because i can't download anything from Google Play store and can't watch anything on Youtube.

Fucking shitfags are "trying" to solve the issue but its been a week now. Downloading game seems to work as intended though

Ping is more important than bandwidth, as long as bandwidth is in the 2.5DL/1UL range or higher.

Turned off all my steam patching and netflix and results are consistantly around this on average

100/100 business plan or something similar.
Which is shared between all students

I fucking love this ISP. They recently upped the download limit for everyone to 1tb and lowered the price permanently.

Unless you're on fiber, or really fast cable there's no reason why you shouldn't ask about a WDSL service through Nuskope in Adelaide.

Forgot my image like an idiot.

6 Mbps dl - 400 Kbps ul - about 20 ping.

Gaming online is pretty good except for Destiny, for some reason that's not enough and I keep getting red bars.

I wish mobile isps weren't so costly. I got 10 GB for free last month and managed to stream at pretty decent quality using my phone's hotspot.

I don't mind 2.5 MB/s, but I wish the U/D were closer together.

>download limit
I'm so sorry user