ITT objectively mediocre games you really like.
ITT objectively mediocre games you really like
Here's that word again.
It's fun
Prototype should win some kind of award for "Most squandered potential"
Holy fuck what an amazing concept, holy fuck what a disappointing execution.
Just realized I bought this on sale years ago and never played it.
Why do you think it's good, OP? Should I download it?
It really wasnt that bad imo, it was more fun that Infamous but the story was worse
oh boy.
But I like Drakengard
Always did
Yeah, the abilities you get are pretty sweet, the story isnt anything special
How about an objectively bad game that I really like?
It's the only superhero game that makes you feel actually OP at all times. Parkour is great, powers are fun, it's fun to fuck around with AI and watch soldiers and infected fight, the atmosphere is great. Its main problems are very repetitive nature of everything and visual blandness and lifenessness of the city.
But it wasn't mediocre, it was good. Not excellent, not GOTY, but it was good.
P2 was mediocre at best.
Summoner 2 was the shit.
being OP done right
>soldiers kill eachother over the mere accusation that it's you if they know you are in the area
>foot soldiers run away from you if you get close
>army sends out a complete battalion to kill you if they notice you
>at the end they pretty much just decide to nuke the city to get rid of you and the infection
I think the opposite
Only the story and characters are mediocre. Gameplay is fucking great.
The gameplay is great for just mashing and mindlessly sprinting around, but the second you try to do anything with precision you realize the controls are kinda shit
The controls are fine. Just that you are so incredibly powerful that trying to be precise ends with a lot of people randomly dieing.
No, I'm talking more about trying to do the races and hitting every little checkpoint and stuff like that