>People would still rather be playing Skyrim than Witcher 3
According to Sup Forums, a bad game like Skyrim should have lost its appeal a long time ago. How come that isn't actually the case, and can someone explain this phenomenon? But more importantly, how come Witcher 3 doesn't have as good mod tools as Skyrim?
Witcher 3 fans even said the new DLC would save it, and certainly the Steam summer sale didn't help it
witcher 3 has awful gameplay and good story, while skyrim has awesome gameplay and mediocre story and has mods which let's you change anything you want even porn mods. WItcher 3 has no mods.
Skyrim wins every time.
Joseph Peterson
Because Skyrim has porn mods, from horse anuses to demon chicks with dicks.
The best Witcher 3 modders did was take the bra off of Ciri.
Bentley Hill
Tyler Bailey
Where can I find said mods?
Easton Gutierrez
>while skyrim has awesome gameplay
Carson Jones
Its because Skyrim is a masterpiece as well as groundbreaking in its time. Witcher 3 is just a reskin of Witcher 2 face it.
Luis Carter
Skyrim >Male or female >Multiple races >Multiple classes >Multiple gameplay styles including stealth
Witcher >Geralt... just Geralt
Wyatt Wilson
Skyrim has this horrible sub-culture of people who do nothing but mod Skyrim and play nothing else, hell sometimes they don't even play it, they just mod it.
Yes I know, it's horrifying.
Brody Watson
Skyrim is for casuals.
Evan Lopez
>skyrim has awesome gameplay
Xavier Brown
Delete this thread OP, Witcher 3 is perfect.
Austin Green
I love Witcher 3 but it has no replay value, while Skyrim has a lot if you're autistic about mods.
Levi Jenkins
>Attack moves: fast strike or heavy strike >Good gameplay
Ian Turner
When you look at it everything is a meme. Living with your parents is a meme, being a vegan is a meme, going to football games is a meme. The memes only truly end when you die.
Lucas King
> multiple classes Where nigga
Blake Rogers
>Crouching is now considered a gameplay style
Daniel Jackson
Luis Cruz
probably because gog exists
and probably because skyrim is barebones and is pretty much reliant on mods to be interesting
a playthrough of witcher is infinitely more interesting, memorable and enjoyable than a playthrough of skyrim, but there is only so many times you can do it
Jackson Stewart
Ignorant's Slice Of Life
Landon Robinson
>Race >Gameplay ??????
Anthony Ross
Because it's not GOTY
Camden Harris
Jesus Christ it's this copypasta gain
John Lopez
Andrew Watson
>Splatoon beat Yakuza 5 discarded
Jose Flores
You're a salty fag now
James Williams
Aaron Perry
where is bloodborne
Jonathan Sullivan
>Skyrim >Mod it >Screenshot it >Close it
Dylan Murphy
Witcher 3 is a good rpg That doesnt mean it has good gameplay Stop making these bait threads
Austin Cruz
Skyrim can run on toasters/laptops while Witcher 3 cannot
All the poorfags and porn modders playing Skyrim
Jack Murphy
Lost with Splatoon I'd never guess Sup Forums likes arcade multiplayer games
Josiah Rodriguez
>Witcher 3 is a good rpg >good rpg
It's not though - it's a Telltale game with combat
A good RPG is something like Fallout 2
Aaron Cruz
I see this argument in every single witcher thread and I don't know what the fuck you faggots even mean by """bad gameplay"""
Using that logic you could argue that every single rpg has 'bad gameplay' because in the end it always resorts to walking around, talking to NPC's and some variation of combat which sums up the gameplay of most rpg's
the witcher 3 tries to enhance the 'walk towards the marker' thing by adding the witcher senses aka 'follow the red stuff', maybe it's not fun and exciting but it's better and more immersive than simply walking towards the marker like in Skyrim
I'm not saying witcher 3 has 'great gameplay', whatever the fuck that means, I'm simply saying that it's not worse than any other AAA rpg title
Henry Peterson
>have base skyrim but no dlc >see that legendary edition often during steam sales pretty cheap >bethesda announces the enhanced edition and says it's free for people who have the legendary edition or all dlc >legendary edition was removed from the store and got replaced by just a bundle of base game plus all the separate dlc >dlc priced the same as the base game and not discounted during the sale
goddammit todd
Aaron Long
How many people are playing candy crush right now? Candy crush should be goty.
Levi Richardson
>Skyrim >has porn mods >Witcher 3 >does not have porn mods ez
Xavier Morales
W3 is also sold on GOG where it sold many copies because people dont like DRM. Skyrim was only sold on Steam. Also Skyrim has an autistic modding community of neet faggots into horse dicks and a surprisingly large south american and even larger japanese Skyrim mod scene for sex shit.
If the gap between the two games in 10k I am sure if you count GOG sales and calculate the averages of players online and estimate a number, W3 will beat or tie with Skyrim and its autistic furry horse dick porn community.
Chase Wilson
>gog >relevant on pc sales Pcdrones only know steam.
Luis Moore
but the witcher 3 has qt waifus instead of potato face abominations
Josiah Davis
You can mod anime sluts into Skyrim tho.
Ryan Moore
Who's that on the Sword of Destiny cover?
Andrew Gomez
In GOG's press release, they state that more copies are owned through their platform than all other retailer platforms combined.
/r/masterrace isn't even remotely representative of all PC users, stop browsing it.
Julian Davis
Sorry chum, but you're wrong. Skyrim's gameplay is just as shallow as TW3's.
TW3 is a better game but has less staying power because it doesn't have the moddability of Skyrim. You can play TW3 a handful of times before you see all it has to offer and then you're basically done with it forever. If you run out of things to do in Skyrim you can just install some whacky mod and everything old is new again.
They're both a lot of fun and anyone who thinks otherwise is probably a contrarian asshat
Owen Evans
Good RPG gameplay is something like either Paper Mario or Fallout 2. Anything else is trash tier. >muh GOG sales You're as pathetic as KyoAni shop fags. No one buys there because they're not a special snowflake. Pctards don't know anything beyond steam.
Colton King
Asher Green
Tyler Lewis
>No one buys there because they're not a special snowflake. see More PC copies are owned through GOG than anywhere else
John Campbell
I thought so too at first, but Sword of Destiny is not part of the novel series Cahir doesn't even appear in it Also, if the covers are supposed to be the hansa, why is Yen on there instead of Angouleme?
Easton Clark
>an RPG must have turn-based gameplay or it's shit
Logan Price
Lately I have tried to buy everything on GOG when possible. I own Witcher 3 on it, although havent played yet because I am in the process of reading the books.
>2016 >unironically playing isometric RPG's with turn-based combat wew lad
Josiah Thompson
Not owning the superior gog version Witcher players master race understand the value of nodrm
Mason Martinez
GOG reported 693k sales of witcher 3 on their galaxy service. Thats a little more than steam.
Bentley Butler
In my opinion, skyrim is one of the greatest games of all time. They'll be playing skyrim long after the elder scrolls is finished.
Thomas Gonzalez
Did you play the first two games? Personally, I am insanely happy about first playing W1 and W2, then reading the books, and then playing W3 Pretty much the ideal order IMO, mainly due to Triss/Yen shenanigans
Robert Reed
honestly the covers are usually retarded the Polish ones by CDPR have random ass characters from the game that sometimes don't even appear in their respective books
Connor Turner
You can mod skyrim and you don't need a particularly powerful computer to run it.
Austin Walker
both of them are pretty bad though
Elijah Ramirez
They had fucking Letho on a cover
Ryder Sanders
Jeremiah Collins
>retail witcher 3 registers on gog galaxy
>retail skyrim registers on steam
Carson Price
>Letho >random ass characters from the game These are on the fucking book covers? That's hilarious
Blake Hughes
core game is much better than Skyrim or any other RPG.
They only failed with poor modding support. Modding has kept Skyrim and Fallout games artificially alive for years.
Alexander Sanchez
Jesus Fucking Christ TheBull you have been shitposting a single game for a complete year
How many times are you going to make this exact same thread?
Matthew Diaz
yeah, iorveth and roche are also featured kek
Eli Ward
google lovers lab
Samuel Perry
Benjamin Murphy
Wow, that's beyond pathetic.
Jaxon Wilson
what the fuck is with Sup Forums and it's off boards spawning some of the most autistic people to ever walk the face of the earth.
Bentley Flores
here you are. Half of the characters shown on the covers are related to the saga
Owen Walker
>Results found: 63
Christ this is worse than XV-kun
Levi Thomas
As long as retards keep replying 2bh
Hudson Moore
Maybe it's the angle but Letho's face looks different Imagine not having played the games and trying to puzzle out which fucking characters in the books Iorveth, Letho, and Roche are supposed to be
Jace White
My laptop can't run TW3. Simple as that.
Josiah Hall
This is some shitposting dedication
someone literally defended skyrim over witcher 3 for a goddamn year
you can't truly make this shit up
Owen Scott
People actually go on Sup Forums everyday?
Jaxson Lewis
Fallout 1 is a better game than Fallout 2 though
Jace Nelson
How do you know it's been a year? Whenever I try to click page 2 or 3, the server gives me a 404 error
Jackson Peterson
user you have been mistaken, it isn't "The Witcher is good" meme, its "The Witcher is Objectively the Best Game Ever" meme. Go into any bloodborne thread if you need an irl example.
Thomas Smith
i think its a filename conflict
we know its a year because a different user revealed it through screenshot 2 threads ago
William Anderson
Aiden Roberts
Gabriel Russell
Post yfw you're not thebull
Jason Ramirez
>Weedzman What a sick series
Zachary Hernandez
>skyrim >gameplay It is that hard to say both games have shit gameplay. Skyrim live longer because of mod
Camden Price
Parker Parker
Judging non multiplayer games years after their release by concurrent players is stupid. A great game with little replayability can be vastly superior to a shallow game that has a lot of replayablity due to outside factors (3rd party mods). Bethesda releases a base product and knows that they have thousands of autistic fanboy modders who will make the content for them.
It means that Skyrim has better dollar/hour ratio than TW3, but I would argue that an hour in witcher 3 is way more enjoyable than 20 in Skyrim, having clocked over 200 hours in each.
Xavier Peterson
Jackson Walker
Evan Sullivan
really makes you think...
Charles Perry
That's because the latest print of the books coincided with the release of TW2. The old covers from the previous print were way nicer.