Did multiplatform contribute to DS' problems?
Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are really well constructed in comparison.
Did multiplatform contribute to DS' problems?
Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are really well constructed in comparison.
Not multiplataform PC yo be more accurate.
Mustards literally ruined DaS.
i bought into the demons souls hype but to me it was overrated
if the games got worse then i would blame the bandwagon not the platform
Does Blighttown run at 3fps on PC like it does on Playstation, though?
>Mustards ruined a bad series
>Did multiplatform contribute to DS' problems?
Demon's Souls sat on my shelf for about 6 years before I played it properly. Really enjoyed it.
I think my biggest problem was the players try to make these games sound more complex than they really are. They're just poorly made.
yes. Sony does not want competition so they gimped dark souls 2 and 3. Dark souls 1 only got a free pass because it was originally an sony exclusive but somehow was forced onto pc and xbox. Every souls game after that that was not on ps4 has been gimped in one way or another while making sure that bloodborne stays on top of them all. It really is sad but such are sony's politics
It don't matter, nigga. The PC userbase pretty much plagued discussion by making a niche Japanese series into a normalfag circlejerk.
>bad series
Why are you in this thread then? Also, what games do you even like?
>They're just poorly made
In what ways? Just curious.
Do you have a source, buddy?
>Do you have a source, buddy?
Yes of course miyazaki will be honest on the internet and talk about these things while beeing monitored by fucking sony. Are you retarded? If he tells anything negative about sonys politics he will never find a job again and probably will be killed. You nigger do know that sony is the fucking video game industry yakuza and that everyone will get fucked when messing with them, right?
No source? Okay, then.
so you are retarded. What a waste of time, get fucked.
>In what ways? Just curious.
Im many a technical way. Don't get me wrong, the writing and art design are on point.
But take the combat, it's not hard, especially in a traditional sense. It's mostly sluggish animations coupled with really shady hit boxes. Once you get used to that and just find ways to exploit it, it becomes less about player skill and more about hoping something doesn't get stuck in the scenery.
For some reason a lot of the problems are more apparent in Dark Souls than Demon's Souls or Bloodborne (I can't speak for 2 and 3 as I'm yet to play them)
>Why are you in this thread then?
Cause I know retards like you show up.
>What games do you even like?
Whatever I'm in the mood for playing, which at the moment is one of the aforementioned bad games.
tried to play DeS again recently, it aged horribly. i'll stick with bb and ds3.
dont talk to him, he has brainaids
>Did multiplatform contribute to DS' problems?
x360 version was ported by Namco so no.
Namco did force From to use p2p online and rush the game because they feared Skyrim so there's that.
Can you not be a sonynigger for once?
The platform has nothing to do with the quality of the finished . The only time this changes is when a game is released for a Nintendo console.
lol ur so made breh
I can agree with this but they're still fun. To me, at least.
Come on, dude. Don't play "hard to get". Just tell me.
Dark Souls 2.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go back to playing it because I am enjoying mashing my face against some of these enemy placements.
>lol ur so made breh
>9gag memes
get fucked even harded, i dont want to share the same forums with scum like you. leave and dont come back, ever again.
Just tell me your source, dude. All I ask. No tin-foil hat bullshit, please.
>What games do you even LIKE?
>Whatever I'm in the mood for playing
>Dark Souls 2
So, you're enjoying it, I'm assuming?
Go ahead and try to find a negatives Bloodborne thread, all the negative shit is mustards bitching about exclusivity beyond that threads are golden, now you can't have a DaS thread without some douchebag spamming git gud.
Mustards are a cancer.
Probably, but I think Namco Bandai was the bigger offender
>They're just poorly made
They don't explain obviously important mechanics. Shit like poise, which is vital to understand the gameplay? Doesn't even get a mention. Upgrading your weapon, which is more fucking important in this game than leveling up yourself? Lol, just search for embers u scrub. What's the point of upgrading fire weapons in this game when lightining exists? What's the point of raw weapons beyond fucking up resources 90% of the time? Side quests are usually poorly constructed too, Onion guy being the mayoer example of something that you can fuck up in a million ways without you knowing.
Then thee's the fact that the PVP is completely unbalanced while the PVE can be resumed in aggro from far away and search for the backstab. Some hitboxes makes no sense whatsoever and some bosses are cmplete fucking shit for all the wrong reasons, everyone talks about Bed f chaos but the demon before it is almost as stupid since you never know what the fuck is happening. I like the game a lot but there's tons of stuff to pick apart.
But DS1 is the best one
>Go ahead and try to find a negatives Bloodborne th
Go ahead and try to find a Bloodborne thread
Shit's buried and forgotten
If Bloodbourne was not exclusive you would be saying how shit it is
>b-but stop projecting
Also nobody talks about Bloodbourne anymore.
How exactly would Sony go about 'gimping' games they didn't make? Your argument reeks of bullshit and pandering to the anti-Sony bias on Sup Forums.
What's the point of upgrading fire weapons
So you can do more damage to that burning fire demon that for some reason is vulnerable to fire.
DS was fine
That said, Japan Studio turns stuff into gold, so it's not like they didn't have a positive effect on DeS and BB
>The PC userbase pretty much plagued discussion by making a niche Japanese series into a normalfag circlejerk.
>The user base made a game bad
Kill yourself, you collosal cock gobbling faggot.
Bandai Namco ruined dark souls 1,2 and 3, they fucked 2 the most, namco made dark souls 2 full retard, both on gameplay and story, it pretends to be deep and mysterious but in the end its just random shit without any explanation(example the fucking intro, not even the devs know what anything that happens on it even means )
>le you will lose anything git gud this game is hard Xdd
>le achievment for dying
shit game
eurotrash get out
The PC gamer elitist attitude ruined this games fanbase
Mustard race players, not necessarily PC players but those that feel like they deserve a prize because of they made the "right choice" when it comes to their system instead of someone who just plays PC games, ruined the Souls series' community and skewed how the next few games developed with their obnoxiousness and elitism. They've changed the series not so much directly, but they've influenced who plays it and how Fromsoft develops to accommodate those players.
Thank God the most of them never touched a Scraping Spear, the noise they would have made whooping like monkeys as they did exactly what DeS players did on a much more low key tone would still be echoing through and around the internet to this very day, accompanied by "ironic" dubstep and airhorns. And we'll never see a Scraping Spear again, for that very reason. They tried to reimplement durability as a real thing to worry about in Dark Souls 2, one of the first thing cheaters did was rapid corrosive urn spam. So now they made armor last hundreds of times longer than your health will and nearly impossible to break. The mustard race community has such a strong fixation on making others rekt, not just regular competitiveness but some sort of burning hatred for each other that they don't recognize as hate, that the amount of shitflinging that would occur when they actually have the ability to genuinely fuck with people longer than one life would be earth shattering.
tl;dr Mustard Race players are all D.Va, and the world would not be able to handle their smugness if they were given fun things like the Scraping Spear, so From refuses to give anyone a bone.
Maybe community problems but only faggots that lurk online forums are affected by that.
I don't see how and it's not like DeS and BB didn't have their own glaring problems. With or without exclusivity, you still would've seen the same shit happen.
The fucking "git gud" shit that everyone hates so damn much was already happening before DS1 PC was even a thing. If anything, you can blame DaS and the wider spread of information of that year.
Yeah pretty every thing pc touches turns into shit
Prove me wrong
There's no denying that DeS and BB had problems. But the problems didn't make up 80% of the experience like they do with DaS.
Guys, I want to get back into DS1 and 2 now after finishing 3 and was planning to try new builds in them. How viable is fist weapon users in first two games?
Fist weapons could be better in DaS1. Caestus or Claws are just plain better than the Dragon Bone Fist.
In DaS2, powerstanced Caestus were pretty fucking good at one point I remember. Might still be. Oh, and the Bonefist from the Ivory King DLC turns you into Ryu, with stomps, jumping kicks, and Hadoukens.
Oh, and I've a build idea to pitch.
Dark Magic in DaS1 has physical damage based on your catalyst's physical stat scaling. This allows it to circumvent spells like GMB to an extent because most of the damage is physical. Dark Magic actually has surprisingly low requirements, with a whopping 16 Int for Dork Bead. Strength and the Manus Catalyst are Theoretically, this makes the Demon's Catalyst viable because it has D/D Physical scaling, allowing you to get powerful Dark Sorceries while being full Quality.
There arent 3 bloodbornes neither 3 demon's souls games.
If there were then the same would happen
The games are fine.
The wider fanbase is just total shit.
Maybe it has something to do with the shit publisher (Namco Bandai) while DeS/Bloodborne were handled by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan
Maybe it has more to do with it going from a niche series to being leased every year instead of trying to polish the game
That's the publisher as this user said
Dark Souls 1 was inferior to Demon's Souls though
By almost a country mile at that.
>worst mechanics
>magic makes the game a joke
>easiest bosses
>bland music
>looks like shit
But Darks Souls 1 is the best in the entire franchise and thats an objective fact.
A sentiment that was shared globally until it's pc port was released.
hmmmmmm.... :^)
How is this even a question? The series itself gives you the answer, let's check some facts.
>series is known for difficulty but doesn't solely hinge on it
>all of a sudden "prepare to die edition"
>it's the PC version
There ya go, PC ruined the series, there is actual evidence.