Is sentinel boring or is it just me?

Is sentinel boring or is it just me?

get that power where your shield explodes when it runs out. it'll make you want to rush more.

You're right, Gears of Effect is boring.

>is easy mode boring or is it just me?
try playing engineer or the hardest difficulty, it becomes literally impossible by the first encounter with the floating mass thing.

Go with Vanguard or stop playing.

Infiltrator a best

Adept is a beast

it gets better when you pick up shotguns

adept is by far the worst class in me2

every aspect of that game is boring

Once you unlock the assault rifle, there is no reason not to consider Adept the best class.
Biotic combos and neat pistols are the shit.
Vanguard is a close second.
All the other classes are pretty boring, soldier is the least shitty because it has all the weapons.

everything has shields, armor or barriers. this is why adept is shit

It's not just you. The game is boring.

would say boring just simple. play vanguard or solider for the most fun.

Manguard is the only fun class.

ahem. its Mass War

This. Adept is the worst (1 offense talent that specializes for biotics and is ok against armor with everything other talent being CC in a game about stripping enemy defenses then comboing them into oblivions makes it a terrible class on the highest difficulty) probably followed by Infiltrator just because of how fucking terrible early game snipers are in addition to how short the cloak is on an infiltrator and how you can't regen shields/armor whilst using it - the slowdown whilst zooming is actually kind of bad too since it can fuck with your aiming where as the soldier sniping with adrenaline rush is more controllable.

Engineer is like ME1's adept in that the drone is an instantly useful CC with a 3 second recharge and the offensive powers of an engineer allow them to strip anything but Biotics which are pretty rare in the game for a defense. Taking into account bonus talents you can go warp ammo/reave to in order to strip all armors.

Vanguard/Sentinel/Soldier all have super defensive skills that allow them to play far more aggressively than the other classes by rapidly running around the battlefield.

Warp bombs make adept incredibly fun to play, you only need to strip one enemy down for it to work

Dude adepts are still great because all those CC abilities? They stagger enemies. Throw down a singularity and you have a stationary target that can't get away, shoot him once or twice and his defenses are gone and there he goes floating away. Adepts are insanely useful in ME2 insanity mode just for that. Then throw on reave, the most broken ability in the game that is useful against everything.

Engineers are the most fun though. They feel the most like mages to me: shooting fire, ice, and lightning, summoning minions, and then improve all of these abilities in 3 and you have instant easy mode.

Soldier masterace
All weapons
Fucking Max Payne slowmode
High HP/Shield

Everything seems boring after vanguard.

Funny, I found vanguard mindnumbly boring, at least in ME3 where it was pretty much charge nova spam. Woohoo I can press two buttons!

Engineer is my favorite, so many things you can do.

Yes it is.

Most fun classes to play, in order are

The fact that most enemies have shields ruined Adept which was pretty fun in the first game.

Soldier best class.

Rip and tear.

Everything else is weakling tier.

Spamming warp and overload while sitting behind cover and your super shield is pretty boring yeah. Go melee with the assault shield perk and get a shotgun later.

Even with all the shields, you can use biotics for CC and pure damage (push = low, but rapid fire pistols, warp = big fat cannon). You can also aim down a sniper scope for extra range on the biotic. Biotics are also able to curve and home in, so you can do a "pole-dance" and kite enemies around cover while hitting them with your curve balls.

The *fun* way to play an infiltrator is to cloak right up to your enemies and unload your SMG into their faces, then take over their cover positions, doing this aggressively with your pals providing cover-fire. It's high-risk but very satisfying.

>anything but sniper on infiltrator
I have no face

I'm verily superior to all of you.

Sniper infiltrator is fucking boring, worse than a Sentinel. Infiltrator is about being a space ninja. Like that Kai Leng kid.

Singularity is actually really useful even on enemies with shields. It does constant damage and then ragdolls them once the defenses are down so you can do a biotic detonation.

Why have so many anons been playing Mass Effect recently? Did the shitty Andromeda trailer really hype people up?

>not witcher or made by obsidian

>playing 2 without playing 1
pleb as fuck.

everyone knows you play adept or vanguard if you want fun
also what fucking chuck the cuck decided to change Shockwave from 2 to 3? 2's version was B A S E D and 3's is nigh worthless

>being a meme without consulting your doctor first
>not shaving your nearly nonexistent pube-stache
and you call others "plebeian" (which you don't know how to properly pronounce)


More like "kys"

what does kys mean

you don't what a kiss is? WOW

Kiss Your Sister

that's weird d00d

what are you? gay?

about as gay one can be about not being a homosexual

How many team mates did you manage to kill off?

The only acceptable classes are Manguard and Adept.