So, The Witcher lore ripped off 300's Leonidas in some ways

So, The Witcher lore ripped off 300's Leonidas in some ways.

Witchers don't use shields, because, much like Leonidas at the end of 300, it would throw him off balance.

No helmet, because it would be stilfing, narrowing his vision, and Geralt must see far.

Yo, I notice this stuff.

>Mutants, is what witchers are.
>Olgierd, deserves to burn in hell.
>Zoltan, is the biggest bro in the history of ever.
>Armortypes, is what was added in TW3.
>Regional conflict, is a central plot point to The witcher.
>The witcher starts with a T.

>Common sense applied to armor is now ripping off a mediocre movie
The stupidity is strong.


I see you hate fun and excitement. Not to mention people all over the world and ages used helmets and shields. It was the norm.


I see americans are waking up

Fuck off retard

slept in because you guys fucked yourselfs lol

You do realise The Witcher saga is before 300 was even an idea?


OP is not an American because Americans are the smartest people in the world

300 and the Battle of Thermopylae takes place before the 13th century, same century The Witcher takes place.

Spartans used long spears and shields with short swords as secondary weapons when shields and spears were just a problem.
The movie just shows the same thing.
How can you be that much retarded however, couldn't be shown on television before 11 PM because it would be rated "A" for Autistic

She looks like she is in need of taking a shit

Okay you are genuinely retarded, so I'm not going to explain it to you

For the love of god give me a source



Ok, that made me laugh.

>it would be rated "A" for Autistic

That's incredibly ironic, though. I'll tell you a secret: he's obviously joking.


3D Penis Faggot

Razorfist, is that you?

>A generic fantasy game is generic and unoriginal

Who would have thought?

Fucking Banana Massacre

Go back to bed kid.

What am I even reading.

Don't remind me how much I hate that edgelord

American education everyone.

But he's right, The Witcher totally rips off another series! They both have long white hair and live in a fantasy world, OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE!

>implying we learn about Greeks or Romans except as "people who came up with democracy but were bad because male citizenship"

>Zoltan, is the biggest bro in the history of ever.

You're a retard. Zoltan is shit tier.

>watch 300
>look it up
>turns out it really happened
What are some facts that blow your mind?

I will fight you, you fucking witchrapist.

>watch some youtube videos about chemtrails
>look up into the sky
>they're actually there

Are you a midget? Do you want equality? Do you want gwent cards? Scoia'tael are murderers. Fucking otherkin.

>Some not-American countries aren't American colonies.

I was very hungry and I'm still hungry about it.

Get the fuck back to Sup Forums, ya dumb nerd.

*casts Quen*
Your move.

subtle bait

dense fuck.

Thats's fucking disgusting

I'll ask here since this is a Witcher thread : I recently bought B&W, and I'm currently at the point of the soty where I'm going to some castle to (possibly) rescue the hostage and Anna Henrietta's sister. I get that there'll be a few twists, but anyway, the game tell me that things will change at that point and advise me to finish some stuff. Is this already the ending, or is this simply that some quests become unavailables due to some NPC dying? Just keep it relatively spoiler-free, thanks.

>muh Spartans fought naked
Fuck off retard