Is this the most overrated console of all time? People act like Nintendo was good back then but they've always been mediocre.
Is this the most overrated console of all time...
Dreamcast and Xboxes exists, so no.
>most overrated consoles
That title belongs to the PS1, hell, maybe even the PS4
Even in the 90s Sony fans were loud, unbearable autists
PS2 was god tier though
Hell no, those consoles had WAY better libraries. Even the PS4 at this point has a better library than the N64 which is mostly criminally clunky games that are only liked because of nostalgia like Goldeneye and DK64. PS1's library has also aged miles better, particularly with games like Xenogears and Symphony of the Night.
PS1 was amazing. Fuck you.
>Armored Core
>Bushido Blade
>Crash Bandicoot series
>Crash Team Racing
>Final Fantasy VII
>Final Fantasy Tic Tacs
>Ghost in the Shell
>Gran Turismo
>Legend of Dragoon
>Metal Gear Solid
>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
>Final Fantasy IX
>Silent Hill
>Tekken 3
>Tomb Raider 2
>Wipeout 3 Special Edition
>Alien Resurrection
>Brave Fencer Musashi
>Chrono Cross
>Deception 3
>Fear Effect
>Intelligent Qube
>Omega Boost
>Parasite Eve
>Resident Evil 3
>Ridge Racer Type 4
>Soul Blade
>Spyro series
>Vagrant Story
>Valkyrie Profile
And that's just off the top of my head.
Couldn't you tell it was just an angry nintendrone by the fact that he inmediately tried to deflect to Sony and how its fans are ''unbearable autists? Nobody with a sane mind would think the PS1 is bad or more overrated than the N64.
N64 just didn't have very many good games. The handful it did have were unique and fun but 95% are just garbage
>bleach image
>an autistically long and specific list
Case in point and sony fans and autism.
Not even close. PS1 was a revival of the SNES in terms of quality and variety. PS2 simply continued that trend.
It would absolutely be N64 and GameCube. People cherry pick their babby's first games to attest to the console's quality - and to be fair GC and N64 had several top tier games.
The thing the GC babbies on Sup Forums forget was that there was an unbearable drought of games for the last 3 years of it's lifespan. You can count all the good GC games on two hands, while the PS2 had nearly a limitless supply good games from of a ton of different genres.
These are the same people that keep propping up Sunshine and Wind Waker like they were anything other than dumbed down shit from their better predecessors.
That's what I meant. It only has a handful of genuinely good games that aren't overrated by nostalgia and low childhood standards yet it's treated as the second coming of christ and part of the period of when people thought Nintendo was good.
N64 spawned a number of historically progressive titles and concepts like Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, 4-player multiplayer on consoles and the modern usage of the analog stick. So no, I'd say it's earned its wings. Whether you think it's aged well or not is another matter but it definitely made some impact and definitely deserves some praise.
Except 5 good, or even amazing games do not make an entire console good. N64 was the first "no games" station, as otherwise its library was full of horse shit.
It really boggles the mind when people say ''Nintendo was good before the Wii U!'' when in reality they've always been a complete joke who were only liked because of nostalgia and how blind people were to how unacceptably terrible their consoles' libraries were.
They also did greedier practices than they do today like making you have to buy a gba, a metroid fusion cartridge, a gamecube-gba connector cable and beat the game just to unlock all the content in Metroid Prime, which was already on the disk.
Or the whole e-card thing, it was levels whole locked inside the cartridge that were only unlockable by buying the adapater and the cards.
Or making you have to buy 4 GBAs and a 4-way connector cable just to play Four Swords Adventures in multiplayer even though 4 gc controllers would be fine.
People never remember how EA-tier they were back then and think that they only went to shit nowadays.
As a PS1 fan I won't argue with that.
Wind Waker is a lesser 3D Zelda for sure but Sunshine's issues weren't so much in the mechanical department as much as they were in aesthetic, namely that the game feels very samey very quickly. In terms of raw gameplay, it's not that much weaker than 64, if not even a hair better in select instances.
A few good games that ended up aging badly and only liked by nostalgia doesn't make the console the next coming of christ like people treat it.
>anime CRINGEY weeaboos amirite gais xD
I hate it when people throw the autism label around, but this... THIS is autism right here.
>Hell no, those consoles had WAY better libraries.
>Even the PS4 has a better library
Sunshine was very obviously rushed, there's so many goddamn red coin missions and combined with the blue coin shines, there's 43, out of the game's 120 shines. It's buggy as hell too, most noticeably in the pachinko level, casino level and that part in the park where you have to climb a bunch of chain link fences.
No, it's not. It's just a fucking list of some noteworthy games on a single system.
It's just annoying when people use a mental illness as a calling name.
Boy you sure told me.
>My parents were poor and/or I didn't have friends growing up: the post
I played Four Swords and Crystal Chronicles with 4 people all the time. I had two GBAs and two link cables and I knew kids who had them too
>List of games
Confirmed for not knowing what autism is.
>listing video games and having knowledge about video games is austism
Cancer killing Sup Forums. Fuck off retard.
>you're just poor haha!
Biodrones use this excuse to defend their company's greedy practices too.
Because you and you're retarded friends had been spoiled by your parents, and bought those expensive and otherwise useless peripherals.
It was true, unforgivable jewery on Nintendo's part and your idiotic parents did not help in that regard.
>GC babbies, everyone
Fair, but there are few moments in 64 as good as the FLUDD-less levels and you say Sunshine is buggy as though 64 isn't breakable. I'm not even one for breaking games and even I can do the endless stairs glitch, I can only imagine what people can do when they actually try to exploit the game.
Now? Yes.
Then? No.
Time hasn't been kind to the N64. Early 3d games were the awkward teenage years of gaming.
PS1 was flooded with a bunch of shovelware thus lacked in quality gameplay variety. N64 had all top quality titles, PS1 had dirt cheap knock off brand games.
Despite the sheer size of the library, worthwhile PS1 games to N64 games are 1:1.
>inb4 someone posts a list of PS1 games padded with 100 weeaboo JRPGs
It just hasn't held up well.
>Sup Forums is finally realizing the GC and N64 were overrated trash and that Nintendo went to shit not recently but rather after the SNES
I'm so glad.
I don't think it's overrated really, most don't consider it that amazing.
It did have a few games that were amazing that completely changed the industry at that point in time.
I lost so much of my life to goldeneye. Good times.
Wasn't really that many games worth owning though
Final Fantasy 8 was better than 7 or 9.
Even with that stairs bug the whole game is still miles less boring and rushed-looking than Sunshine.
Second most, maybe. The most overrated would be the 360
I had both the ps1 and the n64 as a kid and both had shitty games, but in quantity the ps1 takes the cake. I remember felling disapointed a lot more with ps1 shit games than n64 ones.
>yoshi's island 2
Fuck you nintendo and fuck you sony, nowadays you can see a thousand reviews before buying anything, but back in the day you just saw the cover of the gtame or maybe a magazine shilling the game so you had no option but to buy it, or maybe borrow it if a friend owned it
>The most overrated would be the 360
> N64 had all top quality titles, PS1 had dirt cheap knock off brand games.
You are fucking kidding yourself. N64 was the one with shitter entries of series that were on the PS1 like Castlevania 64 being a complete crock of shit compared to Symphony of the Night. N64 had a handful of good games, meanwhile look at this post in comparison .
>>inb4 someone posts a list of PS1 games padded with 100 weeaboo JRPGs
>t-t-t-those don't count because I say so!
>even though 4 gc controllers would be fine.
No, It wouldn't be. The game had parts where a player was out of a cave, and another was in the cave. GBA handhelds were used to not make a mess and confusion in the TV screen.
Also, FSA allowed you to play alone, even with just a Gamecube controller.
N64 fags are a prime example of a minority being loud as fuck
>ps1 had 100 million worldwide sales
>N64 had 30 million
>b-b-but sony fags are loud and never shut up
>N64 had all top quality titles
I feel like the N64 would be a slightly better choice if you were a kid at the time of that gen. The PS1 was more teen/adult oriented.
Well, that comes back to Sunshine's lack of diversity more than anything. I still don't think it's that much worse than 64 overall.
>I don't think it's overrated really
How the hell is it not? It only had a handful of good games, its library is one of the worst of all time yet it's treated as the second coming of christ, same with the Gamecube.
Sales don't prove shit
they prove my point of a minority being loud as fuck, fagatron
The fuck does your personal childhood anecdotes matter to anyone? Especially since it's limited by the games YOU bought? It's like saying ''I only bought shitty SNES shovelware like so it's a bad console''.
Looking at both systems library, the PS1 outdoes the N64 so bad it's not even funny.
You don't like fun, do you?
Oh God, this. That console wasn't a complete embarrassment in its first couple of years but it went to shit fast, especially in the Kinect era, not to mention it was a pioneer in standardizing paid online MP. Despite all that so many people stood by it, and mostly because "well, all my friends have one". God, the 360 was such a joke in retrospect. Hell, even its good years were offset by its abhorrent hardware failure rate.
>No, It wouldn't be.
Yes it would, all they'd have to do is move the ''gba screens'' into each corner of the tv screen, with them being smaller than the big ass one that you see in single player mode, not to mention there's a way to hide them (pressing Z).
>Also, FSA allowed you to play alone, even with just a Gamecube controller.
Good thing I said nothing against that statement, I said the GBAs were required for multiplayer. The same shit happened for crystal chronicles.
>Not liking Rare in its prime
Saved, thanks. This really proves a lot.
ill argue about ps1 vs n64 forever but this image is just has butthurt as most nintendo fans
>N64 had all top quality titles
Muh GoldenEye 007.
>weeaboo JRPGs
>weeaboo Japanese Role-Playing Games
>something japanese is pretending to be japanese
Mario brainwashed an entire generation in some countries.
360 had like, 3 worthwhile exclusives that all came out in its first three years. Everything else was Halo or Gears horseshit for smelly spics and loud brats.
>I don't think it's overrated really
>how the hell not
Did you read the qualifying statement afterwords? I don't actually know many that would say it is. I think the majority would either go snes or ps1/2.
The actual system wasn't that great. It had a few games that revolutionized the entire industry. That's it.
I owned a 64. I think that when it was all said and done I didn't get more than like 6 games for it. Those 6 were amazing, industry breaking things though
Actually even the 360 had a miles bigger, better library than the N64, even if it was mostly multiplats.
You lack any fucking imaginative ability if you actually think that justifies the need for GBA controller.
>I think the majority would either go snes or ps1/2.
Who the hell would say that? They had huge libraries with hundreds of great exclusives.
The n64 is treated as one of the greatest when in reality it's one of the worst.
>quantity over quality
The only people who claim this are those who didn't play very many games for it. Aside from the 1st party stuff you had fantastic games like both Goemon, Mischief Makers and everything Rare did. That's a big library of quality games.
Perhaps you picked out shittier games, you fucking dunce. The PS1's library is fucking vast compared to N64 with it's 5 good games, - there's something for everyone.
>library by console
>include pc
>logical explanation with facts is butthurt
meanwhile the N64 only had a handful of good titles, most of them haven't aged well either.
You mean SNES?
This. 360 had almost nothing it was almost as bad as the barren years of the PS3.
The only reason I got one was because I wanted backwards compatibly. Even during that short time period where it had the Jrpgs and the only two really notable ones were Lost Oddesy and Vespria.
Also it had lots and lots of shumps for some reason. So there's that at least.
>. That's a big library of quality games.
No it's not, you can count the good games on 2 hands, the rest are horrible, clunky messes that were only liked because of nostalgia and low childhood standards like Goldeneye and Turok.
>Mischief Makers
That unfinished ass looking game?
The PS1 is the most overrated console of all time. As always quality > quantity.
I did play a lot of them. A lot were shit or not worth owning. It's that simple man.
Really, just needed like 5 games. Goldeneye, mario, zelda, starfox, and that one wrestling game that was fun as fuck.
> looking
You should play Mischief Makers before talking shit about it.
Rare released great games for both SNES and N64.
Are we in the same thread?
Because most of these posts are anti-n64.
Go into a favorite console thread sometime. Most will be snes/ps
my entire town had an N64, and we had tons of blast in 4p modes.
>the rest are horrible, clunky messes
>Not talking about the PS1 library
oh I am laffin
>Not Mario Kart
>Not Paper Mario
>Not OoT
>Not Majora's Mask
>Not mystical ninja
Confirmed for having been born this decade or possibly writing this from in utero.
Turok 2
Turok Rage Wars
Doom 64
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Perfect Dark
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Pokemon Stadium
Bomberman 64
Super Smash Bros
Clayfighter 63 1/2
Paper Mario
Donkey Kong 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Jet Force Gemini
Snowboard Kids
Mario Party 2
Banjo Kazooie
Diddy Kong Racing
Buck Bumble
Killer Instinct Gold
Harvest Moon 64
Mischief Makers Shake Shake
Pilot Wings
>a list of largely overrated games a lot of which were ported to other systems even in their day
Somethings never change.
>only needed
Well that explains it, you have low standards.
I did play it, I beat it all. It's one of the most bizarre retail games I've ever played, it looks like a pre alpha with how barren and low quality everything looks and how the levels' duration are a complete mishmash, some last a while and other LATER ones only last a minute.
>Literally defending Sony fanboys.png
4/5ths of this is trash. I would list a long list of trash N64 games except the N64 only had good games.
Not to mention they were a lot better on the N64 due to CDs having abysmal load times. SF2 Collection had 45 seconds of load time between every match,
Shit, games like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6 were better on the FUCKING SNES because of this.
Can Sony ever recover from this humiliation?
>a lot of which were ported to other systems even in their day
Maybe because they are good. I don't see people playing Goldeneye on 3DS or WII U.
The PS1 has far better games that have aged much better like Symphony of the Night and Xenogears.
Explain how each one of them is overrated.
Yeah like uh...FF7? That PC port sure was great right? D'oh wait it's one of the worst of all time.
You lost.
Give it up.
You are only embarrassing yourself further than you already have accomplished.
>Are we in the same thread?
Do you seriously think we're only considering people in this thread?
N64 was a good console only because rare was such a powerhouse back then, they pretty much saved the console from being shit
>some last a while and other LATER ones only last a minute.
Levels lasting different lengths of time is seriously something you are going to complain about?
Are you butthurt to the point you just can't think of anything to say and just post "le epic rage face maymay sonyggers on suicide watch xd" ?
>Symphony of the Night
I liked it better when it was called Super Metroid.
Surely you do not consider this unfinished heap of garbage as an argument in your favor?
The only game that has aged well at all is Paper Mario and maybe the Mario Parties because of how simple the latter are.
Also F-zero X, which your list didn't have.
>A sonygger tired of being called a sonygger made this unironically
Rare has been shit since Battletoads and most definitively DKC2.
The N64 was great despite their toxic influence.
>I liked it better when it was called Super Metroid.
Yeah, I remember playing Super Metroid on the N64.
Wrong, but even if I was the owner of all those posts, what would that matter?
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Bomberman 64
Bomberman 64-2
Bomberman hero
Conker's bad fur day
Diddy kong racing
Donkey Kong 64
F-zero x
Golden eye
Harvest Moon
Hey You Pikachu
Kirby 64
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Mario Golf
mario Kart
Mario party 1-3
Mario tennis
Megaman 64
Mischief makers
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Quest 64
Snowboard kids
Starfox 64
Super mario 64
Smash brothers
Yoshi's story
And those are just the games I personally know are good and that still hold up.
>b-b-but muh town!
doesnt mean shit fag, 30m sales vs 100m
>Yeah like uh...FF7? That PC port sure was great right? D'oh wait it's one of the worst of all time.
Outside of the MIDI music (which is accurate from a technical perspective), what was wrong with it? I'm not going to pick apart every last game in that list like some sperglord, I will say 3D action games like Medievil and shooters like Alien Resurrection don't hold a candle to games in the same genre on the N64.
Autism at its finest.
I said zelda, so not sure why you wanted to sperg about oot and majora. Mario kart was fun. Paper mario was great but there was absolutely no reason to own it.
Problem with most 64 games- no replayability. It was a rent games console