Seriously, can you explain me why was this allowed? I remember quiting the character selection screen every time my mom passed in front of the TV because she didn't like me playing lewd games... I know she was exaggerating, but for real... An underage in bikini... What were they thinking?
Seriously, can you explain me why was this allowed...
a) she clearly has tits so not sure how underage we're talking about here
b) ameriprude culture is not toriyama's fault
She was 12 there.
If japan wants to depict characters in this light its there right too, unless freedom triggers you let it go
>prude culture
You're mentally disabled.
did you get a boner or something you pedo?
Dragonball was great. It had so much more charm than the autism fest that was Z.
Ever tried not being gay?
Well yeah but she's a hard 12
>that subtle edit
You are right, I enjoyed Dragonball way more than Z. Glad they are going back to that humoristic style in Super.
>Seriously, can you explain me why was this allowed?
Because in cultures not reeking of hypocrisy and sub-human tolerance it is violence that is shunned, not the human body (the physical foundation of our very existence on the planet).
Enjoy your vapid white-knight attention (You).
fuck off prude
I really don't understand it either. I try justifying it in my head by thinking that the joke is that she's inappropriately dressed. But as short as that joke can go, I'm not sure if it wasn't just a shallow reason to include a lewd loli.
>The Witch is dead
ChiChi is from a shounen anime. And from an author notorious for having ecchi humor. If you're playing a Dragon Ball game, then you should expect this. You can't complain a game is lewd when you know damn well it will be.
Japan is full of pedos. It's amazing how less lewd Chi Chi and Bulma got in DragonBall Z. They got less sexualized as they got older.
>you need reasons to have lewd lolis
Found the homosexual.
No fuck you pedo, i hope you get raped in jail after your probable child rape attempt
Akira Toriyama: "Because they're not attractive anymore. Women over 18 are disgusting. "
You need a reason to justify not being a pedophile.
It's only lewd if you allow it to be in your mind.
Do you go to beaches and get a boner looking at kids, then freak the fuck out and tell the lifeguard to shut it all down? No? I wonder why.
Chichi sure as shit wasn't. Bitch aged like milk.
Hard to be sexualized when you are so irrelevant you barely even show up anymore.
>my mom passed in front of the TV.
So you're too immature to have an opinion anyways.
>I wonder why.
Because proper context justifies the wearing of bathing suits at the beach.
So you agree?
Agree to what?
Pun intended? You do know she is actually named Milk, right user-kun?
You don't even live here if you believe that BS.
worlds strongest woman
>Chi-chi became a prude nagging bitch
Still hurts.
>being south american
>What were they thinking?
Clearly it wasnt about freedom thats for sure
I want to see what her strongest vagina would do to my dick.
Bulma had a ton of screen time in Z.
I agree Chi Chi was hardly on the show.
Milly is the god tier "I want to protect that smile" waifu.
Oh shut up, Goku was a shit tier husbando. If he became a family man she would be a perfect waifu
Bulma is pretty lewd.