How many PS4 games do you own?

How many PS4 games do you own?

Fallout 4
inFamous Second Son
Omega Quintet
Megadimension Neptuina V-II
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
DQ Heroes
Dark Souls 3
Arkham Knight

soon, I will be adding Moon Dwellers to it

Dark Souls II
Witcher 3
Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence
Dying Light: Enhanced Edition
Shadow of Mordor
Dead Or Alive 5 LR
Killzone Shadow fall
Fallout 4
FF Type-0 HD
Farcry 4
Dragon Age Inquisition
Until Dawn
Banner Saga

Uncharted collection
Until Dawn
Fallout 4
The last of us remastered
Little big planet 3

I own Bloodborne. I do not have a PS4 console though.

Oh I have Dark Souls 3 also, havnt touched my PS4 since I finished it.

Fallout 4
Killzone Shadow Fall
The Witcher 3
Just Cause 3
Rainbow Six Siege
Gravity Rush Remastered
Banner Saga
Rocket League
Metal Gear Solid 5
The Order 1886
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dark Souls 3

3. literally fucking 3 games. fuck this generation.

Bloodborne, Phantom Pain, Type-0 HD, and a Jackbox collection.

>posts 15 games
What is wrong with you? Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean it isn't a game.

Wait there is a No No Kuni 2? Since when?

Revealed last year.
Why the fuck would anyone want a sequel to that crap RPG.

Now post a list of already available, non-imaginary games fellow gaffer.
>inb4 dude raider

He bought games that are currently available and aren't shit/multiplat.
So that's about right.

Akibas Trip
Arslan The Warrior Legend
AssCreed Unity (Sold)
AssCreed Syndicate (Sold)
Batman Arkham Knight (Sold)
Battlefield Hardline (Sold)
Bloodborne (Sold)
CoD:AW (Sold)
CoD:Blops 3 (Sold)
Dark Souls 3
Destiny TTK
DmC (Sold)
DQ Heroes
DW8 Empires (Sold)
Evolve (Sold)
Fallout 4 (Sold)
Far Cry 4 (Sold)
Far Cry Primal
FF 10/2 HD
FF 14 HW
FF Type 0
Homefront Revolution
inFamous SS (Sold)
inFamous FL
J-Stars Victory +
Just Cause 3
Killzone Shadowfall (Sold)
Knack (Sold)
Lords of the Fallen (Sold)
Mad Max (Sold)
MGS 5 (Sold)
Shadow of Mordor (Sold)
Mirrors Edge Catalyst
MKX (Sold)
Naruto UNS4
Need for Speed (Sold)
Project Cars (Sold)
Ratchet and Clank
Resi: Revelations 2
Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai Warriors 4-2
Samurai Warriors 4: Empires
Shadow Warrior
Sleeping Dogs
Star Ocean 5
Street Fighter 5
The Crew (Sold)
The Division
The Evil Within
The Order
Witch and 100 Knight
Witcher 3
Trials Fusion
Tropico 5
Uncharted 4

Once I get one I'll probably have 5 or so.
Shame SO5 looks to be so mediocre, was hoping it'd be good.

>all these multi plats

Stop killing this industry

DoA Beach boobies 3

kinda regret buying it, desu

Atelier Sophie
Tales of Zestiria
DQ Heroes

I only got it a couple of months ago, though.

You had quite a collection of games user. I'm hoping to get a PS4 soon to play MGS5 and ground zero.

10, if you count TLOU which came digitally with my ps4

1 physical, 1 60 dollar demo and PT


>posts 15 games
>all of them are unreleased aside from one or two
Yep, sounds like the average PS4 thread.


fucking console cucks

all this weeb shit. I better not ever find you talking shit about westerns games. with all these games you have, you are not allowed. incredibly biased and stupid.

The best part is when the games come out, turn out to be shit, and suddenly stop showing up in their lists (ala Shadow of the Beast).

Call Of Duty Black Ops 3
The Last of Us Remastered
Uncharted 4
Until Dawn
Littlebigplanet 3
Tearaway unfolded

Bloodborne + DLC
Gravity Rush 2
I don't pay for online but I pay $30 a month for the Playstation Vue Service.

>"weeb shit"
>speak about biased
How about going to a website that's not for weebs.


Sony... always... wins...

just got a ps4 back in february but right now I own

Uncharted Collection
Uncharted 4
Dark Souls II: Scholar
Dark Souls III

and there's at least like 5-10 other titles I really want just havent picked up yet. Its a lot of fun

Kill yourself man

shadow of the beast was good desu

According to who?
It's a shitty low budget game with the depth of a flash game.

Infamous Second Son
Watch Dogs
Dead Nation
Child of Light
The Last of Us
Diablo 3
Alien Isolation
The Evil Within
Metro Redux
Shadow of Mordor
Fallout 4

Uncharted Collection
Arkham Knight
SW: Battlefront
Sleeping Dogs
Tomb Raider

Bought my system during the holidays last year. I haven't stopped playing since the beginning of the year, and E3 left me thinking that I have a shitload more of hypeworthy games that are gonna start coming out just about as soon as I finish what I have.

just got star ocean in the mail, decided to try another jrpg since #fe left such a bad taste in my mouth

6, but I'm going to sell 4 of them.

Thinking if Overwatch as the last shooter I bought was Battlefront (for £15 calm down). If not that one if the Sherlock Holmes games. No idea how they are but they look good.

Last on the list would be Resident Evil 6 or Valkyrua Chronicles.

What a clusterfuck. Thinking of getting Overwatch. I can't concentrate today.