What is the game equivalent?

What is the game equivalent?

Overwatch because they're both overrated


Planescape: Torment

La Mulana or DF

GTA V. It's also mostly drug jokes and more Tennis than anyone asked for.

DFW is a fucking faggot and I'm glad that he killed himself


I don't even know what that is OP

it's a movie

a gay movie

what is the vidya equivalent?

Underrated post

>Infinite Jest
>the jest is finite

>Sup Forums pretending to have read this book

Hilarious. The size alone would be an impossible hurdle for anyone with a video game addiction, let alone comprehending the content with your pea sized brains.

LSD for Playstation One

That always put me off to be fair. Isn't it like 1500 pages?

I much prefer smaller books, in the 150-250 range.

Is it even worth it though?

Pic related

you are posting on Sup Forums, I guess you couldn't read it too

El Shaddai
Wario Ware


To be fair, I was kinda too young to get it, back when I read it but I really only enjoyed a few parts of it.

A long, rambling book that overstays its welcome about 3/4 way through?

I still don't understand the point of Hal going to the wrong support group, the ending bit with Don and the drug guys, and some of the other 30+ diatribes to explain a minor background element like the video phone masks.

Woah there buddy, I'll have you know I cleared the entire Captain Underpants series in a week.

30+ page diatribes, rather.

some shit meme game

I read all of these shit books m8.

How old were you?

I read like 50 pages in when I was 17 and I didn't feel like forcing my way through it. It seems like a book people praise more for what it promises than what it delivers.

I wanna say 15 or 16. I did actually make it the whole way through but I can't say it was a very memorable experience. Again, maybe now I'd think differently. Gravity's Rainbow, for example, is a book I legitimately love.

Spect IJ but DFW is a prescriptivist scum

What do you think it promises?

A deconstruction of the modern world that somehow connects together in a satisfying way to show why life is worth living. At least, that's what I've guessed.

>A deconstruction of the modern world
More like a commentary on the modern world and a decostruction of the narrative
>that somehow connects together in a satisfying way
Nope, there are no payoffs, everything important happens offscreen, most plot lines don't converge and it ends with a cliffhanger.
>to show why life is worth living
I'm not sure about that, but I guess it's arguable.


admittedly I never found the tennis parts in either to be too much

Flower Sun and Rain?

>She turns. "Hold up my fur." He obeys. "Be careful. Don't touch my skin." Earlier in this game she was nervous, constipated, wondering if this was anything like male impotence. But thoughtful Pointsman, anticipating this, has been sending laxative pills with her meals. Now her intestines whine softly, and she feels shit begin to slide down and out. He kneels with his arms up holding the rich cape. A dark turd appears out the crevice, out of the absolute darkness between her white buttocks. He spreads his knees, awkwardly, until he can feel the leather of her boots. He leans forwards to surround the hot turn with his lips, sucking on it tenderly, licking along its lower side...he is thinking, he's sorry, he can't help it, thinking of a Negro's penis, yes he knows it abrogates part of the conditions set, but it will not be denied, the image of a brute African who will make him behave...The stink of shit floods his nose, gathering him, surrounding. It is the smell of Passhendaele, of the Salient. Mixed with the mud, and the putrefaction of corpses, it was the sovereign smell of their first meeting, and her emblem. The turn slides into his mouth, down to his gullet. He gags, but bravely clamps his teeth shut. Bread that would only have floated in porcelain waters somewhere, unseen, untasted–risen now and baked in the bitter intestinal Oven to bread we know, bread that's light as domestic comfort, secret as death in bed...Spasms in his throat continue. The pain is terrible. With his tongue he mashes shit against the roof of his mouth and begins to chew, thickly now, the only sound in the room...
Are there any video games that invoke this same feeling?

The Phantom Pain

Really though, the game is an endurance test, the gameplay is objectively boring if not comfy. The DS version is a pain to look at, and at best you're going to be running around an expanding island solving number puzzles for 14 hours experiencing the same day over and over again.
The dialogue is funny, and there is a lot of it; the music is nice as well.
The game can be a pain though. Flower Sun and Rain is definitely the infinite jest of videogames.

technically, it starts with a cliffhanger

I wouldn't call the first scene a cliffhanger.