Interesting MMOs

I'm wanting to play a good, non-WoW MMORPG. I was thinking about maybe playing some classic stuff either officially, or an older version still supported by private servers (something like Everquest of FFXI).

Would this be a good idea? What other good MMOs (old or new) would people suggest, along with any good private servers?

play Archeage

Also riders of icarus is coming out tomorrow for peasants who couldn't buy the founder pack.

It was on my list of ones to try. Along with: FFXI, FFXIV, Everquest and Black Desert.

p2w turds

just play ffxiv.

>not pay2win

choose one

but it costs money :(


Neverwinter is pretty fun

Dofus/Wakfu is probably one of the most unique MMOs I've ever played. It's turn based, so it can seem really slow in the beginning, but PvP is the most fun I've ever had. A lot of the team battles actually rely on skill and class matchups.

Also, if you manage to get rich enough, you can buy p2p with in-game currency.

Project199 for classic everquest. It's free, no pay to win, fun ect.

Oh yeah I've heard of these. Which is best to play first?

Project199 dot com*

also it's amazing how you guys keep crying about pay2win when you don't even reach end game, you play like 2 weeks and get bored of any game anyways.

Pay2win doesn't factor into a game unless you're some hardcore pvper who wants to be the top of the top 1-3% of the server. Most people who actually get to the end game are casual as fuck and don't mind being somewhat behind the people that use item malls to gain strenght advantages.

but instead just com to shit in this threads and cry how horrible aeria/gpotato/nexon/tencent or any other publisher is and cry about their misfortune in the world of pay2win mmos.

I've played f2p mmos for 10+ years and I dont' I've spent more than $120 in all that time, heck out of that money I probably didn't even spend most of the currency I got with that money, I just got baited into some sale that gave extra points or something.


Wakfu is completely fucked up and its battles are even slower than Dofus'. The 2 things it has over Dofus is graphics and it's almost entirely F2P.

God damned auto correct it's Project1999

>defending p2w

Lmao, go play your Korean mmos weeb.

That's the one I was thinking of. I wiped my PC recently so I'll need to redownload/install it all, but it's what I'm leaning towards. Never tried a classic MMO before so could be interesting, or horrible.

Archeage is one of the most P2W games I've ever played. I had a level 50 with one of the largest guilds on the server. We quit because PVP was so busted. You can directly by power in that game through subscription coins. Just buy a subscription, put it on the market, use that gold to buy equipment. Win.

are there any high budget sub required non gook mmo's in the making?

>Use money
>buy X MMO account with top geared character
>win the game

oh wow Archeage is teh worst! you can turn money into power!... like you can't do that in any fucking other game as well.

Nothing worth a shit. p2w is the new model of mmo. Subs are a distant memory.


Archeage is fucking garbage and even worse because it's made up of passive aggressive manginas like you.

In Archeage buying power is legitimate. Your example is cheating in any other game.

Foggernauts are my jam; they're steampunk done right. Shame Ogrines fucked up the market.

Dofus or Wakfu?

Dofus seems to be a Flash game which admittedley puts me off a bit...

Dofus is old. Pretty sure Wakfu is the sequel.

Dofus is literally unplayable unless you pay

if you want to pay play Dofus, if you don't want to pay play Wakfu

Dofus is superior in many ways, even if it's older it got a "wakfu revamp" to looks more like Wakfu, not many people liked it but that's what happened.

I'm not shilling either, I got dissapointed with both eventually.

Apparently Dofus has 1.5 million subscribers. Why the fuck have I never heard of this mmo despite it being huge. There are also mmo's like crossfire which apparently made a billion dollars in 2014 but is unheard of here. Am I in the wrong website or do these developers just don't care about the west?

Foggernauts in Dofus are better than Wakfu.

If you're talking about the Ogrines thing, it fucked up both their markets since it's a feature for both games.

Basically, Ogrines are a feature that lets you buy points that can pay for subscription. You can also sell these points to other players for in-game gold. This made it so anyone can just buy Ogrines and sell them to players, which fucked up the market.

dofus/wakfu is a french game, so it's only popular to the french/spanish communities. There has been recent interest outsde due to the anime, but, y'know.

Everyone who plays Dofus multiboxes like 5 accounts so they can play by themselves FFT style, no one ever fucking wants to group at all, it's a waste of time, and everyone is already like lvl 200+

play Project 1999 if you try EQ. it's best to try with friends to level with, since most EQ classes cannot solo.

OP here. Going to try out classic Everquest on Project1999. If I don't like it, I think I'll give Wakfu a go, but I might do that anyway as they're very different styles of games.

Cheers for the recommendations, would like to see the discussions continue as well!

It's a french game and never really got much advertisement in the US.

That's bullshit though. Get a decent guild and it's loads of fun. Random matches in the Koloseum is also fun as hell.

The Secret World is interesting but the gameplay is mostly considered shit

but the plot, lore, investigation quests, and all that stuff is pretty damn cool

such a shame it wasn't single player

P1999 or alternatively, Return of Reckoning for Warhammer Online has a lot of potential if you'd rather PvP

That being said, am I likely to struggle with Everquest 1? Oldest MMO I've even played is Vanilla WoW, and that felt pretty modern and had an already nice UI.

you can play ultima online on that remmincense or something shard. it has quite active community. if not that you can always try graal online

I loved TSW, but it's pretty much dead now. Gave me that Vampire TBM atmosphere.

Go play Maplestory

>wow clone
He wants something interesting, you retard.

it's literally run by SJWs who will ban you for saying anything remotely "problematic" or criticizing the staff/game.

it has an extremely steep learning curve. you will be hopelessly lost and confused and will probably die a lot.

but once you get it, once you start getting familiar with an area, it feels really good. once it clicks it's a fun game that feels like a sandbox in a way, you can really go anywhere and do anything. within reason of course, you're not gonna solo groups of enemies 5 levels above you without some high level buffs or a high level character helping you. but it has the kind of freedom you don't get from themepark MMOs anymore. even vanilla WoW was pretty handholdy compared to classic EQ.

there's no such thing as a interesting MMO retard, they all boil down to grinding the same shit day in and day out for loot that's just going to become obsolete later.

>b-but muh FFXI

you can't afford $5?

Anyone who says they can't play P2P games really just means they're an underageb& that can't use a credit card or Paypal.

What classes can solo the best?

Would I be ruining my experience by going solo?

Haven't played EQ before.

Or I just don't think paying money for something which has equally as good free alternatives is really worth it.

>rider of icarus
I played a raid there and got a refund
jesus fuck how do you make a game about aerial combat so fucking boring

>>b-but muh FFXI
what did he meme by this

Necromancer is pretty much built to solo.

Druid and Bard are good soloers. Monks can solo certain things (Enough to make it to cap, but you'll have limited options on farming spots).

It's nice to be able to solo when you can't get a group, but EQ is a social game. You'll want a party. The dungeons are the most rewarding and fun places to level. An EQ dungeon is an intense, high risk high reward open world zone where everything can go south with horrible consequences very fast. But you also have plenty of time to socialize and make friends, which was the heart of the EQ experience.

EQ in general is not a game that tolerates fuck ups.

How different is fucking EverQuest now? I haven't played since 04. I can't imagine how 12 years might have changed a game that still gets updated.

i would recommend registering for your account so you can access the forums and check the help section. the project 1999 wiki also has a lot of information, you can check up on each class and it has good writeups on each, their solo viability, etc.

Bard, Enchanter, Druid, Monk, Necromancer, Wizard and Magicians are all solid soloers. i'd say Druid just because you can play a good-aligned race and they can kind of do everything, it's a good way to get a grasp on all the mechanics. plus they can heal and healers are almost always sought out.

there are no good free alternatives to FFXIV, every F2P mmo is inherently shit due to P2W schemes and lack of actual content delivered in a timely fashion.

FFXIV isn't very appealing either. They have a decent release schedule, but it's still just rehash/treadmill shit.

it doesn't help it requires HOURS of going through the most boring hand holdey quest line, that requires you to do every single quest, to get to the max level shit that's actually challenging.

same with every MMO released in the last 20 years


FFXIV is weeb shit though

unironically enough, WoW is more weebshit than Heavengameofthronesward

>corrupted holy demons
>class hall senpais
>everyone wields the most powerful relics of history

I watched the french cartoon first and wondered wtf this MMO was. It's really fun but I think it's a little overwhelming at the start.