Will Loli Chichi be playable in the next DB games?

Will Loli Chichi be playable in the next DB games?



Ive been holding onto this oc for so long


I sure hope so, loli Mai with a gun is good too.

This thread needs more Chichi.

Please don't put your lolis in my dragonball.

He's right, lolis should be on my dick

Tell that to Toriyama not us.

I saw a hentai series how she got impregnated by some dragon

Then raped by dogs then impregnated by the same dragon thing again

hopefully the one with the huge cock that puts mine to shame.

Make Sup Forums loli-free

I saw that too. Was good

plump lolis are best lolis

I fucking love that comic

Sup Forums is a cake board. Loli belongs in Sup Forums.

hey send a link thanks friend

I likethis board.

Nope Sup Forums is trap board hasn't been cake in the longest fucking time

nope, Sup Forums always loved lolis, its the not-so recently influx of newfags that drove it away partially.

It's just summer, winter is cake time.

True, but too many trapfags pop up every now and then, lolis are the only thing that Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums can share taste in

>too many trapfags

Vocal minority