What the fuck am I in for?

What the fuck am I in for?

A long, autistic grind.

Also if you play anyone that isn't Soma, you're gimping yourself.

>Also if you play anyone that isn't Soma, you're gimping yourself.
Even trying out Alucard and Charlotte for example isn't worth it?

>tfw I maxed out Simon Belmont....

You can probably get away with Alucard, since both him and Soma are the only characters that get weapon drops, but Soma has access to every single creature soul in the game with excessive grinding, and having souls like Puppet Master and Yorick give you access to anywhere on the map with no need for co-op, so being able to use game-breaking weapons while having the best mobility options in the game just makes everyone else pointless.

Shit, I don't think Charlotte even has a divekick.

Soma is just straight up the best character in the game. If you find players online chances are you will find Somas. Even if you are geared you will be left in the dust by them and have nothing to do.

Soma is OP as fuck. Souls are easy enough to get and he can use all the best equipment in the game.

Alucard is decent but basically a nerfed as fuck Soma.

Charlotte was good until she got nerfed. She's still decent but not nearly as good as Soma or Alucard.

Everyone else is grind for 1000 hours to level up their skills, and even then they aren't nearly as good as Soma.

literally never play with anyone that isn't japanese everyone else just sucks

Alucard is cooler than Soma

A dead online with the few you do find having end game gear that can finish the stage before you can blink. If you have friends to play with its fantastic.

Considering they soft-nerfed Valmanway against any boss past Chapter 6, I don't even see how Alucard is any sort of viable past that point.

I've seen more Johnathans grinding for Miser Rings than I have Alucards.

Alucard has "fun" weapons that get him some use like the one that summons random monster or his floating sword. They aren't good but people use him for them anyway.


Its very fun if you have a good crew.

>Considering they soft-nerfed Valmanway against any boss past Chapter 6, I don't even see how Alucard is any sort of viable past that point.

Doesn't stop the Somas!

>all that futile flailing for 1 damage

>all that futile flailing for 1 damage
Its fucking unbearable when they try that shit during chapter 10. You'd think they'd learn too but nope, they bring it back again time and time again.

With the DLC level, I can't remember which one either chapter 9 or 10, the one that is dracula's castle from the 8bit game, you can get a Valmanway +1 as well as a Claim Solias +1, both do the regular damage of Val before it got nerfed.

Most Soma's just moved to Claimh Solais and Fish Head for DPS.

That's what I ended up using towards the end. Claim +1 does insane damage.

I've been waiting a year for the DLC to go on sale, but I guess it never will. I'll wait until next week's sale to see and if not, I'm just gonna buy it anyway.

Really bums me out that they didn't port this game to the new consoles before Konami went full-pachinko. I was hoping for a sequel.

They're making a spiritual successor since they can't use the Castlevania name anymore. I can't remember what the game is called.. Blood something?

Is it going to be a huge crock a bowlshit?

Really hard to tell. The first set of screenshots looked amazing, but since then they've kinda changed the art style which looks a lot worse in comparison. Still, the game it self might still be loads of fun.

Is it Bloodstained, or something entirely different? Harmony of Despair really had me intrigued in the looting aspect of it.

That's it, Bloodstained. This is what the original concept for the game, it does NOT look like this at the moment. When I first got into HoD I was hooked on it. It was an xbl arcade game too, I ended up playing that game more than a lot of actual games.

dead servers.

A dead game.
The KS campaign for Bloodstaines explicitly stated that the concept art is NOT representative of the final product, and that it was going to be 2.5D from the beginning.

HD, not HoD.

HoD is harmony of dissonance

Also HD is a boring game if you're playing solo, and even with online randoms it's not too great.
The real fun comes from playing with friends and with fresh characters.

The dead servers is probably the biggest problem. If you can get some friends to get the game with you, that's really all you need.

a dead game.
a real fucking shame too
Why did this never get a pc release?

Because Konami is afraid of money.
Which is also why we never got another Igavania game, and instead got god of war portable gothic edition, and FUCKING PACHINKO

Metal remixes: the game