Is New Vegas canon?
Is New Vegas canon?
Some would argue that it's more canon than 3 and 4
Yes. Fallout 3 and 4 are not.
3 can be considered as canon. It hardly retcons lore and is even mentioned in NV.
4 is a fucking joke and should be ignored.
Why do you lie on the internet?
1, 2, NV, Bible
Everything else
>Crate full of puppets
>Not canon
Heck you, dude.
Can you name some examples where 3 is mentioned in NV?
I thought fallout 3 and 4 were just spin-offs
Still waiting on New Vegas 2 get hyped boys
Veronica mentions the Outcasts when you talk to her about the BoS. ED-E was made in Adams, the project was discarded by Autumn for the Hellfire project. There's also a loadscreen where it says Enclave personnel headed east after Navarro fell.
I'm sure I missed a few though. But ED-E and Lonesome Road ED-E are a load of FO3 references merged into a single character.
Also I forgot. Vera Keyes is mentioned by a robobrain in FO4 Far Harbor. Although that's the only non-Fallout 3 reference of the game I think.
Colonel Autumn and new Enclave tech gets mentioned pretty often in Lonesome Road.
Moira's Wasteland Survival Guide is the Survival skill book.
There's a photo in Camp Golf of Mr. House standing next to Liberty Prime's leg.
Veronica offhandedly mentions the Capital Wasteland branch of the BoS as having disagreed with the Codex.
I believe you can find Lincoln's detached head from the monument in Fallout 3 on the back of a dead brahmin, i don't know if thats wild wasteland or not though
1,2,3,NV and 4 are cannon,no matter how much this triggers Sup Forums.
>1,2,3,4 and NV are being shot out of a cannon
Could you at least remove 1,2 NV and arguably 3 before firing? It's a terrible waste.
How could they all be canon when 4 actively disregards lore that previous games established? You can't have contradicting lore. You can't have canon that contradicts itself.
the only canon.
F3/4 is not existing.
FNV is the only story canon that relay is.
But 1, 2, 3 and NV disregard 4 :^)
At this point it's easier to consider 4 as a shitty non-canon spin-off.
Is there a good "all in one" mod for NV that adds things/fixes things similar to fook for f3? I'd like to replay it but don't want to install a ton of small mods. I just want something that maybe adds perks every level and new guns and maybe cut content. Anything?
To be honest the one that feels the most alien to the main series is 4. It is the best candidate to be a spin-off
What play through is canon, then?
IMO it's
>NCR ending
>BOS alive
>Caesar and Lanius dead
sure it is we need legion in this world and without NV there would be none
Who cares faggot it doesn't matter just play the game
This guy knows what's up. Everyone else belongs on a cross.
The ay lmao quest ends with the guy saying that there is an alien city under the Mojave.
It's not really a FNV reference considering there is no "alien city" in the game, unless it's referring to something like Big MT or the Sierra Madre.
I think you pretty much nailed it.
NCR wins, Nevada gets swallowed up by them. BoS didn't meddle with shit and just stayed in bunkers.
Although I would say Caesar lived but just went back and his tribes under control started to rebel and splinter off.
They would not rebel and splinter off. He eliminated any individuality in those tribes, as far as they know they ARE the legion and nothing beyond that
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Hopefully not completely, NV has a lot of lore rape
>inb4 replies from Obsidrones screaming "NO IT DOESN'T!!!!"
House ending is canon.
Fallout 4 > Shit Vegas
Theres a reason more people are playing it on Steam.
House ending is canon.
The guy who wrote the original fallout talked about New Vegas and how he wanted House to rule the Mojave. Saywer also said he wants to nuke the NCR back to the stoneage
Whats wrong with being gay, user? Having experience with a dick in my mouth can get me through tough situations. What if a muslim puts a gun to my head and forces me to suck his dick and will shoot me if I dont do a good job?
I find it a bit weird that the wasteland survival guide was made canon despite the option to kill Moira and have her never make it. It was her idea to begin with.
>Saywer also said he wants to nuke the NCR back to the stoneage
That was Avellone, you can see this desire reflected in The Lonesome Road.
its because its a newer game....
dumb phoneposter
Could you please list all the lore rape then ? At least that will give you some validation
Get fucked, Howard
Delete this right now or else
or else what, manlet?
Or else what, you fucking faggot manlet
such as
Hopefully not completely, NV has a lot of lore rape
It's more likely that NV isnt Canon than 4 not being.
This triggers Sup Forums's tendies because they fell for the
>Current Game is worst
>Previous game is best
Which has literally been happening forever. Soon as Fallout 5 comes out this is what Sup Forums is going to do
>Fallout 5 is cancer
>Fallout 4 was the best game in the series.
Because thats what you always do. Sup Forums is dumber than any other place on the internet.
NV is garbage tier if they forced a canon end. Might as well not allow choices if you decided a canon ending.
Would be like Mass Effect then saying Canon Shepard was a Black Female Techie that chose renegade and everyone died.
>This triggers Sup Forums's tendies because they fell for the
>>Current Game is worst
>>Previous game is best
Can somebody please post that comic where Sup Forums is in love with Fallout 3, but as soon as New Vegas comes out, Sup Forums drops 3 and begins to hate it? It ends up with an implication that as soon as Fallout 4 comes out, Sup Forums will turn on Vegas.
It's a pretty old comic, yes.
Would have been better than what we got baka desu senpai
>>How did you find out about my fail Shep?
3 is older than NV
It's shit.
4 is newer than NV
It's shit.
Maybe, just maybe, NV is widely considered to be a better Fallout game.
>implying Sup Forums missed 3 when NV came out
>implying Sup Forums missed 3 when 4 came out
>le nostalgiafag maymay
Sup Forumsfags hate 3 and 4 because they like the original series as it was made by Black Isle and hate what Bethesda made of the series.
>Sup Forums is dumber than any other place on the internet
Why are you here then?
Pretty much this.
>NCR victory
>New Canaanites, Khans, and Followers become major factions in the far north
>The Legion fractures and likely exists under a moderate like Lucius or a hardliner like Lanius (after being convinced by the Courier to manage his own lands.)
>Sloan, Goodsprings, Freeside, and especially Primm all prosper as the Mojave rebuilds and more business flows through the region
>Mojave BoS guard the I-95, and basically become subservient to the NCR unlike the likely-dead retards in Lost Hills