Am I a retard for wasting my money on DBZ games?
Am I a retard for wasting my money on DBZ games?
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heh I'm not even good at playing video games.
It's a waste to buy a Dragon Ball game without a number 2 or 3 in the title
you're a retard for not getting Budokai 3
I can't get it anywhere in stores.
There's only two games worth owning in that picture
Can you guess which Sup Forums?
you're a retard for not owning b3 and bt2
Tenkaichi 3 and Budokai 2
give me a break I was poor as a teenager, I could barely get one to two games a month that weren't over 40 bucks.
At least you didnt fall into the xenoverse meme.
That game is fucking un-salvageable in every way.
I did. It's just the digital version, hence not in the picture because it wasn't available in store in my area.
At least you didn't waste 50 FUCKING BUCKS on Sagas
whats wrong with it?
aside from the terrible RNG
the combat isn't that bad
Those are songs by Tower of Power.
You should check them out, user.
What's so bad about it? I was going to get it on the steam sale but settled on Nep and Valkyria Chronicles instead.
>the combat isn't that bad
Stupid camera work, terrible models and animations, horrible online, extremely limited customization which is bound to stats for some dumb reason, the special moves feel boring and plain.
let's see: rng out of the ass, limited as fuck customisation. Clothes tied to stats.
why didn't you just buy the Budokai HD bundle, retard?
This It dosen't help the fact that the game itself feels pretty clunky and beam attacks look like ass
Can anyone update me on what's going on in dbs, last I saw trunks sparred with goku in ssj2 and then black showed up
holy shit I remember that game. Worst part was the last boss fight against Cell when you had to keep hitting him to get SSJ2, shit was impossible as a kid.
No for Burst limit.
Yes for the rest because you can emulate them at higher resolutions (Bt3), or aren't worth playing.(Budokai 1 and 2 are both objectvily inferior to Budokay 3/infinite world, which are straight upgrades. Raging blast 1 and 2 are pretty meh)
They changed all the music in it.
Best way to play B3 is emulation
Grats, you're caught up.
>what's going on in dbs
Goku dropped some ether and wanted to know how much for your monkey
because I didn't have a PS3 at the time the bundle game got out. I was still stuck with my PS2.
>Stupid camera work
shitty stages
>terrible models and animations
almost all db games have terrible models and animations
>horrible online
i give you that
the netcode is fucking shit
>extremely limited customization
you do realize this is one of the few games that has CaCs
i would say this has more costumization than all of the ps2 games
Did yamamoto plagiarize them too?
Black fights with Goku (ssj2) for a bit, neither uses their full power, Black gets sucked back to his time because of the ring and it turns out he has the heart disease. Oh and Mai is alive.
Soul Calibur 3 HAD PLENTY OF customization ITEMS and it was made in like 2005?
So it's like a rezzed goku or something? Mai being alive doesn't surprise me, I'm expecting (hoping) trunks to go at least ssj3 with training from vegeta/emotions for Mai playing their part
i meant the db games for ps2
Bt2 is like $80 though
well none of the DBZ games on PS2 had custom characters. There were z-items but that doesn't count as create a character.
>your favourite song from Budokai is one of the few that wasn't plagiarised
You also only had one race and couldn't customize they're moves at all.
Alright, what DBZ game would you guys recommend? I have burst limit and Xenoverse
Jesus I remember that. Just terrible.
Other than RNG and SSJ spam nothing really, XV2 so far seems to be a straight upgrade.
>So it's like a rezzed goku
Well it wasn't exactly stated, he said that it is an honor to fight goku in this body.
the reason why people think he has an heart disease is because after the fight with goku he was holding his chest, but I don't think that was it,because goku punched and kicked him in the chest and he was constantly talking about how this pain would make him stronger.
So he could be holding his chest because of the pain of goku's punches.
Long story short it is leaning on him being a rezzed up goku or a body jacked goku, but it could still go anywhere.
but you could choose their fighting style. like SOUL OF BARBARIAN,, SOUL OF DANCER
Babidi sent Yamu and Spopovich because the were strong enough to deal with any humans according to their 300 year old data. They are obviously much stronger than Mutaito, Piccolo Daimao, Roshi and Master Shen. Yamu and Spopovich being weaker than DB characters is laughable.
Dragon Ball has a constant power level inflation and a character that was strong in one saga becomes useless if they don't improve in the next.
You must be the same guys who were surprised how Vegeta in base was stronger than SSJ3 Gotenks
i don't understand why people complain about lack of costumization options when the past db games had almost none
i don't remember the game being so expensive
must be the nostalgia prices
Honestly I'm just happy that trunks was able to go ssj2 and fucked up dabura and babbidi. After the first few episodes I was worried they made him gohan v2.0 and he was barely able to go ssj anymore
it's still limited as fuck for the "basic" choices for hair for Human and Saiyan, few faces choices. Type of eyes. Even if Dragon Quest IX had only one race, DBXV has pretty much 10 or less choice options for everything.
they stated that they are going to improve the customization options for XV2 instead of adding more races
I never played Xenoverse so I don't know how bad it is, I do understand that if the whole point of the game is that you can create your own OC customizable character and the customization is bad that people are going to complain.
>"oh man i wish i had french fries to go along with burger"
>"oh look fries, but look they are covered in dog feces and bugs"
>"Well at least i have fries now!"
Thats you.
>Xenoverse 2 is coming out
>expect hype threads
>there's no /xvg/ on /vg/ anymore
>there's maybe one thread every couple of days here on it
Fuck man. The pre-game hype was the best part of Xenoverse.
>terrible models and animations
>the special moves feel boring and plain.
The rest has some truth to it but these could not be more incorrect.
Budokai 3/Infinite world
Budokai tenkaichi 2/3 (2 for the better SP)
Burst limit
Supersonic warriors 1/2
there is thread in
the board is slow so threads don't die off too fast
Tenkiachi 3 and the new one that came for the 3DS. That's it really.
Maybe super dragon ball z but that game didnt age to well, neither did budokai 3 despite what everyone will tell you.
>there's still threads on it
>but the hype died so hard it's in /trash/ now
Jesus fuck, this is some monkey paw shit.
its better than nothing
-t. con-man
>bought tenkaichi 3 on release date
>60 dollars
>mfw within a month it was 20
it hit even harder because that was a lot of money for me back then
Bt3 is the best one.
Do they even still make the 2d fighters like Budokai anymore I dont like crazy 3d shit theyve got with Xenoverse and Raging Blast
I remember paying BT3 real cheap. how come did it drop so quickly, I bought it in like 2007.
I realized all DBZ games I own are no fun to play alone. I just don't have any friend to play with so I find even BT3 boring after two or three fights against the AIs.
T-the hype will pick back up in a couple months, right? Xenoverse 2 will bring back healthy generals and that fun community we had, right?
DBZ BT3 is the best game in the series.
Budokai 3 has the best music
BT1 has the best opening.
Prove me wrong.
we have almost no info on XV2 yet
This is the second best opening.
>released in october
>it's fucking july
>no info other than they actually made the super saiyan transformations work correctly
Frieza clan master race, the suspense on whether or not our fucking transformations are going to work right is killing me
I mean releases*
>Frieza clan master race
I agree but i think saiyan is on par.
Not rezzed more like possessed by an evil Kai
>freezer race transforations
how the would it work without being a clusterfuck
>X head has a spiky transformation
>X chest has a plain transformation
>character ends up looking like shit
Still waiting on my girl Fasha to be playable in Xenoverse 2.
>Frieza clan doesn't get costume slots
>instead their costume slots are their "forms"
>Frieza clan start a fight 20-30% weaker than other characters
>each form is a 10-15% boost in strength
>four forms total, making the character about 30% stronger than others once you finally get it
>Frieza clan transformation takes about 2-3 seconds, meaning you have to find a good opening to do it and the opponent has time to stop you from getting permanently stronger than them and overwhelming them
The only problem I see is that playing the "attain my perfect form" game within 2 minutes would be hard. You'd have to seriously style on people to get to your final form, but that kind of feels like the point, you aren't SUPPOSED to let your opponent reach his final form unless you're a retard like Goku or Vegeta.
the girl in the trailer almost looked like her. Save it from the color though.
That's why I made the discord server pal, just go to discord servers and search dragon ball
>Burst Limit
>No Budokai 3
>No Infinite World
>settling for shit
It's not like Zone of the Enders, where it's the same game but better.
>Bringing Krillin, Videl, and Great Saiyaman to every possible stage
>beating all the baddies with 2 humans and a superhero
Great game.
>The combat isn't that bad
Fight more than one person at the same time.
>new hair style
I bought Burst Limit one month before XV1 was released, I'm disappointed with the purchase.
No he actually got them to do the songs for Budokai 2
Great games
If they give fridges Golden Form, I think everything would work out.
>slap a layer of gold pain on it and call it a day
people would complain anyway
because it's shit.
You've only made 2 posts and you've already proved you're an insufferable faggot
It'd be the easiest one to do. If not Golden, then they should add Cooler's form, which would be a bitch for them.
>no information on the game
but that's not true. Shit there's even videos on jewtube with people playing and discussing the demo for XV2.
Are they gonna release the demo anywhere other than conventions?
has anybody played that dbz game for 3ds? Is it good?
its just a demo
there is no information yet on the hub/CaC customization/transformations
all we have is a saiyan CaC with ssj3
not that I know of
There's information on the combat system and new characters.
The 2nd trailer also at least showed some clips of new hubs and teachers
(OP) This is my Fridge, I don't know how to raise his stats. I think I gave it max height.
yeah i know
i saw the demo videos
what i need is more info on the other races
>no budokai 3
its like you dont want to play the best dbz game
cant get it anywhere in stores now?
>not owning the same ps2 version since the day it came out and frequently playing with your friends.
I never had friends to behind with. Also I was a poor teenager and I could barely get a game a year. 2003: Budokai 1, 2004: Budokai 2, 2007: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
atleast you got the best one
>I don't know how to raise his stats
once you level up you get points that you can assign to shit like health, attack and stamina
its in customization
I know how to raise the stats, but I mean, where should I put my points?