>vidya trilogy
>1st game was solid, laid the foundation
>2nd entry was absolute perfection or at least the best of three
>3rd game totally shit/rushed/tried to change up the formula and failed/worst of the three
Which series am I describing?
>vidya trilogy
>1st game was solid, laid the foundation
>2nd entry was absolute perfection or at least the best of three
>3rd game totally shit/rushed/tried to change up the formula and failed/worst of the three
Which series am I describing?
Kingdom Hearts will probably end up like this inb4 spin off discussion
Double Dragon
All of them.
Dead Space
Mass effect
assassins creed
Kinda sorta
Monster Hunter
Metroid Prime (at least IMO)
no way 3 is worse than 1. DKC1 is an utterly mediocre platformer with no redeeming qualities
Dark Souls
Metal Gear Solid
I respect your opinion.
It's commonly discussed which of the best between 1 and 2, unless you're referring to 3/NV/4 which describes them perfectly
Dead Space
The Just Cause series.
Starcraft (OG - Broodwar - 2)
Rogue Squadron
Assassins Creed
Gears of War
Rollercoaster Tycoon
The Sims
Super Smash Bros
Forza Motorsport
Fight Night
Call Of Duty 1-2-3
Advanced Wars
The House of the Dead (in terms of mechanix)
Saints Row
I wouldn't exactly say SR1 was "solid" but it definitely laid the foundation for SR2 which to this day is still easily my favorite sandbox game of all time.
I was so excited for SR3. For a few years I honestly thought it was never going to exist. I hadn't been so excited for a game in such a long time. After about 10 hours of playing it I wasn't playing Saints Row anymore.
Lost Planet (EX Troopers is a nice spin off though)
Also fuck people saying Mass Effect, only 1 was good and had the potential for so much. But then 2 shat on almost everything
Star Wars Battlefront
This will be DBZ Xenoverse. The worst thing about this is that the 2nd and 3rd installments will just feel like expansion packs of the first
Max Payne
MP2 was worse than 1 though.
Mass Effect
Fallout 2 was universally considered shit on release.
Street fighter if we're talking 2, alpha, 3
You are right
Seriously? First one is shit, JC2 is one of my favorite sandbox games
JC3 looks like fun, is it that bad?
came here for this. never played 3 and I don't really mind a game trying a new formula for game 3, it just doesn't seem executed properly. it stays too close to the original formula while neutering the elements that made it fun (i.e. ammo and health packs being abundant)
I'd say Quake
I hated Arena for not having singleplayer campaign
Batman Arkham series
Dark Souls.
Dungeon Siege.
Although I kinda like the 3rd.
I came here to post this
JC3 isn't bad as such, it's a lot of fun, but yeah, it's not as good as 2. Something just feels "off" about it. I'd recommend picking it up on sale, but maybe don't pay full RRP for it. I did, and I don't regret it, but I'd find it hard to recommend to others.
JC3 is bogged down with terrible optimization across all platforms and a world that, while it looks pretty as fuck, feels very barren and small. I've put hundreds of hours into JC2. I think JC3 is very fun, the wingsuit is fucking amazing, and I want to like it but all the small things like the explosion lag, even on my beast of a fucking machine, and the fucked distance scaling that tears the landscape apart barely 20 feet in front of me has kept me from touching it since February.
Note: the third game in these series isn't neaisarily absolute shit, but still definetly the least inspired and missing what made 1/2 great.
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter
Sly Cooper
God of War
PlayStation exclusives almost always follow the 2>1>3 trend.
>these fagbois think that 2 was actually better than 1
interruptive "epic" scripted events
cinematic experience
casualized zero gravity gameplay
constant hints
non stop chattering over comms
It was still a good game but was obviously going towards the "wider audience" route more fully realized in 3, 3 was the eventuality of 2's change in direction from 1.
Glad it wasn't just a quirk of my PC running it like crap then. 95% of the time it's running smooth, but that other 5% really does make it chug. It's at random too, which is frustrating.
Part of the issue with the world I think is the scaling - JC2's towns and cities actually felt proportionate to their surroundings, same with the roads and stuff. JC3's main city is the size of a large village, and don't even get me started on the top 1/3rd of the map being literally barren empty space.
witcher 1 was just terrible
witcher 2 was ok
witcher 3 third times the charm
No one mentioned mortal kombat yet?
Zero Escape
Agreed max payne 3 was hot garbage
But Sly 2 was the weakest.
Not Sly Cooper or Pikmin, I can say that much.
Pikmin is 2>3>1
Sly is 3>1>2
Deus Ex
All of these are correct
Metroid Prime
This shit right here
Ty the tasmanian tiger
4th entry is a reb44t
half life
>invisible war
thats because unlike being a piece of shit, UMK3 is actually good.
unless ur talking
mortal kombat
mortal kombat 2
and really shitty mortal kombat 3 and not the obviously superior Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
JC2's charm came from its campiness and cheesiness, JC3 lost a lot of that, but improved on the gameplay in all aspects. The world is slightly less diverse, but prettier and with more interesting locations (those military bases in Insula Dracon are fucking amazing).
It does feel "off" like many have said. Mainly because it seems to take itself way more seriously. The interaction between Rico and Mario is on par with those of JC2, but the other characters are mostly boring.
hopefully not bayonetta
Anything is better than 3.
Metroid Prime.
>no Paper Mario
It's not a trilogy though.
Mother series
you don't actually think Dark sous 2 is good, do you?
Maybe if you reverse the order
The Pokemon Ranger series
You people are the human embodiment of cancer.
MP3 was a masterpiece in every way and you faggots keep complaining "BLOOHOOOHOOOO ITZ NOT NOIR CUZ SUNLIGHT IN SOME LEVELS".
Fuck you, you've been worthless retards since the Game Informer reveal
Star Wars: Battlefront
Someone take one for the team and pay DICE a visit please. I'm a hardcore Star Wars nerd and all I wanted before I die is a good Battlefront 3.
Mass Effect
or you could just say
>assassins creed
but the first one was the best.
You weren't even an assassin in 2 until the last mission where your family indoctrinates you. Its literally just a revenge story where you kill people who had almost nothing to do with your family's murder, besides in name, the punisher game is more of an assassin's creed game.
>this guy was the banker for the guy who killed your brother and dad
Yeah thats just murder.... compared to the first game, you were actually assassinating poltical figures, generals and leaders with grey motives and debatable ethics. But that kid in 2 sure killed a banker, 100% assassin.
>Super Smash Bros.
fucking how. It improves on everything the previous games did
I dont know if its the fact that im 7 years older, but max payne 3 was terrible story/writing wise compared to 2 and 1.
Max was just a complete failure who fucked everything up in 3 and i never got that feeling in 1 or 2.
>hostages held in a shed
>max litterally opens the door and walks right in, completely casual
>bad guy shoots your employer, the hostage in the head
>"aww shit this day went from bad to worse"
>max has the jump on a group of enemies
>calls them out and they all start firing on him in the cutscene then the gameplay starts
>like what the fuck max, why did you say anything?
>cutscene where max is walking into a trap
>mentions how it feels like a trap
>it was a trap all along
Max was a completely retarded and non sensical main character who made decisions based on everything but common sense. It ruined my gameplay experience when I knew i could do things to have the story not play out like it did, but because my main character needs to act like a retard for the game to advance, it felt jarring.
>the sims
maybe if you dont include 1 and just go 24
3 expanded on everything from 2 and added open world. Besides the game being a literal coding nightmare with oddly insane bugs and glitches, it added more than it took away, and thats a good thing. what did 2 do so well that wasnt included in 3?
Dungeon siege
Gameplay wise, it was a stellar 9/10
Story and writing wise, it seemed like a group of late 20 somethings played max payne 1 and 2 and tried to emulate it.
Dark souls.
Fuck that abomination that was 3.
Ive never been so disappointed in video games like that since DmC