Nights into Dreams is 20 years old today.
Have any of you played it? What do you think of it? Personally it's one of my favorite games of all time.
Nights into Dreams is 20 years old today.
Have any of you played it? What do you think of it? Personally it's one of my favorite games of all time.
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You're THAT guy right? Show us your collection.
Gets me everytime.
Aside from that, still looking forward to play it one day.
In the niiiiiiiiiight
Never played this game honestly, I did like that song from pso2 though
No kidding? Hot damn.
Its one of my two all time favorite games. Gotta go play it later.
>Show us your collection.
I think you've got the wrong person, all I've got is the original game, christmas nights, the PS2 version and the steam/PSN versions.
I've got a folder of Nights art/fanart on my computer though, I could post some of that I guess.
probably the only good part of Journey of Dreams
Ya know that Claris' VA from the Saturn game singing that?
>You play with with an analog stick and fly in circles?!
Did not. Pretty cool.
Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it.
>My biggest regret in life is that I didn't get to create this game.
Ya know who said that? Shigeru Miyamoto.
I thought it was really fun. It's a buzzword now, but I thought it was really comfy. Never played the sequel.
Wish I could emulate it.
Wasn't knocking it. That was my actual sentiment as a child, seeing it on display in stores.
SSF's a tricky bitch but you can get it runnin.
Failing that there's a Steam/PSN/XBLA port from 2012.
Meant that I wish I could emulate the sequel, but I have been hankering to play through the first one again.
>tfw fell for the hype of a new NiGHTS game on the Wii
Why did that have to exist? It would have been better off just being a dead franchise that never left the saturn.
Hey, its not terrible. Its just very average.
>way back in the day
>small child, 13 at the oldest
>looking up info on old sonic games at the time (this would have been like 2005 or 2006 I think)
>come across some weird game for a system I've never even heard of called "NiGHTS into Dreams..."
>think "hey, that's pretty interesting."
>couldn't play it because I never owned a saturn, wouldn't have the first idea of how to get one, and even if I could I was a dipshit kid so it's not like I could afford it
>spend literal years reading up on the game, never a desperate desire but always something in the back of my mind as something to try one day when I can
>hear about PS2 port, get mad as fuck when I discover it's Japan only
>discover emulation, realize saturn emulation was kind of horse shit at the time (and still isn't that great today by the way) so could never get it running
>hear about a wii sequel, can't buy it since I only had a PS2
>finally around 2012 the HD port comes out and I can finally play it
>it's even better than those years of anticipation and hype made it out to be
>my face when
So yeah I fucking love nights. I have a saturn hooked up to an old CRT in my room pretty much exclusively to play it when I get the urge.
always wanted to play this game
My parents got me the Nintendo 64 for christmas and we didn't have enough for more than one console, but I was such a Sega fanboy I actually rented a Saturn form Blockbuster and finished NiGHTS all in one sitting
At least Nights still appears in any cross-over involving Sega.
oh hey thanks for the reminder that this exists.
Still have it with my Saturn. Dunno where my controller it came with got to though.
>Sup Forums constantly dickrides this game
>"Wow, some of the games Sup Forums has fellated have been pretty good, I'm gonna like this one"
>You fly in circles, the end.
You fuckers rused the shit out of me didn't you. You cheeky cunts got me good.
Yeesh. Dark times.
Any game with unique atmosphere and rudimentary, complicated gameplay is an instant Sup Forums classic.
>Sup Forums constantly dickrides this game
I pretty much never see this game mentioned on Sup Forums at all. Not even in a "oh it's shit way." It's just like it's fuckin forgotten or something.
You're not playing it right
20 already? Damn.
A fun little game though. Still have it CIB with the 3D controller. Actually had it, my saturn and Dragon Force out last week. Fun times.
unless you mean complexity emerging from simple mechanics, an explanation is in order
Didn't Dan Slott write that?
Funny, I just started to get back into Nights recently.
I should've been more clear, NiGHTS falls under the unique atmosphere part.
Game is simple and comfy, actually.
>Sup Forums dickrides nights
>all you do is ride in circles
So not only have you never played the game before but this is also you're first time hearing of it
How can you be cold in a dream?
Hard to believe it was really that long ago. I remember being incredibly sick Christmas Eve, crawling down the stairs from the very top floor of my mother's apartment complex since I could barely stand, driving with my grandmother back home, going to bed watching the Simpsons, still feeling like complete shit in the morning, but feeling better as I played Nights for the first time on Christmas morning.
By not being dressed properly, duh.
I've dreamed about freezing to death
Awww, thats a nice thought.
>family too poor to buy recent vidya or much vidya at all
>really want a saturn with nights
>have a dream that I see santa putting a saturn under the tree with nights
>run out of room in the morning to see a big box
>'Santa finally got me what I wished for!'
>it's just socks, pants and shirts
>still hug parents and be happy
Got it years later when I worked at a vidya store. Prices weren't insane like they are now on this stuff so I got it with a bunch of other neat Saturn games on the cheap. (At least what would be considered a steal or cheap these days.)
I coincidentally played it today for the first time.
I liked it. Good music and presentation too.
Is Saturn's hairstyle based on NiGHTS?
probably. Nights is the closest thing that system has to a killer app.
I remember when the saturn came out and id get gaming mags every month, i was drooling over Nights and thought it was gonna be the playstation killer, was a poor family though, single mum with 3 kids, i had to share my mega drive and that was as good as it got, had some great fun with it though...never did get round to playing nights.
I like the character I think she is very cute.
But the games don't look very fun.
It's on steam these days.
Playing NiGHTs as child was a magical comfy time.
Honestly that's more recognition than I expected.
Claris is cute.
Happy birthday, and amazing fucking OST. I couldn't really get into the game though.. and I think both the game and the stylization are a little overrated. Just my two cents.
Gave me my first babby boner.
It dosnt really appeal to me any more, I only tend to play strategy games these days and occasionaly a bit of l4d2 with friends.
I will not orgasm to this.
played it on steam for the first time a few months ago.
It's surprisingly deep. You can breeze through the levels fairly easily but the whole nightopian breeding system, getting the highest rank it's all as difficult as you want it to be
It's a love it or hate it Game .
Personally I think it has the same amount of gameplay as a visual novel. And to me it even at Release felt limited unlike mario64. But I guess it's comparable to stalker. Either you dig it, or you loathe playing it.
You're 100% right. I love the game to bits but I fully understand why someone would think it's dumb as hell.
i got the steam version like 2 years ago and never got around to playing it.
should i use the "brand new" graphics style or classic?
may as well use "brand new," classic is just the old assets running in the "brand new" engine.
I had no idea. I better get playing.
would be cool if the steam version had a mod that increases the draw distance
also an easier model changer so you don't have to mess with your pc's clock to play as reala and whatnot.
I fucking hate stalker....but once every 18months...i get this urge....i dont nkow what it is...something calls to me...i have to go bac to the zone.....i fuc around for a few days....and then....bam...i fucking hate stalker.
It's fun, but seems a bit short to get all the praise that it does
It focuses on replay value, since you can't master the game mechanics and stages on one playthrough.
It looks like this is where the split is between people who like the game and people who don't
I like it, but it badly needs a true sequel with more levels
They're not even from the same town.
You guys ever notice the director in Claris' ending looks like Steven Spielberg?
Given how involved he was in production, that was probably intentional.
I only thought he was the first play tester.
>Nights into Dreams is 20 years old today
Shiieeet. Comencing Night dump
This game is fun at any age. You can't go wrong.
First person to ever try the 3D controller, too.
Around the office it was even informally known as 'the Spielberg controller'.
I'm so happy that I came back from a long, hot day and found a NiGHTS thread. Thank you, OP, you're still kind of a fag, but a cool one, like Nathan Lane
I try.
Heh. Amusing.
You can have this pixelized NiGHTS I made just for that pic
Favorite track in the series along with the jingle when you beat a boss
More NiGHTS for bump
Sorry if there's confusion, I'm exhausted..
I meant "just for that pic, you can have this pixelized NiGHTS I made"
Pic related is another one, but I didn't make it
>can never lucid dream
>will never visit Nightopia
I'd be hard pressed to tell you my favorite track, they're all great.
I do use
>mfw I can lucid dream occasionally but half of them turn into nightmares
>people who can't lucid dream are either visitors that couldn't/didn't set NiGHTS free
>or ones that did not defeat their Nightmaren and so lost NiGHTS
My favorite
>have nightmares almost every night but endure them because I have work in the morning
Well, thats a downer...
NiGHTS had the best art style ever in a game. Truly MAGiC.
Have you guys all had the chance of using the single best retro-controller ever made? This thing is a piece of art.
I'm sorry to hear that, user