So this... is the power... of Morrowind's loot...
So this... is the power... of Morrowind's loot...
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What's the issue ?
>expecting eltonbrand just laying around in a crate
You aren't using that meme right man.
are those fucking sugar crystals
Nigga there's moon sugar in there. That sells for 50G a pop.
Is the notorious
Such... power...
Looks like a decent haul. The Flinn and moon sugar alone means plenty of gold, if you can find somewhere to offload the moon sugar.
needs more clobbering skills
Shut up faggot you arent funny
Damn, that puts Mount and Blade to shame
That bottle of flin is worth 100 gold what's the problem?
I think I got my skills too high...
>Khajiit has coin, if you have moon sugar
And a decade later, the combat still hasn't changed. That's Bethesda for you.
>miss mechanic in a RPG
Well gee never woulda thunk it
100 gold isn't even enough for one month's rent for a studio apartment in the canalworks of the Foreign Quarter.
When the fuck is Morrowind going to catch up with the rest of Nirn and implement a basic income?
the difference is that it is using a real time combat with shitty dice rolls, missing works better when you don't blatantly hit something repeatedly, it just looks stupid
A non-stop action thrillride.
Just use mods, and it will be 100 times better.
Swing ten times and kill on the third hit
Swing ten times and kill on the tenth hit
>People actually think Bethesda's combat has improved.
>complaining about a game that was released when you were in diapers
user please
I was fucking pissed when i first played and found out this was what the game was like. Then i just put all my points into whatever let me fucking hit something with a big ass sword. I got pretty far once i figured it out but had to stop playing because of those assholes with wings that swarm you in the north, literally annoying enough to make me stop playing even if i just one shot them.
Oblivion and Skyrim are basically just this but with less spells.
Would've been better to upgrade misses so they have an actual animation and maybe are less frequent than in Morrowind, but Bethesda wanted to appeal to casuls and turned combat into hack and slash.