Monster Hunter thread?

Monster Hunter thread?

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is it worth getting a 3ds or a 2ds for this game?

it's worth getting a psp for mhfu

is mhfu the best in the series?


It's by far the most difficult and a great entry to the series

If you manage to solo MHFU you're basically ready to jump into online play

For this game? Eh
For this game and the two other Monster Hunters on it? Definitely. Even if you play backwards you'll still get a lot out of it, although I'd recommend playing this with the launch crowd and then jumping back to 3U and then 4U assuming Generations is your intro to MH

I bought the game, why don't I like it?

It was the last Monster Hunter game without any gimmicks. For some people, that's a big deal.

>It's by far the most difficult and a great entry to the series


why has it not released yet. I can only hunt narga with preset equip so many times before i pang for more.


>It's by far the most difficult

Flipping a coin 20 times in a row onto heads is even more difficult, I guess that makes doing that better than Mon Hunter then.

>retarded hitboxes I shouldn't even have to mention this shit
>doesn't have ANY verticality that 4 added to the series making every fight a fucking blank arena fight
>less movesets on weapons
>is on a handheld to fucking boot, so all the problems are even MORE glaringly obvious because the graphics can't distract you from them even a little
>less monsters than other games in the series

Oh but I guess that's all fine because the plesioth can cart you while 50 meters away.

It's very weeaboo
Archaic concept
3DS control is objectively shit for MH

We're not even touching why the newer games are shit in the context of the series

don't get so autismal

of course it won't appeal to everyone but i still prefer it because of it's simplicity and lots of unique monsters that haven't been seen since

i started with Freedom Unite and i still think 3rd Gen is the best

>b-but I like it

Nobody is telling your pathetic ass not to like it, but you can stop posting your shit opinion any time.

>doesn't have ANY verticality that 4 added to the series making every fight a fucking blank arena fight
the verticality is cancer though, the 3DS doesn't have the proper camera controls for that shit

>the verticality is cancer though

Yes, anything that saves the series from endless plain arena fights is cancer.

>the 3DS doesn't have the proper camera controls for that shit

It's not ideal, no, but the button that points the camera towards the monster helps a lot in that regard.

Come kill the owl
19 9844 8317 4057

I'm kinda happy that damaging mounted monsters helps in generations, but I've seen a lot of people get thwacked by narga's tail by going in at the wrong times because they were too cocky

See, this is why you're supposed to start these threads with bait. At least people can fuck around and pretend to take OP seriously instead of immediately hating each other for opinions.

Best way since the demo is to insult people and give them a room to join

Something along the lines of "get in here cunts, narga cat rape dungeon"

All the games have their ups and downs. Hard for me to pick a favorite. Did you like swimming or was it everything else that makes it your favorite gen?


That was fun. It's been over a year since I've played mh4. Looking forward to getting gud again. Well done lads

Monster Hunter is one of the most boring games I've ever played and I still don't get why people like it.

>unique monsters that haven't been seen since
You mean all the ones that are in 4U and Gen with updated hitboxes, AI, attacks, physics, and mechanics?

i did enjoy underwater fights, but what i mostly liked was that Tri sort of felt like a 'back to the drawing board' game after FU, they stripped everything down to the basics and pretty much had an entire cast of new really well designed monsters and just 3 returning ones

it felt like they were attempting to sort of make the world feel a bit more like nature and take more influence from real creatures, instead of everything just being a flying wyvern

Portable 3rd and 3G expanded on it nicely i think

Have the 4U servers been shitting themselves, or is there something wrong on my end?
I've been dropped from half the games I join for no noticeable reason

What games do you like user?

gen 4 has the best diva song

I agree that having a fresh start really did wonders for the games. They even made their first good giant monster fight. It kind of felt like they really got their shit together in most ways. I did miss the darker atmosphere of the older games though. I'm not sure that "darker" or "atmosphere" are the right words to use, but there is a distinct difference in the moods presenting before and after Tri. At least FU is still decent enough that I can go back to that if I'm craving it.

So I can't just rely on other people to not be colossal spergs?


How did we go from this...

... To this?

yeah i think the designs themselves became less fantasy and more whimsical, again probably not the right word

all the wyverns and elder dragons in games before FU feel distinctly more impressive and rare in the world, where current monsters feel more like fauna

also everything became a lot more colourful, and less moody

one of my favourite locations was the Swamp, its so bleak and you just know you will find some dangerous creatures there


>they will never bring back qurupeco
>but that fucker kut-ku and garuga will be in every game

>Oh but I guess that's all fine because the plesioth can cart you while 50 meters away.
Jesus fuck 4Ubabby git gud, try actually play FU past 3* village. Plesioth is actually easy, extremely predictable.

All the monsters are extremely easy and predictable once you play it enough, retard. And trust me, you will be if you want those armour sets.

>plesioth is extremely easy
Doesn't make his hitboxes any less broken

Boy I can't wait for this game to be released! You can all see how fearsome I am with a hammer as I use it to slap your ass while you carry me because I'm too dumb to get good!

Remember to chop that tail for me oniichan!

I'd tell you to git gud and learn to parse what other people are saying, but I'm well aware of the significant disadvantages subhumans have to actual humans.

>not having a game with all 3
Get a load of this chump
but one exception
bring back Konchu bowling, let Kut Ku do it at any rank

I agree, in 1, dos and the portable series the setting felt more hostile, like hunting was a struggle against nature rather than fun anime times with friends

not that the series has ever been super serious, but they really started hamming it up in 3

still my favorite series though

How do we fix monhun, Sup Forums?
Pic related, they were on the right track.

For anyone who has played X/Gen already, are the guild quest monster's health pools more comprable to prior entries (i.e. pretty high) or 4u (not quite as high)?

I've done like LR shit only, but even Ostalgoa was ez with 2 people. Plus, I only had sergerios LS


Let Tencent take over

I think the difficulty has a lot to do with making the older games' atmosphere.
In Freedom 1, every hunt was a battle. Every kill a victory. Even monsters I've killed before, even going back to the game after dumping 700 hours into newer ones.
In newer games, there's still that thrill of victory, but I go into each hunt assuming that I'm going to win. It's just a matter of how long it'll take.

Put it on a platform that isn't a handheld so the game can look like it doesn't belong on the PS1.

HP is pretty much the same as 4U with a few exceptions like Akantor which somehow has more HP than the 4U G-rank one.
Stagger points are higher

I'd recommend getting a patched MHP3rd iso and playing it on your pc with PPSSPP and see if you like it.

Why P3rd? Because it is the easiest one in the series and it will surely ease you into the game, especially if you have no senpais to guide your hips during hunts. It also looks fucking stunning for a PSP game

If you got comrades to play, anything goes, really.



That was a pretty good hentai Im not gonna lie

You buy the everloving shit out of the next title they bother putting on console.

Guild I guess
I don't care if I knock you down, I just want to blast things

Guild Greatsword
Adept Hammer
I don't like my weapons being smarter than I am

>Freedom 3

that was going to be the name for localized P3rd. It's still on Capcom's site

post room ids

MHXG so 4th gen doesn't end up as wasted potential.

Revamp more of the 1st/2nd gen monsters.

Idk, I'm a huge whore and keep jumping from weapon to weapon. I'm in for the SnS now, though.

Adept. Free invincibility frames instead of gimmicky one press flashy attack? Yes, please.

I am so very afraid that this "style" thing will catch on. I honestly would prefer if you had perform a certain combo / input to trigger it. The "hotkey for awesome attack :^)" is cancer in my eyes.

Also I don't like the Aerial style simply because I'm not a fan of mounting monsters. And I sure as fuck won't give up my normal attacks for that. It looks cool, though.

I miss quru

>3DS control is objectively shit for MH
But the control is no different aside from not being able to CLAW. With a CPP or a N3DS it's better than a PSP ever was.

Honestly most non-flagship monsters are fine. Elder dragons get away with it because elder dragons, but they really shouldn't be making flagship monsters neon, tron-line, clashing-colour, freak-of-nature body design monstrosities. Like, most of the new non-elder, non-flagship monsters of 4/4U were perfectly fine. Great, even.

Gammoth is fine although he could definitely have his colours dulled just a tad.
Mizutsune is lovely and works pretty well actually.
Glavenus needs to have his front-swept spines scaled down a little bit and his colour scheme dulled just a tad.
Astalos needs a LOT of work. An insectoid wyvern would be really cool, I love his stained glass dragonfly wing webbing and his colours but the number of edges and his horn is so ridiculously over the top it becomes hard to appreciate him.
Brachydios should lose or at least tone down the horn, sand off those airplane wings on his cheeks, and turn his tail into a matchstick.
Gore's fine because his sort of alien design works well for the role he plays in 4U's setting, plus he's an elder dragon.
Seregios... I feel like something needs a tweak but I can't exactly put my finger on it. I want to say it's his horn and the way his scales extend out. Like it'd be cool if he JUST rattled them like a snake or something, but going full pinecone is a little over the top, y'know? It ruins the sleekness of his design as a flying wyvern.
Zinogre's shells feel like they jut out too much and he's too pointy in general, plus the whole tron line thing bugs me. Maybe if we saw a swarm of fulgurbugs fly out of his vents and cling to him, thus showing off the symbiosis and giving a reason for tron lines along his body.

Frontier and MHO already revamped 1st/2nd gen monsters. Frontier even did for 3rd gen monsters.

Kill the owl
Use weapons you don't normally use
I started trying out bow today
ID: 16-8878-1175-4995
Pass: 7243

Any MHX players know where to get Monster Keenbones? I tried Kiranico but its fucked up on my phone.


Frontier didn't touch shit with older monsters, in fact many of them still have really bad hitboxes like Guren's charge. All Frontier has really done is continuously add new variations of said monsters and forgetting to fix their old ones.
In fact, "changes" to old content are only centered around the player like the extended base-weapon movesets and pseudo-gen 4 climbing


I thought I would love adept a lot mire but thw distance the roll puts between you and the monster is retarded and the spirit slash is easy to whiff because it's a straight vertical slice

Should I buy a new 3ds xl and start playing MH4U or wait and get the MHGen n3ds design when it comes out 10 days from now?


Gunlance's frontier iteration should be more closely replicated in mainline series. They kind of ruined it with X, but on the plus side Striker GL exists for greater stab/shoot combo potential than Guild. I've recently started replaying FU as gunlance main, also mained GL in frontier and really would love to see them un-fuck the weapon for the next mainline game. Heat gauge needs to go.

Appreciate it immensly user. Gotta get that Cheda Blade upgraded

Most old monsters all have tons of new attacks, but in G rank. Yes they practically never touched the low rank versions from Dos.

Hammer, always has been always will be.

Guild, I use all the moves that are lost in other styles. Aerial Hammer might have some potential with things like Fast Charge

I think some of the supers have way too huge attack areas, and will be a god damn pain in multiplayer. I'm looking at you, switchaxe.

does MHX have gypceros
this is important

Aerial GS gets boring pretty quick though

Plus from what I understand it's X's biggest shitter magnet


It does

I think Aerial in general is going to be a pretty huge shitter magnet. Its like the new insect glaive, but now you can do it with any weapon.

player 2

I'm really fucking sorry about that, I had no idea what the fuck i was doing on lance, and ended up shitting the bed hard at the beginning.

Player 1

It's all good

Granted I only played it once in the demo, I'll see if it gets a bit more boring in the main game.

Do you have any other fun weapon combinations? Aerial in general seems fun for most weapons. I tried Adept LS, it seemed a bit weird at first. Swaxe (or Sword, as it will be in the main game) might be the actual magnet for scrubs though

>tfw no pals to play mohun with.

Host a room. Fag.

>no wandering temnoceran as a Deviljho/Rajang equivalent
>still no new fanged wyvern

Aerial is fun for low rank, but once monsters start really hurting it can become a bit of a liability

Adept hammer is pretty fun with the super uppercut, any of the adept weapons with perfect guards are very satisfying once you get the hang of using it

literally play online


You get to use your "heh....nothin personnel monster" move(gives you one spirit aura), absolute evade and the half crescent slash(gives full spirit for x amount of seconds) all in one

It's really fun and the hunter art combos are strong. No fade slash into spirit slash though


>dodges through your attack
>quick combo for spirit gague

I haven't tried hammer or even most other weapons since I was an LSfag back in the day but sure user. I'm assuming it plays a little more like mobile GS? I'll check out a couple of videos.

I'll give LS another shot in the demo. Tried out bullshido but wasn't too used to aiming the "insta-attack" after adeptly dodging.

>Aerial greatsword
>spam jump and attack for 10 minutes
no thanks

You'll whiff that shit alot. Monsters recover too quickly imo

I've been doing it a bunch. Does take some getting used to but it's so much fun. Rolling through a monster's roar when you first meet it to get insta white is so fucking great.
I am bummed that the LS counter art isn't in the demo though.