Filename thread
Filename thread
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Doesn't look like Loss at all
I didn't know they got that big.
name it
why did they write the name of the game twice?
For you
>Microsoft at E3
Can't read the sign, what's the point. Fucking niggers i swear.
Kingdom Hearts opening movie
Simple and Clean
I got really horny.
REALLY horny.
>Ghost tries to spook me
>Turns me on instead
>Ghosts don't have human rights.
Fuck you, for a second I thought emergence had got an adaptation.
Yeah, remember that time you saw someone on the side of the road with a sign like that and thought "oh wow I should go do what that sign says?"
>immediately starts manhandling his neck, one of the worst possible fucking things if not THE worst you could do in that situation
jesus how mad was he
This really depresses me
Thats GTA IV physics you dumbass
What game is that?
Is Twewy any good
Couldn't find it when it came out, recently came into a copy of it and figured I might try it but
jrpgs are iffy
It's one of the best things Squenix ever made.
Combat is certainly unique but the tutorials ease you into it smoothly, it's a 10/10 in my book
What video james?
I read this comic somewhere before, sure of it
Your enjoyment greatly depends on how much you can stand touchscreen control comprising 90% of the gameplay... Oh, and the whole urban Tokyo aesthetic and whatnot isn't for everyone.
knew it was porn
I'm a degenerate
Let me guess, user. in the next panel "she" gets raped
He enjoyed it very much, did everything willingly and becomes a prostitute in the end.
Typical degenerate fantasy.
Noooo, what? No.
Am I the only one who had to stare for about 15 seconds before I saw beyond the apparent hairy asshole on the baby's chest?
Everybody sees it, that's the whole point
>that bulge
>When you walk away. You don't hear me say
Street Fighter