I've been playing indie games lately due to not having enjoyed a AAA game in a while and I'm really hooked. Been playing Transistor, Risk of Rain, and Shovel Knight and love them all (especially shovel knight.) Any good recent shit I should look out for?
Just indie my shit up fam
Other urls found in this thread:
River City Ransom Azure striker gunvolt
Valdis Story, Deltazeal, Axiom verge, and FTL are good if you don't have them yet. Also, try the Astro Port series, from Satazius to Steel Strider.
Freedom Planet. Cringey story but it's completely skip-able (as in, there's literally an option to do so).
Furi came out today and it's pretty fucking cool, though maybe not worth the current asking price. Free on PS+ if you own a PS4 though.
Shovel Knight is the fucking shit though, can't wait for the remaining DLC.
What do y'all think of Furi and Hyper Light Drifter? I think they both look fun
I need King Knight' story right fuckin now
Maldita Castilla
Super Bat Puncher
Battle Kid
La Mulana
Downwell, Hotline Miami 1 and 2, Binding Of Isaac Rebirth/Afterbirth
River City Ransom sucks, don't waste your money
FTL is too RNG based, but has a great atmosphere
Axiom Verge is great
Dunno about the other two
Hey can we hijack this because there isn't a Risk of Rain thread and I need to play
How about you fuck off
OP here and I'll allow it. Pretty cool game
Then maybe make a RoR thread?
The Momodora games, Salt and Sanctuary, and Valdiis Story are worth a look.
Should have come around during the Steam sale. There were plenty of budget games that have ``publishers'' that were on sale, including Downwell, and Super House of Dead Ninjas.
I'm too lazy/busy to fill a rec thread today, though.
I really like HLD, you should try it.
If you liked Transistor, then definitely play Bastion. That shit is GOTYAY.
>mfw trying to get the good ending in maldita castilla
God is dead.
Bastions is my favorite game of all time actually (second only to The Thousand Year Door.) It's why I bought Transister
Good taste.
Here's hoping supergiant game's next title doesn't disappoint.
Also, play nuclear throne if you haven't already.
Maldita Castilla doesn't get the recognition it deserves
It's a free game that captures the look and feel of old arcade games perfectly while being challenging. It accomplishes the retro feel far better than Shovel Knight, but it doesn't even get its dick sucked on Sup Forums
>good taste
Awwww shucks
Valdis Story.
Well you have to understand that Shovel Knight was marketed to hell and back, while Maldita Castilla wasn't at all. Few people know it even exists, unfortunately.
>not playing a good game simply because of 30 fps
I pity you.
hyper light drifter interested, annoyed, then bored the shit out of me. to each their own but, woof, can't believe it took that long to make.
I'm not referring to the development process, I mean, the process of playing the game
Nuclear throne is ok but it's amazing just how much of the difficulty is dependent on level design.
Honestly the normal enemies aren't designed very well, this is why the terrain generation is setup to trick you into thinking they're more challenging than they are.
Basically if you get dumped into a giant area with no cover and enemies all around/a linear path with only one small passageway ahead swarming with enemeis offscreen, then you're fucked.
In any other scenario, it's a cake walk. The bosses at least rectify this.
>make fast paced game
>be such a bad developer you can't make 60 fps
Nuclear throne did a better job of it for the little bit I played than HLD, but fast game play with slow fps and shit "atmospheric" pixel graphics just don't meld well.
I want to give Nuclear Throne another shot though, my pirate version was from early access
>finally got around to playing plauge of shadows
>started tonight
>got to the explodatorium about ten minutes ago
>that fucking boss and everything after it
Never in my life have I gone from hyped, to laughing my ass off, to mad, to laughing my ass off again so fucking fast.
From my steam:
>6180 the moon
>Binding of Issac/Rebirth
>Boson X
>Crypt of the NecroDancer
>Heavy Bullets
>Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
>Mark of the Ninja
>Mini Metro
>Mushroom 11
>Nuclear Throne
>One Finger Death Punch
>Paper Sorcerer
>Sunless Sea
>Tembo the Badass Elephant
>To The Moon
That's a bunch of games I've enjoyed
This game is criminally underappreciated. If only for its ost.
I've been playing Momodora III & IV, Valdis Story, La Mulana & Hyper Light Drifter. Good fun all around.
If you liked Transistor you should try Bastion.