How do I get better at le black dubstep man?

How do I get better at le black dubstep man?

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Literally the easiest character in the game. Stare at the middle of your screen until it says 4 or 5 and spam E. Shoot at reinhardts shields 24/7 to build ult. Shoot while moving and make it so your bullets cover a lot of distance horizontally. Kill yourself.

Learn to wall jump for all eternity on Lijang Tower and how to take salt from people who don't understand why you aren't THEIR heal buttbuddy like Mercy.

Realize 90% of the player base can't aim for shit and laugh your ass off as your hold overtime 1v5 because you're literally sanic

this is the only way to play him


This isn't hard.

Nothing in overwatch is

Dont forget to knock people of the map with your alt fire to make a fool of the enemy team and to steal potg.

Classes that require good aiming are hard (widow)


hit song boost when round starts
Ult when enemy does or when team caps
get near people with missing hp
the end

The Floor is Lava, press E on cooldown, go Green to save your life, keep the number in the center of your screen at 4+

The trick to wall climbing is to pound the space bar, and also if you're going around a corner on a cube shaped thing, you need to jump off the edge and angle through the air back onto the other side, otherwise you'll fall off

Being able to stay really high up in the air is tremendously important to stay away from Reapers / Tracers / etc, and you can even go knock a widow off her ledge if you're feeling brave

become the sanic

Ok, but you're wrong.

I fucking hate everything about your life philosophy.

I'm not

Nothing in life is hard, no one is good at anything, it's just that some people are worse than others.

See how stupid you sound?

You having an autism attack?


Learn when the right time to heal is and when it's okay to go fast.

Learn to boop.

Ult to counter other ults because anything else your team is guaranteed to waste it.

>d-do I fit in yet?

Different people. I'm not wrong about this here subject.

not the same person.
Question: Is the ability to "split" marines in starcraft an important skill?
What about rapidly forming formations? What it be nooby to add a feature that made it easy for you to select various formations?
Or for example the mechanic where you have to inject more larvae. Is that a good thing to help increase APM?
What about recoil patterns in CS:GO. Good idea right? Makes you memorize stupid shit that doesn't make any sense and is arbitrary.

You're the one repeating a common retarded memepinion.

>le x game isn't hard!
>x takes no skill!!!

Kill yourself, you're literally neo-Sup Forums

What the fuck are you talking about?

>Have to get the killing blow on three people while wall grinding
>Lucio's bullets are so slow, 90% of kills end up being assists just due to stray fucking bullets from teammates alone

I got both achievements for my seven favourite heroes within the first 24 hours of getting the game except for this one and Junkrat's Riptire, both due to this reason. Twice I even had the announcer confirm a quadruple kill with Riptire and still didn't unlock the achievement until the third time I did it.

I don't think I'll ever get this one unless the enemies wipe my team excluding me and I somehow stay alive with six people focusing on me.

Step 1 forget being good, just be cool :

Lucio is a good turret killer. Speed boost, fire bursts, retreat, repeat

I'm not that guy, retard

It's easy user, just stick to speed boost and never heal. Let team mates die so you can get killing blows.

Mastery of control inputs is not the prime example of "video game" skill and anyone that thinks that understands nothing.

How to spot a drone.

He's saying "Your definition of skillful is arbitrary and you should fucking end yourself, you useless CHILD"

But I think he was trying to be nice about it, what with you being a fucking redditor 9gag memeposter straight out of Twitch


You can push people off the edge when you're on the ground as long as you're wall riding when they actually die. That's how I cheesed it.

Love when people get close to me. I wallride over their head back and forth just meleeing them. They can't hit me.

...Really? You have opened a whole new world to me.

>I suck at the game so NO ONE CAN BE GOOD AT IT!

Did someone hurt your feelings?

Personally, I make a playlist of electronic music/remixes to psyche myself up while playing.

wait, speed boost is useful for something other than getting back to the fight and escapes?

I'd figure healing would always be more useful once you're there

Try consistently landing headshots with genji, if you're good enough you can carry your team.

I have like 60% hit rate scoped in on widow and I've played her like 30 minutes.
I could easily get that up.

Regardless, your argument means nothing. Controls are meant to be an easy and convenient way to control your guy and praising mastery of them is completely retarded.

Don't use E to give more speed boosts at the start of matches. It's retarded and prevents you from giving the healing necessary for the initial encounter. In King of the Hill mode, the areas you have to capture are locked for a certain amount of time initially anyway, so it's completely pointless to spend E for it.

see do you seriously not understand this by now?

>Healing your team when they're at full health is more useful than increasing their attack power/increasing their speed of movement

Learn2play the healers

Not Getting Hit > Lucio's Healing Rate

It does depend on your team being able to hit the broadside of a barn, literally in the case of fighting Rein, but it's been proven effective.


Getting there first lets your team dig in and get ready.
Also it's back off of cd by the time you are there for KOTH.

I swear I met the conditions for some achievements a dozen times before they actually unlocked, and I don't mean getting four kills with skills shit.

>Koth as lucio
>There is a hole you can push people in
>Guaranteed POTG for me
>The tears that come afterwards

I guess we have different definitions of hard. I think consistently hitting a relatively small, fast moving target with a slow moving projectile is something difficult to do, especially when you factor in other players shooting at you.

>Getting there first lets your team dig in and get ready.
So you get a very small position adjustement instead of a big amount of healing that would win encounters.

>Also it's back off of cd by the time you are there for KOTH.
No it's not.

are you this guy?

Literally exactly what I fucking said

>being this assblasted that someone said something negative about your shitty webm

Lucio's normal healing rate is only 12.5 per second per character. There's no point nerfing your speed for that. Switch to healing when E is off cooldown, but switch to speed when it isn't.


i am

A+D spam

Oh I misunderstood


>most versatile and fun movement option in the game
>given to a support character


Seriously, if you play Lucio the way that guy is you are doing it WRONG. A Lucio not healing his team is worthless. If you are the only guy contesting and you want to do some crazy shit to hold the point while your team comes back then fine. But otherwise SUPPORT THEM.

Stand dead center of capture points or on top of the payload and dance nonstop until both teams are done with your shit.

youre a shit player