You get one wish, what do you ask for Sup Forums?

You get one wish, what do you ask for Sup Forums?

To become a god.

A hat

God's hat.

Well, I want to control Pop Star!

infinite cigarettes that don't make me smell bad and have no adverse health effects

A wish to get more free wishes

To make Sup Forums great again

To have purpose in life.

I wish to take away 's wishes

I wish i was invulnerable, so i may seek genocide against this pitiful planet

I wish to be an all powerful clockwork star!

Granted, but
Granted, but it's a cheesehead
Granted, but with it you see every single thought that traverses through every living being on the planet and you cannot think of your own. Also, you go insane.
Granted, but dude you're going to fucking die to a pink puffball. Shit wish.
Granted, but your current/future lover will be allergic to them.
Granted, but you get 0 free wishes.
Granted, but dubs will be turned back on and will spiral downhill in a matter of time
Granted, but you are now a bee.

I wish for the ability to manipulate reality

>your current/future lover will be allergic to them.

That's fine, I'm better off alone anyway.

To make it so that DaS2 never existed.

>but you are now a bee

I wish I was a messenger and all the news was good

Gee, thanks Calypso from Twisted Metal

I want Tamamo to love me to death and after death

I wish my waifu was real and in love with me!

infinite wishes and for this one wish to be immune to monkey paw hyjinx


But my wish is to get more free wishes, you can't just give me nothing otherwise my wish was never granted.

i want to be fujiwara no mokou

No monkey's paw hyjinx, but you may just lose your soul at some point in the future.

Granted but she dies painfully and alone in a horrible accident twenty years before you do.

I wish I was the full moon shining off a Camro's hood


To be able to watch Gurren Lagann for the first time again.

To become you

Why're you doing this OP!? You're not a monkey paw!

What the fuck man, Nova doesn't screw you over.

I want to make cartoons, develop video games for those cartoons and then oversee the production of cute plush toys revolving around the things I make.

From Star Dream? I'd wish he fucks off I guess. I'd only trust Nova with a real wish.

I wish I was a cute ghost capable of possessing people and objects.

One important part is the ability to operate electronics like computers and video games from the inside, so I could still use them.

You don't want to be me. It blows being me.