Is Twilight Princess a good game?
Is Twilight Princess a good game?
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its a good game, but a bad zelda game
the dungeons are way too easy, it's like the toddler's version of OOT with wolf gimmicks
If you can ignore the god awful wolf segments it's pretty nice.
Game's too easy but I don't think the dungeon design is why. Not like OoT's is that much more complex, really. A bit more nonlinear sure, but not really that much more difficult. I'd honestly pin the blame on the fucked damage balance - Link cuts through everything too easily and hardly anything does damage worth half a fuck to him.
no, it's a good Zelda.
Zelda isn't even that great of a series. easily the best dungeons in a 3D Zelda, if not the whole series.
beginning is sort of a drag, chaning into a wolf wasn't very well integrated (honestly just fuck turning into things in any Zelda, can't stand this) and midna is annoying, like every sidekick (this shit needs to go in botw, or at least be entirely optional)
also, the moves you get aren't all that well integrated, since the combat is still just simplistic and easy like OOT, but it's alright. the ost is good but the quality is atrocious so you don't really get much oomph or weight to it. shame they didn't replace it with zreo in the HD remake. now that is amazing.
the aesthetic is fine, and the overworld feels actually alive and wild, and not like some rich guy's backyard. the sidequests are okay, but there aren't many of them. and ganon being at the end isn't a valid complaint. it's not like he was even sprung on you at the last second.
oh, and the weapons/items could've used more love outside their very specific uses at a handful of places, but that's been an issue with zeldas for a while now.
overall I'd give it a solid 8.8
No. It was overhyped to shit and failed to deliver on the expectations it built.
every dungeon in TP is easier than the forest temple in OOT
Being overhyped and being good are two different things. I never really fell for the TP hype bandwagon and it's my favorite Zelda to this day.
ITT: retards complain about a ZELDA game being too easy
you cant make this shit up
i hope you post about how 2d zeldas were hard so i can laugh even harder
>3d Zeldas
go play a link to the past and come back here
Not really, it just has weirder aesthetic design. I wouldn't call it any more difficult in design than something like City In The Sky or Arbiter's Grounds. It's all around the same difficulty.
Zelda II doesn't really give any fucks. Beyond that, I'd say the 2D games are at least a little tougher than the 3D games, though that doesn't really say much once you're past the age of 10.
This right here. I never got my hands on it until 2013, and it was instantly my favorite 3D Zelda.
I haven't played Majora's Mask, though, so if I play it, it may take that number 1 spot and put TP in 2nd.
Yea I feel the same way
MM is good but it's different. There's just as much chance that it'll blow you away as it does for you to despise it. The 3-day mechanic, emphasis on sidequesting, and much shorter than average main quest give the game a character that no other Zelda has. On the flipside, if you liked TP's "darker" ambience then MM is even better at that as it's a pretty fucking bleak game when it wants to be.
>and the overworld feels actually alive and wild
This is how you can spot a shitposter.
It's easier than the great deku tree outside of the token puzzles TP adds in randomly.
But even those give you explinations, OOT had tons of moments where you had to figure out what to do in order to progress with no hints what so ever, not even from Navi.
I think Twilight Princess is probably the most linear console Zelda game after Skyward Sword.
Can't beat Spirit Tracks, though. How fitting that a game about trains has the strictest railroading.
I recall Navi chiming in a little more than Midna does. Midna rarely tells you how to do anything, just where your next objective is.
TP is indeed very linear. In terms of main questing WW isn't really any better but at least that had a complete sea to chart out at your leisure. TP is very story driven and doesn't really suggest many reasons to explore its world, not that there isn't things to find but the game really does a lot to keep you on the story path. Exploration in it almost always feel arbitrary, like you could be doing something more important instead of dicking around in Hyrule Field.
TP is the hardest 3D Zelda, at least the first couple dungeons. But that's the problem with TP is that it's clearly two different games. The first half is hand-holdy yet punishing and by the time the game starts trusting you to play for yourself the danger has completely diminished on top of the fact that you have several times the health you had before. Storywise it's also two games as the first half has seemingly nothing to do with the conclusion of the game
Midna doesn't really chime in at all except during cutscenes or when you specifically call for her. She's less intrusive than Navi. She doesn't even ring like Tatl did.
Different poster here. What Zelda game should I try next? Didn't grow up with the series and the first one I played through and completed and actually had fun with was Link Between Worlds. I Then played OOT 3D and beat that. Really got into it and enjoyed the game for the most part. Tried MM but didn't like it at all, WWHD got tedious even with the revamped Triforce quest at the end, I didn't like the motion controls with TP and SS was too much text and linearity/hand-holding for my tastes. Should I just go for the 2D ones on the handhelds?
I adore TP but there is nothing punishing about it. Even on HD's Hero Mode with the Ganondorf amiibo, death only takes you back to the room you died in with 3 hearts. Worst case scenario you might have to use Ooccoo in a dungeon once or twice, and that's if you just don't have your shit together at all.
I feel you, when I saw the first screenshots and trailer the world seemed so vast and open. I instantly thought windwaker but with land and a horse.
Breath of the Wild seems to answer my hopes for a Zelda game
Yeah, check out the 2D games. Any 3D Zelda after OoT is an acquired taste at best. I'd recommend ALttP for sure, then Link's Awakening and the Oracles. If you're hankering for more after that, give the NES games a shot but expect something a little different.
One of the best Zeldas, and the game where the franchise got back on track after the trainwreck that was Wind Waker.
Back on track implies that it maintained that momentum. TP was followed by the DS Zeldas and SS before ALBW came back some kind of strong again.
Even OoT is an acquired taste, without the "ooh open world 3D" novelty of '97 you start to notice a lot of flaws if you're looking at it without foreknowledge of what to do/nostalgia glasses. It's got a lot of janky design decisions which were smoothed out in TP... but ultimately all the 3D Zeldas are just babbys first ARPG. That's why it's a bit silly to discuss difficulty and shit because it was never really meant for older audiences in the first place.
Fuck OFF Egodrone
>I recall Navi chiming in a little more than Midna does.
That's true but Midna said more when you asked her and instead of Navi TP offered other NPCs and camera movements providing hints.
OOT has a lot of moments that don't tell you shit. It's a game from a completely different era, one that had little hand holding even for kids games.
Weak story and slow beginning, other than that it's good.
Calm your shit.
No, but Twilight Princess HD is.
It's another 3d Zelda game
Make of that what you will
Good try faggot, I never got into Zelda until WW. I have no nostalgic connection to OoT and I still love it.
I second this. Most Zelda games are very overrated. I liked Zelda Twilight Princess more than the rest for its graphics and soundtrack, also its more mature tone compared to the rest of the series.
It's a fantastic game. It only has two flaws that distract from that though:
>WAY TOO EASY, you have to play the game without picking up any heart containers just to have any semblance of "normal" difficulty
>All the best and most fun items are the last items, which means limited use
Meh, WWHD seemed like it had more love put into it.
I disagree with that actually. I think its design is the most well balanced of the 3D Zeldas by a wide margin - it has pretty no-nonsense pacing for the most part, it has a decent bit of sidequesting for a world its size,most of the dungeons aren't quite as linear in approach as later 3D titles, the combat was groundbreaking for its time with its smooth Z-targeting system, and you aren't even railroaded into a dedicated order of things once you become an adult - Navi suggests an order but you don't have to listen to her. The only things I can see "wrong" with OoT are that it's a somewhat dumbed down ALttP in 3D and that some aspects of its design show their age 18 years after the matter. The latter is a bit forgiven due to OoT being a cornerstone title in 3D's mainstream infancy and the latter is just what happens when any game pushes 20 years old. I can't actually say too many bad things about OoT that actually hold sincere merit, it's pretty well-designed all around especially for its time. That all said, I do think TP did improve some things but it also has clearer drawbacks like pacing and a clear emphasis on dungeons and setpieces over the other Zelda-y elements.
>But, but Ego said it was bad
If by love you mean bloom then yeah
Both look retarded. What's your point?
Most people claiming that Twilight Princess was easy and OoT was hard played OoT first.
I played Twilight Princess first and the whole game for me was a struggle when I played OoT later I didn't die even once
So you're a millenial fandrone who imitates others opinions to appear legit and can't take any criticism? Congrats.
why the fuck did they make her scleras grey? That's the only reason she looks so weird.
If you died in TP you are a literal retard. The games being hard has absolutely nothing to do with combat.
I wasn't comparing it to later Zeldas, I was saying on its own it's a 3D Zelda game with all that implies. Someone going back and playing it after a more complicated 3D combat game will have to tone down their expectations on a number of fronts and accept it was a game for kids from the late 90s.
>The latter is a bit forgiven due to OoT being a cornerstone title in 3D's mainstream infancy and the latter is just what happens when any game pushes 20 years old.
What needs to be "forgiven"? The top platformers of the 90s still haven't been topped despite newer ones being made because they perfected the formula. OOT being one of the first 3D action games did not perfect the formula, it just introduced it (though lock-on seems to have fallen out of favor for obvious reasons). So yes, it deserves to be remembered as a big milestone in vidya development, but the frothing "best game of all time perfect difficulty perfect everything" fags need to keep a lid on it. It's just a 3D Zelda.
That's a fair sentiment but my original point with saying the 3D games after it were acquired tastes was that those games, each and every one of them, aren't as universally sound as OoT. They all have clear strengths and weaknesses that agree with or off put people based on their preferences. Case in point, I actually like TP more than OoT but that's because it excels at dungeons at the expense of everything else, meaning it gets the part of the series I really like right so fuck it, works for me. That's a very subjective stance, though. OoT is indeed a rudimentary action adventure by modern standards but it's a very sound one across the board, there's no real weakness in its design so much as later games have just built upon what it accomplished. I like to think of it as a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none title. It's not really the best at anything, but it's pretty good at everything it tried to be.
>Trusting Nintendo to not fuck up BotW
>That's the only reason she looks so weird.
>mfw a few autistic fans can make a better HD remake than Nintendo can
She was always ugly.
Looks way too bright to me. Scream "brown n' bloom" all you want but I like TP's faded color aesthetic. Just jumping around that vid a bit made me think it looked like a less painterly SS.
They're actually changing the game too.
>improving enemy AI
>playable linkle
>harder game
>new camera
>new areas
>and more
That's just his shaders, you can keep the vanilla ones.