>peace walker is a grindfest with cringe inducing story and voice acting and piss easy gameplay
>It's universally loved
>V is all of those things but bigger and nicer
>It's loathed
Explain this.
>peace walker is a grindfest with cringe inducing story and voice acting and piss easy gameplay
>It's universally loved
>V is all of those things but bigger and nicer
>It's loathed
Explain this.
Other urls found in this thread:
Peace Walker had actual boss fights.
>It's universally loved
By whom? I've never seen anybody praising the downgrade in combat/stealth and killing a dozen variations of the same boss to earn stupid weapons that don't change anything
people actually expected mgsv to be good
Peacewalker is a P tasty piece candy.
V is a filet mignon that was dropped on the floor, burnt to a crisp, and shit on by the waiter.
Liking peace walker is contrarian
V is new
You do the math
Peace Walker was a nail in the coffin of what MGS used to be. V was the dirt over it.
>The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth
Both are okay, just not what we expected or what was marketed.
>Peacewalker is a P tasty piece candy.
You have to admit those stealth vehicle bosses with the squads of enemies are annoying as fuck after a while.
>i have a different opinion than most about a popular game
>i have a different opinion than most about another popular opinion
Literally your entire post, familia.
better story
wide variety of side-ops besides personnel extraction
david hayter
I just wanted to fight against an army of terrorists with a couple of crazy generals as bosses.
Instead we got grand theft africa with 4 hours of an old man with throat cancer rambling on about vocal cord parasites and archaebacteria.
My inner microbiologist was screaming
Peace Walker was a fucking PSP game. Yet it still managed to have all the trademark Metal Gear elements from boss fights to torture scenes and even the infamous "Metal Gear!?" quote along with extensive dialogue and a fleshed out story that advanced the overall plot. All things that TPP lacked. PW was a great bridge between MGS3 and MG1 storywise. The whole premise of TPP is convoluted answers to questions that nobody fucking asked or cared about.
And the gameplay wasn't even that good. It removed a bunch of shit from MGS4 and open-world was a detriment to the game in every way.
Peace Walker was fucking exactly what was marketed.
>David Hayter
After what he became after Kief replaced him, I don't even give a shit about the guy. He was great in all the other games, but he lost his shit after losing his roll. Fuck all the workplace politics about it all.
same hayter can fuck off at this point
what a cunt
V stripped the fun out of Metal Gear.
From the gameplay to the story, everything was way too serious and what levity there was, wasn't the same as before.
Peace walker has fun stupid shit and Co op
Metal Gear is dead anyway just let your frustrations go
>peace walker is universally loved
like hell it is. 5 is better simply because it's not a handheld game
>better story
Fuck no. Robot Boss was just moronic.
MGSV definitely had fewer but most were actual MGS fights instead of just being bullet sponge mechs. Man on Fire and Quiet were great fights.
>Man on fire
Literally just shoot a water tank
Drop a supply crate and you're a winner
I prefer bulletsponges than fucking gimmicks
better than no bosses at all
No more moronic than a fucking surgically altered hypnotized medic body double. At least BB had character development in PWs story.
Infinitely better than "shoot at it until it dies."
One is portable so it's acceptable
Robot Boss is in V as well idiot.
>shoot at it until it dies
>Drop a supply crate and you're a winner
Yeah, there's multiple tactics for defeating her just like a good MGS boss fight. I'm sure you didn't figure that out yourself.
>taking a bulletsponge over anything
Invalidated your argument right there.
Yeah, fuck actual combat.
>boss shouldnt be bosses
I bet you like QTE bosses
To be honest if I passed Kojima on the street is probably kill him then and there out of pity. His games get worse and worse, expectations get higher and higher, his wife won't even speak to him and the tide of public opinion is rapidly turning on him.
Hell, at this point it's an open secret that his kid isn't related to him in any way. Maybe the world would be better off without any kojimas.
And they were garbage
V's one fight with Sally is more fun than the entirety of Peace Walker and its shitty handheld gameplay
If they weren't glorified equipment checks I would agree. PW bosses aren't any fun to fight because you either cheese them or you spend most of the time waiting for supply drops.
>Peace Walker
>Story about Big Boss achieving his dream of an army without borders, fit to have their own beliefs and aren't ruled by any government or system and can't be used like dogs
>Meets many unique characters along the way who each add to the story and give the game a sense of humor amongst the seriousness
>Motherbase is thriving, have all day to do activities, such as train, develop technology, play soccer, fish, have parties and go on missions
>Tons of side missions and dialogue
>Paz is dead
>Chico is dead
>Amanda is gone
>Cecile is gone
>Strangelove is dead
>Huey is tortured relentlessly
>Kaz is a mentally scarred cripple
>the only humor comes from HAMBURGERS
>the game wasn't finished
>You don't even play as Big Boss
>Peace Walker
>universally loved
the skulls ARE qte bosses
we got a hueyfag here, boys
>Psycho Mantis
Literally just switch the controller around.
>The End
Change the system clock and you're a winner.
Quiet triggered Sup Forums so hard that they never recovered.
>2 bosses from 2 different games vs 50% of the "bosses" from a single game
Great argument.
MGSV was my 1st Metal Gear. I just think it stunk regardless of it's history.
>PW is universally loved
the only people who liked it were PSP fags trying to justify their purchase over a DS, PW is fucking garbage
I've liked PW since it came out. Sorry guys. It was always a super comfy game to me. I 100% that shit.
neo/v/ has shit taste, and is too busy playing MOBAs and fellating e-celebs.
>justify their purchase over a DS
Pretty sure every single PSP owner in the world was an idort and MonHun more than justified the purchase. Not saying its library was as good as the DS but man if you didnt have a PSP you were missing out.
My first time fighting Quiet was pretty intense imo since I didn't know what to expect.
Sniper duel is the way to go.
Peace Walker has co-op multiplayer.
Ya I got a psp just for FU, but holy shit does peace walker suck. People were saying it was their favorite before it was exposed on the HD version. Same thing happened to kingdom Hearts BBS, this is why I think it's post purchase justification
Those two are fun bosses that can be cheezed, you fucking dumbass
arguing that quiet is a shit boss because you could drop a supply drop on her pre-patch is just as shit as arguing that The End is bad because you can win without doing a single bit of gameplay
MGS V honestly is better than 99% of the drivel that shooters are nowadays, it had a unique system, with a good story and pretty interesting boss situations
It just doesn't have 1 hr cutscenes about some autistic patriot system so all the solid snakeniggers are triggered and hate it
>PW only had AI bosses!
>Le V is bad meme
My second favorite MGS
People have much lower standards for handheld games.
V is the third best MGS, behind 3 and 1
Same here. What's your favorite? Mine is 3
1 > 3 > V > 2 >>>>>>>>>> 4
>mfw playing Peace Walker with one thumbstick on the PSP.
I have it in fourth place, but I still love it a lot. Just not as much as the first three. The shitposting it gets is ridiculous.
The original can't ever be topped in my nostalgia-filled heart
V never had a chance
>Having a nice day out on the town.
>Suddenly remember MGSV exists.
>Ruins my day.
Kojima truly rused me.
Must suck to have bad taste in video games.
>loved peace walker
>loved the shit out of v
>mfw nostalgiafags btfo
going outside was your first mistake
That's some severe battered wife syndrome you've got there.
Nah, that's MGS 4 fags.
MGS V is great.
Expectations weren't as high for PW, partly because it came out only a couple years after MGS4 and there simply wasn't enough time for the hype to build that much, but also because it was "only" (a shitty excuse, really) a PSP game.
But Peace Walker also had a lot more variety and personality, and it was generally better-paced and had a less irritating structure. I think MGSV is the better game simply because sneaking isn't quite so broken, but I can understand why someone might prefer PW. Especially if they were fond of co-op.
How can a video game ruin your day so suddenly?
it ruined my life and I never forget it.
>He thinks he knows what it's like for a video game to utterly ruin your life
I bet my life savings on duke.
When does the cutscene when Snake rubs ashes on his face happen? I'm about to fight skull face, but never saw it.
Later, you'll see. It's one of a few remaining post "end" cutscenes.
Fight me.
MGSV was such a fucking let down that I compare the disappointment with Mass Effect 3
Peace Walker was universally hated on here pre-MGSV. It's still pretty hated.
>Universally hated
Shut the fuck up.
The fight with salt was literally identical to the Zeke battle
I think MGS4 is worse than MGSV in nearly every respect.
MGSV at least has the oil refinery, the mansion, and OKB Zero. MGS4 has fuck all. Not even the first two acts are that good. The only decent sneaking is the first part of Act 5.
PW was shit because of the loading screens every 20 yards, the boss fights were mooks in vehicles, and it was on the fucking PSP.
No it was worse, at least Zeke had multiple hardpoints you could damage to stun or immobilize it along with the flame thrower dick
Sally was literally a huge bullet spoinge
Sure, if you completely ignore every different aspect in the actual gameplay of the games.
I won't disagree. All V had to do was take the first two acts of 4 and expand on them. If it was just like... 10-20 maps of that same quality, I would have been thrilled.
Instead they screwed the pooch. They held that poor pooch down and reamed its asshole raw.
>ask people on Sup Forums what they wanted from MGSV story
>sniper wolf
>gray fox
>solid snake
Goddammnit I hate the metal gear community the amount of people who genuinely give MGSV shit for not being phantom menace astounds me
MGS4 proves the fanservice is unbearable
Could I play V without playing any other of the games and still enjoy it?
I think the thing no one understands is there was nothing V could've added to the story.
3 was already more than enough to explain Big Boss falling into evil. He saw soldiers being used as a tool so he wanted to find a perfect life for them.
Peace Walker explains him getting the army and has him rejecting The Boss, and embracing the usage of nuclear weaponry.
That's it. That's the end of Big Boss character. There was nothing more about him you could've learned.
V instead opted to be about the players legacy, which was a good choice, but Kojima should have learned from Raiden that making players think more about a story than MUH BOSS SO BADASS XD will result in them crying for 10 years.
Venom Snake is a more compelling protagonist than Big Boss btw.
Absolutely. It plays nothing like any of the other ones, and is fairly disconnected from the rest of the games, although the ending is some metatextual shit that makes more sense if you've played the franchise for years.
You would honestly probably enjoy it more without all the baggage.
In that case though its just a really good 7/10
I love that the three most common complaints about Metal Gear was that the plots were convoluted, it was hard to play one on its own, and that there were too many cutscenes
V gets rid of all of that and improved the quality of the gameplay and voice acting so it's the worst in the franchise
Boss, get down!
Ok thanks guys
>Real time base development
Ruined a lot of this for me.
Run around in circles, shoot with rocket, call in supply drop, take cover so railgun doesn't kill you, destroy missiles fired slowly at you.
Which boss did I just tell you how to beat? Sally or Zeke?
>Getting rid of convoluted plots
>Story hard to play on its own
lol no.
The game starts off totally assuming you beat peace walker and got the true ending.
no it doesn't. GZ does a perfect job of explaining whats happening.
I'm a fan of this series that has played all the games over so many times, from MG 1 to 4.
I haven't played peace walker, and i never will. and I understood what was happening perfectly.
the motherbase stuff was just a bad decision in both games, all of that stuff should have just been left to cutscenes.
There's no way to do that kind of stuff without either giving it all away at once, and making it pointless, or making it an unlockable call of duty phone game grind, which is just as bad.
pw story >>>>>>>>> pp story
ai based on the boss because the ai scientist loved her not uploaded consciousness you dipshit
literally nothing wrong with it
plenty wrong with medic boss, skull face, cut content, ocelot, etc
I sort've agree, but I don't think venom should have been an insert for the player. I think venom should have been a fleshed out character that suffers with big bosses memories and his own actual memories of who he was prior to waking up in V.
Make the game about the horror of warfare when it's not you working for an organization that's "good", similar to what raiden was, but different. Go more in depth with the personality disassociation, make things seem like theyre real when we find out later they aren't, make venom struggle with his own identity and being big boss the whole time. I think these are themes that were in V but were super shallow, the farthest it goes is with paz's tapes, which imo is one of the best parts of the game.
Not only would players have come to appreciate venom, but they'd get to first hand witness what big bosses decisions to save himself actually mean to someone other than himself, when youre on the other side of it.
good version of venom: mgs2 raiden
venom is a cuck
This is what I thought the game was gonna be about, and like you said it's implied, but Kojima isn't a good enough writer to pull it off, that type of story takes subtlety. Visually he could convey all of this, but I don't think he could check his ego and let someone else write that for him.
I'm not disappointed because of the lack of head canon pandering we didn't get, I thought we were gonna get a melancholic, PTSD, split personality mgs with lots of fucked up visuals and the possibility of venom being the device to convey that big boss is a warmongering piece of shit from a fresh perspective, but unfortunately, I don't think Kojima has the humility to ever tarnish his characters like that. So instead he opted for some pseudo vague on the fence "guess it's up to you to decide ;^)" ending while hammering home all the details and killing his own story's mystery.
PW isn't universally loved the only people who like it are cocksucking kojimadrones who self insert into the shitty anime story and pretend miller and paz are their friends