Genetically perfect

>genetically perfect
>has to wear glasses

>genetically perfect
>has a goddamn ugly face


Go on

>genetically perfect
>is a woman

What if perfect vision is actually a genetic imperfection?

she's ugly as sin I don't understand how people commission so much work of her

Here's a (You), faggot.

Sorry I don't play Overwatch but what is her name? I want to research for high quality porn


>Constantly hyped for her amazing ass
>Her ass is actually just an average ass in a tight outfit

Why couldn't Bioware actually give her fat tits and a bubble butt? Why does Bioware have no trouble with making ugly girls, but when it comes time to make particularly attractive ones they flounder?

Holy fuck, your mutant line must be ended

Yeah because Miranda looks like her at all.

Did you post this somehow thinking it would change his mind from thinking Miranda has an ugly face? The woman they modeled her after is gorgeous, but Bioware utterly fucked up their execution.

This. Did no one see that Chess Grandmaster article?

Women can't into rational thinking like men. Therefore they cannot be genetically perfect. It's absurd.

>but Bioware utterly fucked up their execution.

Has Bioware ever made a legitimately attractive woman in their games? They're always going on and on about how people have imperfections and shit, but you never actually run into a character that's just legitimately gorgeous.

Fuck, remember Cassandra in Dragon Age 2? She was a cutie Inquisitor type, and in 3 they turned her into some sort of butch.

I just wanted to post Yvonne. You guys made a good point about their botching of the execution. I overreacted.

Do you not have eyes?

Did they model her butt off the same woman too?

>genetically perfect

come on now. does anyone actually believe this? It's pretty obviouse the genetically perfect person is Arabian, cause we-I mean, they were pretty much the first humans and Allah-, I mean, God's blessed people.

Schopenhauer pls

What is he doing with his hands


showing how wide and gaping your waifu's buttwhole is

They exaggerated.

omg post source


What I don't get is, "10, 50, 100... most beautiful women" lists almost always top off with a nice blended person like Halle Berry or Alicia Keys but for whatever reason Bioware goes with some mostly-white-the-rest-is-mexican fuckdoll bimbo looking bitch with a bonus manjaw. I mean, come on.

>Bioware utterly fucked up their execution
It's almost comical how much of their last decade can be summarized by that statement.

Is that Miranda?

I'm a Liarafag, but goddamn, she was the best human girl in the series.

Nobody's perfect.

Because you have shit taste and they don't make games for yo- you know what, you're right.

Close enough.

>genetically PEH-fect, Shepard
>wasn't modeled on Nathalie Emmanuel

>need an excuse to post cropped porn thread

post the real shit ya bitch so we can practice our gets and post doujins

why do video games need to model off of actual humans?
wouldn't it be better to just make one from imagination?

Because most artists struggle forming decent looking humans, let alone hack video game designers

I miss Chuck.

>inb4 plastic waifu dolls somehow prove the Japanese don't

Holy Shit, I didn't even realize

I don't want to live in a future where a Shitpostani accent is considered to be "perfect."

Sarah doesn't.

>try to model Miranda after this beautiful woman
>model her after Michael Jackson instead

>genetically perfect
>Is a woman

It's not like she has a terrible ass.

Jill was modeled from an actual girl
when the contract ended they ended up using a generic blonde

That's a funny way of spelling Clémence Poésy

Oh well, at least she's basically the same character in that new season of 24. And if I drink enough, I can almost forget that she was in Dexter.

I always loved the way Liara looked. I think all human women are just terrible though in the ME universe


The woman it's based off is pretty hot, but BioWare sucks at everything so they fucked up importing the face into the game's engine.


This is literally the perfect size for a woman in all aspects.

Mass Effect 2, noob

Her ass isn't even the best in the games. It's just really big and round. Tali and Aria have her beat.

I wonder if she knows how much porn there is of a character with her literal face. Miranda looks fucked up, but the resemblance is definitely there.

>It's just really big and round

mm it's how I like that ass tho

>those jangly teeth
>that under-bite
She's too cute for you perverts!

Bobby Fischer was insane, and probably had a mental illness.

There's actually a lot of evidence that vision imperfections can be the result of environmental factors, such as not getting enough sunlight during childhood. I don't know her "lore" but someone could be genetically perfect and still have bad vision, just like someone could be genetically perfect, but a fat fuck because they love eating hamburgers.

nigga it's from porn

Her jaw is too strong?


or that

Needing glasses isn't always genetically based.

For that matter, being genetically perfect doesn't mean a perfect phenotype. Retake your biology course.

Don't tell me you don't believe white people are superior in every way.

no one cares nerd

>people actually discuss this shit instead of dumping sfm webms

How can anything with redundant chromosomes be considered perfect?

What the fuck does genetically perfect even mean?

Pretty and perfect beyond belief

Pic related